757 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
calcul de durée |
2012-09-03 |
laila pose la question : un bus démarre de paris à 8h 45mn s'il fait 42h 20 mn de trajet entre paris et la ville suivante à quelle heure il arrivera à la ville suivante.
est ce qu'il ya un shema pour calculer ou comment procéder. je sais qu'il faut additionner 8h 45 mn à 42h 20mn, mais comment on trouve le résultat rapidement. merci Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Les dérivées partielles |
2012-05-16 |
Haddouche pose la question : Bonjour,
Je vous demande de bien vouloir m'éclaircir comment on calcule les dérivées partielles généralement étudiées dans les modèles de la concurrence fiscale à titre d'exemple celui de Wildasin ""NASH EQUILIBRIA IN MODELS OF TAX COMPETITION "", dont j'ai essayé toutes les méthodes et aucune d'elle n'est arrivée à trouver le résultat des dérivées de ce dérnier papier, à cet effet, je vous serais reconnaissant de m'éclaicir la méthode afin de résoudre ce problème qui pour moi un vrai mistère à percer.
Je vous remercie infiniment à l'avance.
Et comptant sur votre compréhension, mes salutations les meilleures.
HA Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Les calcules avec les heures |
2011-09-09 |
johanna pose la question : bonjour
je voudrais pouvoir expliquer a mon fils ces calcules avec les heures, mais franchement je n'y comprend rien, pouvez vous m'aider.
voilà le premier calcul:
1h35min29s - 46min37s
deuxiéme exercice:
calculer la durée d'une emission télévisé qui débute à 20h40min et se termine à 22h17min.
troisiéme exercie:
je suis partie en vacances le 25 juillet. Mes vacances ont durées 2 semaines. Quel jours suis-je revenu?
quatroéme exercice: je pars de st-pierre, je prend le bus.
je veut arrivé à st-denis à 10h et demi.
je sais que la durée du trajet st-pierre /st-denis est de 1h50min.
a quel heure dois-je partir de st-pierre. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Quel est le 6e nombre dans la serie suivante |
2010-08-13 |
jeff pose la question : Quel est le 6e nombre dans la serie suivante: 1,2,6,42,1806,... Stephen La Rocque and Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Un bénéfice de 5% |
2008-03-11 |
mahiques pose la question : Un propriétaire decide de vendre deux parcelles de terrains pour un montant total de 141750 F. Il fait un bénéfice de 15% sur la première et une perte de 10% sur la deuxième. L'ensemble de la transaction lui a rapporté un bénéfice de 5%.combien a-t-il vendu chacune des parcelles ? Pierre-Louis Gagnon lui répond. |
800 poules pondent 800 oeufs en 8 jours |
2007-12-17 |
VONT-ELLES PONDENT D'OEUFS EN 4 JOURS? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Problème de géométrie |
2005-04-29 |
Christian pose la question : C un cercle de centre I et de rayon 3 cm.
SORT est un carré inscrit dans le cercle C
M est un point quelconque de C Calculer la somme des carrés des distances de M aux sommets du carré (MS2 + MO2 +MR2 + MT2)
Cette somme dépend-elle de la position de M sur le cercle ? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
6 poules pondent 6 oeufs en 6 jours |
2005-03-01 |
Nathalie pose la question : SACHANT QUE 6 POULES PONDENT 6 OEUFS EN 6 JOURS, COMBIEN 12 POULES PONDENT D'OEUFS EN 12 JOURS? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
les formules d'aire et de volume de les solides |
2003-02-01 |
Annie pose la question : Je cherche le nom des mathématiciens qui ont découvert les différentes formules d'aire et de volume de tous les solides ( boule, cube, les prismes, cylindre, cône, pyramide, polyèdres réguliers). Je cherche aussi à trouver comment ils ont démontré l'exactitude de ces formules. L'important, c'est de connaître le nom des mathématiciens qui ont découvert ces formules. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Ses points de discontinuités est les irrationnelles |
2002-01-08 |
Un eleve pose la question : Je voudrait montrer qu'il n'existe pas de fonction de R--->R tels que ses points de discontinuités est les irrationnelles, en utilisant la methode de "baire". Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Les tableaux de conversions |
2001-05-03 |
Jean-Jacques pose la question : Sur quel site est il possible de trouver tous les tableaux de conversions de mètres,kg,litre,m2,m3 Quelle est la relation entre les m3 et les litres 1 m3 = 1000 litres = 1000 kg? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles |
2000-08-02 |
Sonia pose la question : J'aimerai savoir comment s'appelle un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles équilatéraux égaux. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Maths |
1999-01-11 |
Stephane Roissard pose la question : Soit ABC un triangle dans lequel les trois médianes sont de meme longueur. Montrer que ce triangle est quilatéral. Jack LeSage lui répond. |
Le sang humain |
1998-10-06 |
Golden pose la question : Le sang humain contient approximativement 2,5 x globules rouges. Chaque globule a un rayon de 0,004 mm. Si on le place ces globules bout a bout, quelle est la longeur de la chaine en millimetres? En kilometres? Compare toi avec la circonference de la terre (24 000 km) (Travail avec exposants) Claude Tradif lui répond. |
les fractions |
1998-02-24 |
Colette Huguenin pose la question : Bonjour je révise mes math de tout les secondaire et le livre louer la bibliothèque n'est pas entier voici le genre de problêmes qui me bloque (5 4/5+1/2)divisé 1/3 je sais que je dois commencer par la parenthèse mais...je fait quoi comme opération avec le 5? dois-je le multiplier ou l'additionner ou.......????? si je pouvais seulement avoir la base des fractions je redébloquerais surement Diane Hanson lui répond. |
Question de trigonométrie |
1997-12-11 |
Jean-Pierre Quesnel pose la question : Je suis dans le désert et je parcours 1000 km à partir du point "A" jusqu'au point "B". Si je reviens au point "A" et fais une rotation de 8 degrés en faisant un autre 1000 km, quelle sera la distance en km entre les points "B" et "C". Diane Hanson et Penny Nom lui répond. |
Simplify |
2021-02-05 |
Leslie pose la question : To simplify improper fractions, do you convert it to a mixed number or leave as an improper fraction? My daughter had a quiz in which she was supposed to simplify her answers. So, for example, on one question the answer she got was 11/10 and on another question she came up with 17/12. The teacher marked these as incorrect because they were mixed numbers. Her teacher wrote on her paper, "**name**, I even gave this back to you and told you to go through and simplify your answers!" We (her father and I) feel that the teacher wanted her to convert her answers, not simplify them but I haven't been able to find a definitive answer online. So, does simplifying improper fractions mean converting them to mixed numbers? Thank you for your help! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Filling holes with stone dust |
2020-07-30 |
Zach pose la question : I’m looking for amount of stone dust needed for thirteen holes with
a 3ft depth and 12in diameter with a 4x4 post. I would need the
measurement in KG. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A hexagonal planter |
2020-05-28 |
Callie pose la question : Hello, I'm having trouble cutting my angles for my 2 x 4 planter. I did exactly as I've watched and read and mine is just not turning out! Ok, so I want 6 or 8 piece hexagon. With an interior of about 10". So I understand that the boards can be any length, but its the 30 degree or 22 1/2" angles that matter. So. How do I figure how long my 2 x 4 is with 6. and another 8 pieces of 2 x 4 to make this planter and at what angle. So does the length determine the angle? Thank you in advance! i don't want to waste anymore wood! And how to figure length, angle and center circumference? Harley Weston lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2020-04-16 |
jo pose la question : Find the angle between the two sides of length 5 in an isosceles triangle that has one side of length 9 and two sides of length 5. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A hexagon constructed from two triangles |
2020-04-13 |
sunny pose la question : Triangles AEC and FDB are equilateral triangles and EA= DF= 12cm. The polygon
at the center of the star is a regular hexagon. What is the area of the hexagon? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2020-02-23 |
Reagan pose la question : I need to find the height of an isosceles triangle with a base of 6 and sides of 4 units. How do I find it? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The area of a triangle from two angles and a side |
2020-02-10 |
Chinmoy pose la question : How to measure the area of a triangle with two angles and length of the included side known? Harley Weston lui répond. |
What is the smallest 4 digit number? |
2020-01-10 |
Ullas pose la question : What is the smallest 4 digit number? Penny Nom lui répond. |
What do you call a 43-sided polygon? |
2020-01-06 |
Alniko pose la question : What do you call a 43-sided polygon and what is its interior angle's total measure? Penny Nom lui répond. |
10 miles in 2 minutes |
2019-12-20 |
james pose la question : how fast would you be traveling to go 10 miles in 2 minutes? Harley Weston lui répond. |
4" x 4" square tiles |
2019-09-18 |
Jill pose la question : how many 4" x 4" square tiles would I need for 50 square feet? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Can one equation with two variables be solved algebraically? |
2019-08-30 |
Don pose la question : Can one equation with two variables be solved algebraically? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2019-05-23 |
Arman pose la question : Two concentric circles have their centres at
point C. The radius of the smaller circle is
8 cm. The length of chord AB is 26 cm and
is tangent to the smaller circle. What is the
circumference of the larger circle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Do all angles have to be equal to a number? |
2019-05-15 |
Malik pose la question : Do all angles have to be equal to a number? By all angles I mean adjacent, vertical, supplementary, complementary. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Internal acute angles |
2019-04-02 |
karan pose la question : Prove that a convex polygon cannot have more than three acute internal
angles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Misuse of greater than |
2019-03-07 |
Kenneth pose la question : I have an old business mathematics textbook. The authors have indicated that the following expressions indicate multiplication:
? is 2/3 greater than 90; ? is 2/3 smaller than 90. They also indicated that the following expression would indicate division: 30 is 2/3 greater than ? and 30 is 2/3 smaller than ?.
How can these phrases indicate multiplication and division? How can 60 be 2/3 greater than 90 and also smaller than 90 as indicated above. What were the authors thinking? I have added the page from the book that indicates what I have explained in my message
Kenneth Harley Weston lui répond. |
The supplement of a complement |
2019-01-25 |
Andrei pose la question : The value of the supplement of the complement of 8° is ?°. Penny Nom lui répond. |
What angle s its own supplement? |
2019-01-25 |
Ciara pose la question : What is the angle of it's own supplement? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of a tower |
2018-12-12 |
Pandey pose la question : Hello sir plz solve this question. If the shadow of a tower is found to be 10.5m longer when the sun's altitude is 45°AND60°. Find the height of the tower. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Speed |
2018-11-06 |
Dolores pose la question : if I drove 3/4 mile in 32 seconds, what was my speed ? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A 3500 acre ranch |
2018-08-30 |
Dee pose la question : I am in the middle of writing the description of the size of a ranch in my story.
It is 3500 acres. How does that equate into mileage? The main ranch house is
at one end, and the foreman's ranch house at the other end. Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the diameter of the observable universe? |
2018-05-27 |
peter pose la question : The diameter of the observable universe is calculated to be 92 billion light years. What would that distance be in miles given a light year is 6 trillion miles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rods,poles and perches |
2018-05-13 |
roy pose la question : i have some land and its measured in rods poles and perches
how cann i convert to understand it more Penny Nom lui répond. |
Seven tangent circles |
2018-04-23 |
Domenick pose la question : How to calculate the circumscribed and inscribed circles formed by seven .019685 diameter circles arranged in a circle with all seven circles tangent to each other? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Multiplies and factors |
2018-02-24 |
Lil pose la question : Is a multiple the same as a factor? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The wholesale price given the retail price and the markup |
2018-02-07 |
Matthew pose la question : Retail $99
Mark-up is 80%
What is the equation to find the original (wholesale) price (55)?
thanks Penny Nom lui répond. |
Similar rectangles |
2018-01-31 |
Kathy pose la question : A rectangular picture frame is 14 inches long and 4 inches wide. Which dimensions could a similar picture frame have.
8 L X 21 W
35 L X 15 W
49 L X 14 W
7 L X 3 W Penny Nom lui répond. |
A range hood |
2017-12-04 |
Chuck pose la question : I'm building a custom range hood and can't seem to get the angles correct where the front and side panels intersect.
I saw a similar post but there's no way I can do the calculations for a Wolfram Alpha!
Here are the dimensions that I have (in inches)...
Base - Front 29 7/16" x side 19 3/16"
Top - Front 10" x side 9"
Front Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) 21"
Side Panel Length (from base to top on an angle) - 17 9/16"
Vertical distance from the base to the top 14 1/4 inches.
Any help finding the bevel/miter of the two front corners where the sides meet the front panel would be greatly appreciated.
I will need the angle for the saw in degrees.
Thank you in advance!
Chuck Harley Weston lui répond. |
Five bales |
2017-10-08 |
John pose la question :
two answers were given... I believe both to be incorrect.
five bales weighed two at a time: weightx2 given: 110,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,120, and 121. It stated all combinations ie: ab,ac,ad,ad,bc,bd,be, etc. to arrive at the above 10 combined weights. I come up with the following...
Bale A= 54lbs, Bale B=56, Bale C=58, Bale D=59. and Bale E=62 pounds.
A+B=110, A+C=112, A+D=, B+C=114, B+D=115 ,A+E=116 ,C+D=117, B+E=118 ,C+E=120, and D+E=121 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four multiples of 10 |
2017-09-23 |
Laudacir pose la question : Four multiples of 10 are added together.the total is a 3 digit number with three consecutive digits. What could the four number be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Complementary angles |
2017-09-15 |
SM pose la question : The measure of angle A is 60 degrees more than its complement. Find the measure of angle A. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An impossible problem |
2017-09-15 |
Fay pose la question : Given math homework problem of: Gary and Larry given 2 numbers and told to add together. Gary subtracted and got 14. Larry multiplied and got 799. I tried substitution:
X-Y=14 and X x Y=799
X= Y+14
(Y+14) Y=799 and here I'm stuck at Y squared+14 Y= 799
using substitution I got 47x17=799 but not 14b when subtracted. HELP????? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2017-08-13 |
Ladines pose la question : Find the equation of the circle passing through points of intersections of circles x²+y²=4y and x²+y²=2x and the center is on line y=2 Penny Nom lui répond. |
3 consecutive multiples of 11 |
2017-07-22 |
nisha pose la question : using the multiples formula shown at ypur site how can we solve finding 3 consecutive multiples of 11 whose sum is 363 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Squares and rectangles |
2017-07-15 |
Tront pose la question : So, there's a general rule that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. Im trying to find a term that would describe this relationship. I've found that if all of A is B but not all B is A then I'd say that A is a subset of B, but is there a term that describes the relationship as a whole? I don't want to describe the components, I want to describe the relationship as a whole. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Yards per second to miles per hour |
2017-05-11 |
Scott pose la question : If a soccer ball travels 30 yards or roughly .017 miles in 2 seconds how fast was the ball going in mph? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of a isosceles trapezoid |
2017-04-03 |
Riham pose la question : Hi
How can I find the height in an isosceles trapezoid if I have the measurements of all of its sides ?
Thank u in advance. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Feet per second to miles per hour |
2017-01-27 |
ron pose la question : if a vehicle travels 50 feet in 2.5 seconds what is the speed in mph.
3600 sec in hour /5280 feet in a mile i get .68181818. how do i figure the 2.5
seconds. all the calculators I've used show 34 mph is that correct or am i forgetting the 2.5 second. please help. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle inscribed in an isosceles triangle |
2017-01-14 |
Sal pose la question : There is a right isosceles triangle. Inscribed inside of it, is the largest possible circle.
Ho do you find the value of the radius?
I want to find out a way of only using the rules/laws of geometry, or is that not possible. Penny Nom lui répond. |
8^3/2(2+2) |
2017-01-13 |
Mary pose la question : 8^3/2(2+2) Penny Nom lui répond. |
An angle and its complement |
2017-01-10 |
Ysa pose la question : If the measure of an angle is twice the measure of its complement, what is the measure of the angle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2016-12-21 |
shrestha pose la question : Two concentric circles have radii of 14 cm and 7 cm respectively. Find the area of space between them. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A sales tax of 7% |
2016-12-07 |
Kenneth pose la question : Hello:
If a sales tax of 7% is placed on every $1.00 of merchandise for sale, is it correct to indicate
the tax as 7%/ per $1.00 or 7%/$1.00? If the calculation is expressed as 7%/$1.00 X $5.00,
the tax is not $0.35 but 0.35. Is a tax rate of 7% incorrectly represented as 7%/$1.00
since the dollar unit cancels from the multiplication?
I thank you for your reply. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Acres and miles |
2016-11-30 |
Carolyn pose la question : If I am running a pipeline of 1,100 miles, how many one acre plots will it take to cover this distance?
Carolyn Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two tangent circles |
2016-11-27 |
mikee pose la question : find the equation of a circle tangent to the circle x2+y2=4
and with the center at (0,5) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three circles |
2016-10-30 |
yolani pose la question : two equal circles with centre A (1;1)and B (4;5)touch a third circle with centre P as shown in the diagram. If P ,A and B Lie on a straight line find the coordinates of P Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many marbles does Haley have? |
2016-10-19 |
Pat pose la question : Sabrina has 1/4 the marbles as Haley.
They have 305 total. How many marbles does Haley have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Hexagonal pyramid bevel angles |
2016-09-30 |
Peter pose la question : I have seen your response to a similar question from Steve which Chris and Harley responded to, however I am not familiar with some of the terms. Is there a formula that I can enter my details in which will give me the specific angles I require. The item I am constructing is much larger than the one you responded to previously. Thank you for any assistance you are able to provide. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A search area |
2016-08-13 |
tammy pose la question : if your searching an area and you go 300 km from point A and search 380° what or how much area would you search? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The number of sides of a polygon |
2016-07-23 |
Shriya pose la question : All the angles of a polygon are either 155° or 140°.
There are twice as many angles of 155 °or 140°.
Find the number of sides of the polygon Penny Nom lui répond. |
A congruence theorem for two right angled triangles |
2016-07-17 |
Sayari pose la question : Hello.
Is it possible for two right angled triangles to have the same length of base and height and a different hypotenuse? If not so, then why in the congruence criteria RHS the hypotenuse is given more importance? It can also be like- 'two triangles are congruent if they are right angled and have the same base and height.'
Thank You. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The difference between the ares of two rectangles |
2016-06-09 |
Ingrid pose la question : I am trying to help my son with an area question.
I have the answer, from the solutions, but I cannot figure out how to teach him.
Two rectangles have lengths 13cm and 19cm respectively.
Their total area is 376cm squared.
If both their widths are whole numbers, what is the difference in their areas?
I know that this is solvable once I determine the widths of the rectangles ,
but how do I go about finding that?
Thanks for your help Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
A trough with a triangular cross section |
2016-05-21 |
Clarice pose la question : A trough having an equilateral triangle end sections has sides equal to 0.4 m and 7m long.what is the volume of the liquid in the container if the depth of the water is one half the depth of the trough? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Filling a pit with glass pebbles |
2016-05-17 |
Sam pose la question : I need to know how many pounds of glass pebbles are needed to fill a 24 inch across circular fire pit, if 5 pounds covers 4"H x 4"W x2"D? Thank u for any assistance, Sam Penny Nom lui répond. |
Solve 2^2x + 3(2^x) - 4 = 0 |
2016-04-27 |
Lloyd pose la question : Solve the equation 2^2x + 3(2^x) - 4 = 0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
External and interior angles of a regular polygon |
2016-04-19 |
pearl pose la question : a polygon has n sides.The exterior angle is 8 times the interior angle
find the value of the interior angle
find the value of n Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle |
2016-03-25 |
NIHAL pose la question : A isosceles triangle is inscribed in a circle having sides 20cm,20cm,30cm. find the radius of circle Penny Nom lui répond. |
Angles |
2016-03-12 |
Laurynn pose la question : What are angles in general (please include the 'angle of incline')
Thank you
Laurynn Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a floor |
2016-03-05 |
joanne pose la question : How many floor tiles 20x20 inch do I need for area of 8x 12 ft.? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of the angles of a triangle |
2016-02-24 |
Sophia pose la question : Does every triangle add up to 180 degrees? (Such as a unique triangle) Penny Nom lui répond. |
The interior and external angles of a regular polygon |
2016-02-17 |
percy pose la question : a regular polygon has n sides .The size of each interior angle is eight times the size of each exterior angle .
1.find the size of each exterior angle
2.calculate the value of n Penny Nom lui répond. |
Consecutive angles of a parallelogram |
2016-01-28 |
Hanna pose la question : The consecutive angles of a parallelogram measures Penny Nom lui répond. |
The length of an 80 acre piece of land |
2016-01-21 |
Eugene pose la question : Have to clear a piece of land 80 acres by 500 feet wide. What is the length of the property? Thanks Gene Penny Nom lui répond. |
Book sales |
2015-12-30 |
Sandra pose la question : Your finance text book sold 56,500 copies in its first year. The publishing company expects the sales to grow at a rate of 20.0 percent for the next three years, and by 8.0 percent in the fourth year. Calculate the total number of copies that the publisher expects to sell in year 3 and 4. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles of a triangle |
2015-12-17 |
Faith pose la question : Does the measure of angle determine the length of its side? For example two angles are congruent then the sides are also congruent because from my understanding the angle determine the shape of triangle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Linear equations in two variables |
2015-12-13 |
priya pose la question : I have problem in solving these equations please help me today itself very urgent:
II)pie*x+y=9 Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angle at the vertex of an isosceles triangle |
2015-11-25 |
Karan pose la question : I have been given an isosceles triangle. the Top angle is what i have to find out and the two sides adjacent to it are both 4.9 cm. i have been told that the area of the triangle is 4 cm^2. i have no idea how to work this out, any ideas? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The measure of an angle in terms of its complement |
2015-11-22 |
Pam pose la question : Can you please help me so I can help my daughter the equation is the measure of angle v is 4 time the measure of its complement what is the measure of angle v when the equation is 4x+x=90 Penny Nom lui répond. |
A conditional probability problem |
2015-08-24 |
Faustina. pose la question : Please I have an exam tomorrow. And I have tried by best in solving this Question. An urn contains 10 white, 5 yellow and 10 black marble. A marble is chosen at random from the urn and it is noted that it is one of the black marble, what is the probability that it is yellow? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The length of a shadow |
2015-08-01 |
maaz pose la question : Hello
I am having trouble with this question:
Lizzie, who is 6 feet tall, stands in her driveway at night, exactly
24 feet from the base of a spotlight, and casts a shadow that is 12
feet long if her friend Hannah who is 5 feet tall decides to stand
next to lizzie how long will her shadow be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ? |
2015-06-18 |
Sharon pose la question : 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ?
I got 1 as my answer despite BODMAS making it 12 because logic tells
me I ought to place brackets around the first set of repeated addition. Could you
please clarify this for me? Thank you 😊 Harley Weston lui répond. |
The area of an isosceles triangle |
2015-06-11 |
Pradipta pose la question : Find the area of an isosceles triangle having two equal sides of 20 cm each and angle between them 45 degree ? ( solve without trigonometric function). Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2015-05-28 |
Shannan pose la question : Two concentric circles have radii of 24cm and 26cm. What is the length of the chord that is tangent to the inner circle? Include a sketch Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles right triangle |
2015-05-17 |
Ari pose la question : In a 45-45-90 triangle find the ratio of a leg to the hypotenuse Penny Nom lui répond. |
An octagonal frame around a pool |
2015-05-17 |
James pose la question : I have a 20' pool and need to put a frame around it using 2by 4 what r the lengths and angle cuts Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sales tax |
2015-05-05 |
Adalyn pose la question : Hello i've been having some trouble with math, The question is asking for a GST
and a PST
of a 30.00 dollar shirt. I don't know how to find the GST or the PST please help Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2015-04-21 |
Juniper pose la question : Two concentric circles have radii of 4 cm and 8 cm. A segment is drawn so that it is tangent to the smaller circle and a chord of the larger circle. How long is the segment? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A wireless fence |
2015-04-18 |
Dave pose la question : I'm buying a wireless fence to keep my pet in my yard. It has a half acre range. In a straight line how far would that be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The area of the ring between two concentric circles |
2015-04-08 |
Conner pose la question : The area of the ring between two concentric circles is 25pi/2 square inches. The length of a chord of the larger circle tangent to the smaller circle is? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle |
2015-03-23 |
Rachel pose la question : Triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle inscribed in circle O. If each leg of the triangle is 13cm and the altitude to the base of triangle ABC is 5cm, find the radius of the circle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2015-02-25 |
Manasi pose la question : The area between 2 concentric circles is 6 times the smaller circle. Radius of small circle is 7 cm. Find the difference in the circumference of the bigger circle ad the smaller circle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle and an arc |
2015-02-18 |
Sreeharsha pose la question : The diagram shows an isosceles triangle ABC in which BC = AC = 20 cm, and angle BAC = 0.7
radians. DC is an arc of a circle, centre A. Find, correct to 1 decimal place,
(i) the area of the shaded region, [4]
(ii) the perimeter of the shaded region. [4] Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a room |
2015-02-16 |
Owen pose la question : nicolas room is 56m2 she wants to put tiles down which are 50cm by 50cm each cost £4 how much money will she spend Penny Nom lui répond. |
Jack and Jill climb two poles |
2015-02-02 |
APRIL pose la question : Two vertical poles are 3 meters apart. Jack is climbing one pole while Jill climbs the other. If the distance between Jack and Jill is 5 meters, how much higher is Jill than John? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of Lake Utah |
2015-01-29 |
Hannan pose la question : Lake Utah has a surface area of 3,846 square miles and an average depth of 10.5 feet. In cubic miles, how much water does it hold?
How would you approach this question? Where would you start? Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
128/(-16)/(-2) |
2015-01-28 |
jackie pose la question : 128/(-16)/(-2) I was wondering if you can show me how to work this question out Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2015-01-25 |
nazneen pose la question : select the correct answer from the given four options
given are two concentric circles. radii of outer circle & inner circle are r1 & r2 respectively.
the areas of inner circle & shaded ring are equal. the radii r1 & r2 are related by?
1. r1 = r2
2. r1 = r2*square root 2
3. r1 = r2*square root 3
4. r1 = 2r2 Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2014-12-31 |
ahmadmahmoud pose la question : an isoseles triangle is such that each of the base angles is twice the vertical angle.Find the angles of the triangle Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cutting a hexagon with a sliding miter saw |
2014-11-23 |
Joseph pose la question : I need the angles in degrees for a hexagon one side is 18inches on the outside the problem I am having is in the angle of the cut and I am using a sliding miter saw which only goes from0 degrees to 45 degrees so I need help in getting the angle of the cut Harley Weston lui répond. |
The region between two concentric circles |
2014-10-27 |
Ray pose la question : two circles, concentric; Given the length of chord of outer circle that is tangent to inner circle. what are the areas of both? how to calculate? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Building an 8 sided box |
2014-10-14 |
Michael pose la question : I want to build an 8 sided box. The North, East, South, and West sides I want them to be 4 feet in length.
The NE, SE, SW, and NW sides I want to be 2 feet in length. What angles do I need to cut my angles.
Thanks Michael Penny Nom lui répond. |
Interior angles in a parallelogram |
2014-08-30 |
xavier pose la question : so, one of my math homework questions requires me to know how to find out how to find the interior angles in a parallelogram, the question is, "how many interior angles does a parallelogram have?" Penny Nom lui répond. |
Filling three holes with stones |
2014-08-20 |
mark pose la question : how many tonnes of hardcore/crushed stone would it take to fill
1 hole 9ft diameter 5ft deep
and 2 holes both 3ft diameter and 5ft deep Penny Nom lui répond. |
A barge of triangular cross section |
2014-08-18 |
tushar pose la question : a barge of triangular cross section is 20m long 12 m wide and 6m deep.its floats in SW at a draft if 4m find its displacement Penny Nom lui répond. |
The length of a shadow |
2014-05-09 |
vijay pose la question : A girl of height 80 cm is running away from the base of a lamp-post at a speed of 2 m/s. If the lamp is 4 m above the ground, find the length of her shadow after 5 seconds. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The derivative of sin(x) |
2014-04-26 |
Lucky pose la question : f(x)=Sin(x), by first principle its f'(x)...show me how to solve such problem. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle is divided into three sectors |
2014-04-17 |
atolagbe pose la question : the area of a circle is 154cm square. it is divided into three sectors such that two of the sectors are equal in size and the third sector is three times the size of the other two put together. calculate the perimeter of the third sector. take pi=22/7? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The cost before the sales tax |
2014-04-13 |
Juanda pose la question : Hello,
I know the customer cost with tax and I know the sales tax.
How do I find out the customer cost prior to the added sales tax?
Thank you Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cones |
2014-04-09 |
c.j pose la question : what is the length of the radius of the LARGER cone(the LARGER cone has a slant height of 15) when the SMALLER cone has a radius of 8 and a slant height of 12ft ,please help. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles that touch each other externally |
2014-04-08 |
Ameya pose la question : Two circles of radii a and b (a > b) touch each other externally. ST is a common tangent touching the circles at S and T respectively, then ST^2 is equal to Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Shadows of a father and son |
2014-04-02 |
esada pose la question : the father and son cast a shadow of 11 feet and 8 feet,respectively if the son is 4'8'' in height,how tall is the father? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle which is tangent to two perpendicular lines |
2014-03-09 |
MJ pose la question : I'm a College Student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education on Math Subject.
And I'm struggling for my research about Circles. I done solving the said topic particularly on this question:
"What are the possible equations of a circle being tangent to a pair of perpendicular lines, having the origin as the Point of Intersection and the C (h, k), where h, k ∈ℤ"
But I can't get what would be the process that I must do in order to jive to my idea/goal for that problem.
Please check my idea that the numerical coefficients of the equation is equal to the radius of the circle.
Thanks in advance! :) Penny Nom lui répond. |
A triangle has angels in the extended ratio of 2:5:8 |
2014-02-06 |
Rubina pose la question : a triangle has angels in the extended ratio of 2:5:8. find the measure of
all three angles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle insubscribed in an isosceles trapezoid |
2013-12-08 |
Bob pose la question : A circle is insubscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, with
parallel lengths of 8cm and 18cm.
What is the lengths of sloping edges and why? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
2 concentric circles |
2013-11-27 |
Dimaris pose la question : The radius of the outer circle of 2 concentric circles is x. An
equilateral triangle inscribed in the outer circle also circumscribes the
inner circle. What is the radius of the inner circle in terms of x? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A string wrapped around three circles |
2013-10-19 |
Jim pose la question : A recent puzzle ' find the length of a string around 3 touching
1 meter diameter circles ' gave this answer : the string
touches 120° (or pi/3 meters) of each circle. Then
3(1+pi/3) = 3+pi meters is the required length. I do not see how
it was determined that the string touches 120° or pi/3 meters?
Please explain . Thank-you , Jim Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four tangent circles |
2013-10-09 |
Nilesh pose la question : Four circular cardboard pieces, each of radius 7cm are placed in such a way that each piece touches two other pieces. How to find the area of the space enclosed by the four pieces?
Please let me know. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Miles per minute to miles per hour |
2013-09-08 |
Adam pose la question : Convert 250 miles per min to miles per hour Penny Nom lui répond. |
Constructing a triangle |
2013-08-22 |
Nazrul pose la question : The base, the difference of the angles adjoining the base and the sum of the other
two sides are given. How can I draw the triangle?
Please help me. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Similar rectangles |
2013-08-17 |
Mattie pose la question : The dimensions of a rectangular-shaped picture frame are 14 inches long and four inches wide. Which dimensions below represent another frame that i geometrically similar>
a. l=49 in. and w=14in.
b. l=7in and w=3in
c. l=21in and w=8in
d. l=24in and w=14in
thanks Penny Nom lui répond. |
A triangle construction |
2013-07-27 |
Nazrul pose la question : Two angles and the difference of the lengths of their opposite sides of a
triangle are given. How can I draw the triangle.
Please help me. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
GST and PST |
2013-07-22 |
Bev pose la question : Total sales revenues are 116391.38 this amount includes 5% GST and 80% of this amount includes a 7% provincial tax. The other 20% is PST exempt. GST is included in all. How do I figure the PST I owe? Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the smallest number? (i.e. the closest number to zero) |
2013-07-22 |
Charlie pose la question : What is the smallest number? (i.e. the closest number to zero) Harley Weston lui répond. |
4 couples golfing |
2013-07-06 |
Brian pose la question : We have 4 couples going on a 4 day golf vacation playing 4 rounds of golf.
I have spent hours trying to set up a schedule that allows the 4 spouse to play together,
and then each spouse to play with one of the other spouses (men with women) for the]
other 3 rounds.
I would like the foursomes to be different as possible. Also, no-one should RIDE in a cart with the
same person more than once.
I am not a math guy so I try to do this by working it out on paper, over
and over again. It ain't working!!
If you can help, I am very thankful.
Brian Victoria West lui répond. |
An isosceles tiangle |
2013-06-16 |
Izzy pose la question : what's the height of an isosceles triangle which has a base of 50 m, and both of the other sides are 25 m? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A kennel for a beagle |
2013-06-03 |
david pose la question : Hi, I'm building some beagle kennels and I am in need of help with an angle problem. I need to place a roof on my kennel with a drop of 2inches across 3ft 10inches. the posts on the right side will be 5ft and the post on the left will be 4ft 10in. the posts are 4x4 and the space to be covered is 3ft 10in from the outside of the 4x4. Please help, thanks. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four circles |
2013-05-29 |
varsha pose la question : four circular cardboard pieces each of radius 7cm are placed in such a way that each piece touches two other pieces. find the area enclosed by the four pieces. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2013-05-22 |
Alexandra pose la question : There are two overlapping circles. The two non-overlapping regions have areas A and B.
As the area of overlap changes, the values of A and B also change.
Prove that no matter how big and small the overlap is, the difference between
A and B is always the same. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An equation in two variables |
2013-05-14 |
Steve pose la question : Verify solutions to an equation in two variables. 4x-2y=8 (3, 2) Penny Nom lui répond. |
A triangle and an incircle |
2013-05-09 |
Max pose la question : On my Geometry Test about tangent, chord, and secant lengths, my teacher gave an extremely difficult problem.
It was a Circle inscribed in a Triangle with all triangle sides being tangents and lengths were given. My class was told to find the length of each segment of the line.
The points on each line were the vertexes of the triangle, and the point where the line hits the circle.
Please explain how someone could do this. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Drawing a pentagon |
2013-05-06 |
jacob pose la question : hello. i am trying to draw a template for a project. but i don't have a
protractor. i'm trying to draw a normal pentagon with 2cm sides. what
i'm trying to figure out is the distance in centimeters from point a, to c,
in a straight line. this is needed so that i can measure and create the
shape without a protractor, and keep the angles and sides correct.
if you can help me with the measurement, or help me another way,
any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Trigonometry |
2013-03-23 |
Tizoc pose la question : I am in a trig class and I have a conflict. When solving the length of a side, I know what trig function to use, but I do not know what angle to use in a calculator. To make this a little more understandable, if I have all the angles available in a right triangle and I use the tangent function, how do I know what to use?
Heres what I do not know what to put in my calculator: Tan(?)
Thanks in Advance! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a floor |
2013-03-18 |
whitley pose la question : Question from Whitley, a student:
How many square feet of tile do you need to cover the floor of a room that is 20ft, 25ft, 15ft, 20ft, 5ft, and 5ft
I made a replica of the floor Penny Nom lui répond. |
An electron in a TV tube |
2013-02-15 |
anu pose la question : an electron in a TV tube is beamed horizontally at a speed of (50^6) m/sec. towards the face of a tube 40 cm away
about how far will the electron drop before it hits? no information has been provided of initial height from where it is beamed. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Introductory algebra |
2012-10-30 |
kevon pose la question : if x = 7 is used in the expression 2x + 5 what is the output Penny Nom lui répond. |
Differentiation rules |
2012-10-23 |
Morgan pose la question : Use the derivative rules to differentiate each of the following:
1. f(x)=1/x-1 2. f(x)= sqrt(x) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two congruent circles in a rectangle |
2012-10-20 |
Alexander pose la question : Have you ever solved a problem, in which you have a rectangle, from which you need to cut the largest two circles of equivalent diameter? I bisected a rectangle diagonally, but the circles, while tangent to two of the sides, are not tangent to eachother. Can you devise a method for two equivalent circles, that are tangent to two sides, are also to eachother?
Take for example a piece of paper, Each if the two largest circles has a diameter that is greater than the distance to the midpoint of the diagonal bisector of the rectangle. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Percentiles |
2012-10-17 |
Kenneth pose la question : Question from Kenneth:
What is a common calculation used to determine percentiles?
For example, five employees have the following salaries:
Office worker 1 - $25,000
Office worker 2 - $27,000
Office worker 3 - $30,000
Office worker 4 - $32,000
Office worker 5 - $35,000
What is the percentile rank of office worker 3 who earns $30,000?
Here's what I know: Add the number of salaries. Total: 5
Add the smallest number of salaries less than $30,000. There are two.
Now, divide 2 by 5 and multiply by 100. 2/5 * 100 = 40
I think the office worker making $30,000 is in the 40th percentile.
and I'm not sure what this ranking indicates.
I thank you for any helpful reply and or different calculation. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Three piles of top soil |
2012-10-07 |
Steve pose la question : I need your help please, I am looking to purchase some top soil and keep getting conflicting answers.
There are 3 piles and here are the sizes;
Pile #1: 203 feet around and 21.29 feet high.
Pile #2: 195 feet around and 18.75 feet high.
Pile #3: 150 feet around and 17.98 feet high.
I look forward to hearing back from you asap.
Thank You!
Steve Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two circle problems |
2012-10-05 |
shahad pose la question : question 1
find an equation for the circle through the point (0,0) and (6,0) that a tangent to the line y=-1
question 2
find an equation for the circle through the point (0,0) and (17,7) whose center lies on the line 12x-5y=0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four tangent circles |
2012-10-04 |
renu pose la question : inside of a circle K of radius length measure R,three circular discs A,Band C each of radius r are placed so that each touches the other two and K . express R in terms of r. in the space between K, A and B , another circular disc D is placed which just touches K, A and B. if the radius is s, show that (6+root3)s=(2+root3)r Penny Nom lui répond. |
More on marbles in a jar |
2012-09-27 |
josh pose la question :
Question from josh, a student:
Suppose you have a jar containing 100 red marbles and 100 white marbles. A) If you draw 5 marbles in a row, throwing each marble across the room as you draw it, what is the probability that at least one of them was red? B) If you draw 101 marbles in a row, throwing each one across the room as you draw it, now what is the probability that at least one of them was red?
I saw that this answer was already answered but "The probability that at least one is red is 1 minus the probability that they are all white." makes no sense to me can you please explain i thought that each time a marble is taken out the amount left is different can you please explain better Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Three right triangles |
2012-07-26 |
Jora pose la question : I am having a lot of difficulties with this question.
Name: Jora
Subject: Math
Who are you: Student Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The distance between overlapping circles |
2012-07-26 |
Jeff pose la question : I have two circles of different size that overlap one another:
Circle #1 has an area(A) of 731,475, so I can calculate its radius as 482.6.
Circle #2 has an area(A) of 502,517, so I can calculate its radius as 400.
If I know that the area where they overlap is 179,271, how can I calculate the distance between the midpoints of these two circles? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Fence post holes |
2012-07-19 |
Gerry pose la question : Hello, I'm digging 30 8" dia holes, 5 ft deep for fence posts that are 4"x 4" Can you please help me figure out how much stone dust I should order for all 30 holes. Thanks Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2012-07-10 |
ken pose la question : I am trying to determine the various heights of an isosceles triangle, if each has the same base dimension and varies in the degree of the base (equal) angles. What is the method to do this?
As an example, of the base is 10, and the two equal angles are each 45 degrees, what is the height? With the same base (10), but with the two equal angles at 60 degrees, what is the height? And with the same base (10) and the two equal angles at 75 degrees, what would be the height?
I know how to calculate the degrees of the third angle (add the degrees of the known angles, and subtract from 180); but am unsure if that is needed for figuring the overall height.
And to be clear; I am not looking for the length of the sides of the triangle, but the height from the base to the top point.
Thank you! Chris Fisher lui répond. |
An octagonal sandbox around a pool |
2012-06-12 |
Linda pose la question : My pool is 15 feet across and it is round.
How do I measure to cut wood to build a sandbox around it? was thinking it will look like an octagon.
Thanks Harley Weston lui répond. |
Multiples |
2012-05-28 |
Kenneth pose la question : If I understand correctly , a multiple is a product of two numbers. For example some of the multiples of 6 are 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, etc. I just multiplied 6 by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc.
Are the multiples of a fraction, for example, 2/3, determined in the same way? Are they 2/3, 4/3, 6/3, 8/3, 10/3, etc., or are they instead, 2/3, 4/6, 6/9, 8/12, 10/15, etc.?
Or do fractions have no multiples? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How fast am i driving? |
2012-05-18 |
bozenga pose la question : How fast am I driving if I cover 40 feet in .1 seconds (1/10th of a second)? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Drawing an isosceles triangle |
2012-05-10 |
Nazrul pose la question : How can I draw an isosceles triangle whose each angle adjacent to the base is twice the vertex angle? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
How to find the base length of a isosceles triangle if only the sides are given? |
2012-04-25 |
aqilah pose la question : how to find the base length of a isosceles triangle if only the sides are given? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A common chord to two circles |
2012-04-22 |
Nicole pose la question : What is a common chord between two circles and how is it found in the problem: Two circles intersect and have a common chord, the radii of the circles are 13 and 15, the distance between the circle's centers is 14, find the common chord. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Liters and gallons |
2012-04-20 |
ann pose la question : the fuel tank of jacks car hold 72 litres when full jack uses half a tank of fuel he travels240 miles how many miles does he cover for each gallon of fuel Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2012-03-21 |
Monty pose la question : If you have a 3.75" radius circle overlapping a 5" radius circle with their centers 3" apart what would be the area of the non-overlapped portion of the small circle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Circles |
2012-03-11 |
Deniz pose la question : Two circles are externally tangent and the lengths of their diameters are 4 and 6. Find the length of the segment joining the centers of the circles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a floor |
2012-02-27 |
jamie pose la question : how many 16in by 16in blocks would it take to cover a 16ft by 16ft floor? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2012-02-08 |
crisfe pose la question : find the point where the common cord of the circles x2+y2=25, x2+y2-12x-6y+35=0 process there line centers. what point they intercepts? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A fountain |
2012-01-24 |
kris pose la question : A fountain has a radius of 14 meters to its outer edge. Their is an inner ring in the center of the fountain, where a statue of Sir Isaac Newton stands, that does not contain water. The inner ring has a diameter that is 6m less than the diameter of the outer ring of the fountain. What is the circumference of the inner ring? What is the area that is covered by water in the fountain? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four pizzas |
2012-01-23 |
kris pose la question : a pizza company wishes to put 4 medium pizzas in a box to sell as a party pack. The box they want to use the square and has dimensions of 60cm by 60cm. They need you to help them calculate the dimensions of the pizza that will fit in the box. Calculate the following: area, radius, diameter, circumference Penny Nom lui répond. |
The derivative of x^-(1/2) |
2012-01-14 |
Eric pose la question : I have an problem figuring out the derivative of the negative square root of x i.e. x^-(1/2) using the first principle.
Could someone please show me?
Thanks in advance! Harley Weston lui répond. |
An equilateral triangle and some circles |
2012-01-10 |
tushar pose la question : draw an equilateral triangle with side 6cm.draw 3circles with radii 3cm on each angular point of triangle.draw common tangent on each of two circles Penny Nom lui répond. |
Squares and triangles |
2011-12-06 |
Liaqath pose la question : You have squares and triangles.
Altogether there are 33 sides.
How many squares do you have?
How many triangles do you have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2011-12-04 |
Luke pose la question : Two fixed circles intersect at A and B.
P is a variable point on one circle.
PA and PB when produced meet the other circle at M and N respectively.
Prove that MN is of constant length.
p.s. I also sent the question with a figure via email. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Solve for theta if 8cos^2 theta-3=1 |
2011-12-02 |
Katherine pose la question : Hi,
I have just learned to solve trigonometric problems for theta and have one specific question in order to find the solutions to my homework.
I will use one example for this question. If I have 8cos^2 theta-3=1
I first divide by 8 and get cos^2theta=3/8
then I have cos theta= plus or minus the square root of 3/8
Then I assume that I plug in inverse cos (the square root of 3/8) to my calculator.
How do I find the four solutions (we are typically supposed to find four, I believe?)
Can you help me with finding the solution to this problem? Thank you! Penny Nom lui répond. |
The total number of roles that a user can be assigned |
2011-12-02 |
Colin pose la question : Hi, I want to define an equation for calculating the total combination of roles that a user can be assign in a system.
Here is the background: There are two types of roles that a user can be assigned. These are object roles and data roles. There must be at least 1 object and 1 data role in the system. A user must be assigned at least 1 object role and at least 1 data role. A user can be assigned as many object roles and data roles as are created in the system. There is no upper limit to the number of roles that a user can be assigned except for the total number of object roles and data roles that exist. The number of object roles and data roles in the system are independent.
Can someone please assist? Thanks. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A right angled triangle |
2011-10-31 |
bijo pose la question : how can i find the tangent point at a circle with origin as center with radius r and the tangent pass through a given point P? I also want to find out the third point of a right angled triangle given other two points? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
One central circle and three tangent circles |
2011-10-16 |
Margaret pose la question : You have one central circle and three or more circles tangent to the outside of the circle of varying radii. You know the x,y coordinates of the centers of the other circles. If you now remove that central circle (and pretend you never knew where it was), can you calculate its center in x,y coordinates? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A 6% commission |
2011-10-15 |
Tamara pose la question : if you earned a gross wage of $810, which includes a salary of $90 and a 6% commission how much is the net sales? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Building a custom range hood |
2011-10-08 |
Bill pose la question : I'm building a custom range hood for a customer with special order material that matches
their newly installed cabinets and I need it to be perfect. The hood is basically a pyramid
but the 4th side is the flat wall at the back and a flat, rectangular top. I need to calculate
the bevel and miter of the three sides but I never was very good with geometry functions
(although I am fairly good with other math fields). I either need the calculations from you
at least (shudder) a formula or set of formulas so that I can calculate them myself. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two great circles |
2011-10-06 |
Jean pose la question : "Two great circles lying in planes that are perpendicular to each
other are drawn on a wooden sphere of radius "a". Part of the sphere
is then shaved off in such a way that each cross section of the
remaining solid that is perpendicular to the common diameter of the
two great circles is a square whose vertices lie on these circles.
Find the volume of this solid."
I don't understand the geometry of the problem.
Can you please explain the problem and if possible draw a diagram for me
? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Romeo throws a pebble at Juliet's wondow |
2011-08-22 |
Natalie pose la question : There is a picture of Romeo trying to attract Juliet's attention without her nurse who is in a downstairs room, noticing. he stands 10m from the house and lobs a small pebble at her bedroom window (3.5m high). Romeo throws the pebble from a height of 1m with a speed of 11.5m/s at an angle of 60degrees to the horizontal. I have already found that it take 1.74seconds to reach the window and that it does in fact hit Juliet's window however i cannot work out the speed of the pebble when it hits the window! The answer is 9.12m/s but I cannot reach this answer. Hope you can help me :) Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Three tangent circles |
2011-08-21 |
maribie pose la question : three discs are tangent externally distances between their centers are 23cm, 15cm, and 20cm. find their radii.t Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three tangent circles |
2011-08-19 |
hanniel pose la question : two coin are tangent to a third coin internally and are tangent to each other
externally. The distance between their centers are 14 mm, 17mm, and 5mm.
find their radii Penny Nom lui répond. |
concentric circles |
2011-07-06 |
maribiie pose la question : two circles are concentric. the tangent to the inner circle forms a chord of 12cm in the larger circle. find the area of the "ring" between the two circles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Achilles and a turtle |
2011-07-01 |
Jean pose la question : Achilles and a turtle are having a race. The turtle starts 45m ahead of Achilles and Achilles is twice as fast as the turtle. If turtle runs at 1m/s,how far would the turtle have run before he is outrun by Achilles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiles for a back splash |
2011-06-04 |
Catherine pose la question : How man 3 11/16 tiles do I need for 28 square foot for a back splash Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three tangent circles |
2011-05-01 |
mark pose la question : Three circles of radii 24 cm, 32 cm, and 42 cm are externally tangent to each
other (each is tangent to the other two). Draw a diagram and using the Law of
Cosines find the largest angle of the triangle formed by joining their centres. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Why use percentiles? |
2011-04-29 |
Kenneth pose la question : I need some clarification regarding the word "percentile."
Here is an example and what I know: If an investor had twenty stocks in his portfolio and five of those stocks paid an annual dividend of $200.00 or more, the five stocks are in the 25 percentile.
Why is this word necessary? If my example and explanation is correct, why not simply indicate that 25% of his stocks paid an annual dividend of $200.00 or more? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Dividing a polygon into triangles |
2011-04-16 |
Foxie pose la question : You have a given regular polygon with n vertices and you divide it into triangles(using the vertices of the polygon) which each share at least one side with the polygon. How many distinct ways can you divide the polygon if its vertices are numbered? For n=3 it's 1 way, for n=4 it's 2 ways for n=5 5 ways, I'm not quite sure but think that for n=6 it's 12 ways... thanks in advance! Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Coefficient of variation |
2011-04-14 |
Braden pose la question : When determining coefficient of variation (CV) or %CV is it possible to calculate %CV for two variables? For instance can %CV be used to determine the precision of 5 data points on a graph using the X and Y coordinates? or does %CV need to be determined for each variable separately? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
What is x to the power of 0? |
2011-03-23 |
Jason pose la question : What is x to the power of 0? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The interior angles of a pentagon |
2011-03-10 |
Daima pose la question : I need help!
The interior angle of a pentagon i s5 ( I hope ) or 540 degrees.
The interior angle of a pentagon is what? Explain to me please.
Daima Penny Nom lui répond. |
Fencing a park |
2011-03-07 |
taniel pose la question : Find the number of feet of fence needed to fence a park that is 1 3/8 mi long and 5/8 wide. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A family of circles |
2011-03-01 |
steffi pose la question : Find the equation of the family of the circle passing through the the point of intersection of x^2+ y^2 -4x-28=0 and x^2 +y^2 -4x-20+52=0; the member tangent to x=7. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle is inscribed inside an isosceles trapezoid |
2011-02-25 |
priyam pose la question : a circle is inscribed inside an isosceles trapezoid (with parallel sides
of length 18 cm and 32 cm) touching all its four sides.
find the diameter of the circle.
thanks for help!! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Triangles with perimeter 16 cm |
2011-02-22 |
Chong pose la question : How many triangles (up yo congruence) with perimeter 16 cm and whose lengths of its side are integers? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two tangent circles |
2011-02-09 |
xhesika(jessica) pose la question : Two circles of radius 10 are tangent to each other.A tangent is drawn
from the centre of one of the circles to the second circle.To the nearest
integer find the area of the shaded region. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Calibrating a conical tank |
2011-02-05 |
Bill pose la question : Hi, I have a round tank with tapered sides where I know the diameter at the top and bottom. Is there a formula I can use to calculate the volume by measuring from the bottom up the side (at the angle of the side) to any given point? Thanks, Bill Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The area of isosceles triangle |
2011-01-24 |
imraan pose la question : how to find the area of isosceles triangle by knowing only its sides Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of a lamp |
2011-01-13 |
Dorothy pose la question : I need to find the lamp height with casting shadow (base line of triangle where a boy 1.6m tall stands 3m from base of street lamp and has a 2m shadow. In other words, think of a right angle triangle with zero height starting at left, then 2m to right stands boy (1.6m high). Angle (hypotenuse) increases up to top of street lamp with 'x' height and 3m base. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Semicircles and the Pythagorean Theorem |
2011-01-09 |
Jas pose la question : Okay well, in math we are learning about the pythagorean theorem and we have to do a math journal on the question:
****Can you replace the squares (that are put on the sides of a right triangle) with semicircles and still get the same answer??
I do not understand because i tried doing an example and comparing it with a normal way of doing it and I didnt get the same answer! Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is its speed in miles per hour? |
2011-01-06 |
Miriam pose la question : An airliner travels 125miles in 15minutes. What is its speed in miles per hour? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Draw a figure with 16 triangles using only 6 line segements |
2010-12-16 |
Jill pose la question : How can you draw a figure with 16 triangles using only 6 line segements? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Sales as a function of advertising |
2010-12-08 |
Adori pose la question : The sales S(in thousands if units) of a product after x hundred dollars is spent on advertising is given by S=10(1-e^kx). Find S as a function of x if 2500 units are sold when $500 is spent on advertising. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Can determine if it is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral |
2010-12-01 |
Jessie pose la question : find the measures of the sides of triangle KPL and classify each triangle by its sides. my first problem would be K(-3,2) P(2,1) L(-2,-3) ...The three points they give you are the vertices of the triangle and you need to match them up. Draw the triangle and write in the vertices and the related point with the vertex. You will then do the distance formula three times to find the distance of all three sides. Once you have the three sides you can determine if it is scalene, isosceles, or equilateral...using the distance formula how do i solve this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The base of an isosceles triangle |
2010-10-24 |
Brian pose la question : how can I find the base of an isosceles triangle from the height and the perimeter? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A water trough |
2010-10-22 |
Jasmine pose la question : A water trough is 8 m long and its cross-section is an isosceles
trapezoid which is 90 cm wide at the bottom and 120 cm wide
at the top, and the height is 30 cm. The trough is not full.
Give an expression for V , the volume of water in the trough in cm^3,
when the depth of the water is d cm. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What are the speeds of the boats? |
2010-10-21 |
Adori pose la question : Two boats leave the port of San Francisco traveling in opposite directions at the same time. One boat travels 8 knots per hour faster than
the other. After one day's travel they are 1920 nautical miles apart. What are the speeds of the boats? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles in an m-gon and genrealizations |
2010-10-16 |
Michael pose la question : Hello:
In answer to a student's question, someone named Penny from
your organization provided a proof that the sum of the interior
angles of a triangle in the plane is pi radians (or 180 degrees).
I am interested (and I'm sure many other people would be too) in
3 potential generalizations of this basic fact in plane geometry: Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Tiles on a bedroom floor |
2010-10-07 |
Rochelle pose la question : John's bedroom floor is square in shape. He used 625 tiles, with a side length of 200 mm, to tile the whole floor.
Calculate the area and dimensions of the bedroom Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the average speed? |
2010-09-21 |
Cindy pose la question : A boat travels downstream m nautical miles at d knots. It travels upstream m nautical miles at u knots. What is the average speed for the entire trip? Penny Nom lui répond. |
La racine carrée et l'exposant une demie |
2010-09-14 |
Alain pose la question : Bonjour.
Je cherche une explication sur l'équivalence entre les exposants
fractionnaires et les racines nième.
Par exemple, comment prouve-t'on que la racine carrée correspond à
l'exposant une demie?
merci Pierre-Louis Gagnon et Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2010-08-04 |
Husen pose la question : two circles of radius 5 cm intersect each other .the distance between their centers is 5root 2.find the area of the portion common to the two circles Penny Nom lui répond. |
The suspension cables of a bridge |
2010-07-29 |
Mike pose la question : what is the formula for the suspension cables of a bridge.
The towers are 200 ft above the roadway
The towers are 3400 ft apart
The cable if at 8ft in the middle of the span Robert Dawson lui répond. |
A spaceship playhouse |
2010-07-26 |
Dave pose la question : I would like to build a spaceship playhouse for my grandson I want it to
be about 36" around and I want to use 5/4 decking boards that measure
5 1/2" wide how do I figure out how to lay out a base pattern to nail to
(what angle do I need to cut and how many boards will it take to go around
the circle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Numbers that can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 |
2010-07-19 |
Donessa pose la question : write the number that is 2000 more than the difference between the largest and the smallest
number that can be formed using the digits 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 Tyler Wood lui répond. |
An octagon shaped bench |
2010-07-09 |
rob pose la question : i am trying to build a octagon shaped bench to fit inside a 69 inch round hot tub so that the tip of each point touches the edge of the circle where it will be fastened. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Rays and angles |
2010-06-24 |
cristina pose la question : what is the formula for finding the number of angels that can be named by a given number of rays with the same endpoint? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Going to the bike shop |
2010-06-07 |
Omi pose la question : Marie rode her bicycle from her home to the bicycle shop in town and then walked back home. If she averaged 6 miles per hour riding and 3 miles per hour walking, how far is it from her home to the bicycle shop if her total travel time was 1 hour? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four circles in a square |
2010-06-04 |
Daniela pose la question : four circles are drawn in a square such that the circles are tangent to each other as shown. find the area of the shaded region. It the goes on to show a diagram with a square and four circles drawn in it. The length of a side of the square is 24. Please help me! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two problems |
2010-05-27 |
debbie pose la question :
Question from debbie, a parent:
hi, i have a daughter and she asked me a maths question I cannot solve. I was just wondering if you can give me the answers plus the working out so I could explain to my daughter,
1. The leftmost digit of a six-digit number N is 1. If this digit is removed and then written as a rightmost digit, the number thus obtained is three times N .Find N.
2. Four friends are racing together down a flight of stairs. A goes 2 steps at a time, B 3 steps at a time. C 4 steps at a time and D 5 steps at a time. The only steps which all four tread on are the top one and the bottom one. How many stairs in the flight were stepped on exactly once? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The altitude of a triangle |
2010-05-08 |
kylie pose la question : the vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 57 degrees 24 minutes and each of its equal sides is 375.5 feet long. find the altitude of the triangle Penny Nom lui répond. |
An angle in a triangle |
2010-05-06 |
Morgan pose la question : Question from Morgan, a student:
8 t t 8
t 78 t
t t
t t
t x t
I'm having trouble solving for x I'm not sure where to start ( the ones in the middle of the triangle are both degrees) thanks in advance for your help i really do appreciate it Penny Nom lui répond. |
A wishing well |
2010-05-04 |
Cassie pose la question : I'm trying to construct a Wishing Well made of treated 2x4 wood, so the actual measurement is 3 1/2 by 1 1/2. The well is going to be three feet in diameter. I'm trying to construct this as circular as possible, what angle should the wood panels be cut at? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a floor |
2010-05-03 |
guadalupe pose la question : how many 16 x 16 inch square tiles fit into a 10 x 10 foot space? Harley Weston lui répond. |
A circle inscribed in a square inscribed in a circle |
2010-04-28 |
jouniella pose la question : A square is inscribe to the first circle, then another circle is inscribe to the square. Find the ratio of the 2 circles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
y = - log(x) |
2010-04-28 |
Alex pose la question : y= - log(x), where y = 4.3
solve for x. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Sales taxes in Quebec |
2010-04-28 |
carole pose la question : I work at a company where we use transport companies and we often get credits
on their invoices. I need to know how to subtract the sales taxes from these credit amounts.
(5% TPS and 7.5% TVQ).
Is the equation: Amount / 1.05 = then this amount / by 1.075=? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiles |
2010-04-25 |
Pat pose la question : how many 6 inch tiles will I need to purchase for an area that is currently covered with 351 4 inch by 4 inch tiles.
Each box of 6 inch tiles states it contains 16 pieces and covers 4 square feet. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2010-04-12 |
Scott pose la question : There are two circles, big circle with radius R and small one with radius r. They intersect and overlap in such a way that the common area formed is 1/2 pi r^2 (half the area of the small circle). The Question is: suppose we have known the radius r of the small circle, and the distance between the two circle centers, what should the radius R of the large circle be? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
An isosceles trapezoid is inscribed in a circle |
2010-04-06 |
Abby pose la question : An isosceles trapezoid whose bases have lengths 12 and 16 is inscribed in a circle of radius 10. The center of the circle lies in the interior of the trapezoid. Find the area of the trapezoid Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiling a floor |
2010-03-31 |
shane pose la question : a floor in a house is 12'6" in width and 10'4" in length. Tiling the floor with each tile 5" on each side. First express the square footage into an improper fraction. Second express the area of each tile in square feet. Third how many tiles needed to tile the floor. Fourth explain how answers relate to real world Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many 20"X20" tiles do I need to cover 90 sq. ft? |
2010-03-23 |
Karen pose la question : How many 20"X20" tiles do I need to cover 90 sq. ft. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An irregular octagon |
2010-03-09 |
Gayle pose la question : Question from Gayle:
I am building an irregular shaped octagon wooden box.
The measurements are 291/2 inches by 211/2 inches.
Sides are 12 inches.
It will be 36 inches high.
What would the cutting angles degrees be? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2010-03-07 |
Hayden pose la question : I have two circles of equal size. The radiuses of the circles are 30ft. The two circles are positioned 40ft apart and I need to find the area where they overlap. Harley Weston and Tyler Wood lui répond. |
How many CDs and videos did the store sell? |
2010-03-01 |
dawn pose la question : A used book store started selling CDs and videos. In the first week,the store sold 40 used CDs and videos,at 4.00
per CD and 6.00 per video.The sales for both CDs and videos totaled 180.00 she wrote a system of equations to represent the situation.Then she graph the system of equations
thanks- Dawn Tyler Wood lui répond. |
How many triangles...? |
2010-02-22 |
deciree pose la question : Given 12 points, no 3 of them on a line with 6 red, 4 blue and 2 green points.
a) How many triangles have vertices all the same color?
b)How many triangles have vertices with each vertex a different color?
c)How many triangles have at least one green vertex?
thanks to lorraine! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Triangles |
2010-02-19 |
Wiliam pose la question : A box contains one 2 inch rod, one 3 inch rod, one 4 inch, and one 5 inch rod.
What is the maximum number of different triangles that can be made using these rods as sides? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2010-02-11 |
Kim pose la question : I am given the length of the two legs of an isosceles triangle (8), and the base angles are 30 degrees...I am asked to find the area of the triangle with only this information Tyler Wood lui répond. |
Two bus routes |
2010-02-03 |
kiyah pose la question : from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm the route 1 bus stops every 12 min at the gym's bus stop. the route 2 bus stops there every 15 min. if both buses are now at the stop and schedule is kept, how long will it be before both buses will be at the stop again? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An impossible isosceles triangle |
2010-01-31 |
Hailey pose la question : An isosceles triangle has one angle that measures 50 degrees and another that measures 70 degrees. Why can't this triangle be drawn? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2010-01-28 |
Jazzy pose la question : An isosceles triangle is a 2 congruent (equal) sides. Of the third side is three times the length of the congruent side(s), and the perimeter is 75 cm, find the length of all three sides of the triangle Penny Nom lui répond. |
Dividing seashells among girls |
2010-01-06 |
Eileen pose la question : A group of girls collected some seashells from the beach. They tried to divided these seashells equally among them. If each girl received 8 seashells, they would need 5 more seashells. If each girl received 7 seashells, they would have 3 seashells extra. How many seashells did they collect from the beach altogether? Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many 4x4 tiles would I need for 10 sq ft? |
2010-01-04 |
Chris pose la question : how many 4x4 tiles would I need for 10 sq ft Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Triangles on a base of 2.4 meters |
2009-12-26 |
Allan pose la question : Please,How do I calculate the height of a triangle when I only know the width of the base line,It is 2.4 mtrs. Thankyou very much. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A triangle with two equal medians |
2009-12-19 |
Nazrul pose la question : If two medians of a triangle are equal , how can I prove that the triangle is isosceles. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Polygons, diagonals and the sum of the measures of the angles |
2009-12-18 |
jason pose la question : find the set of polygons in which the number of diagonals is greater than the sum of the measures of the angles Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Energy in calories |
2009-12-15 |
Josephine pose la question : A soft drink manufacturer claims that a new diet soft drink is now "low Joule". The label indicates that the available energy per serving is 6300 J. What is the equivalent of this energy in calories? (1 Calorie=1000 cal) Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2009-12-06 |
Carl pose la question : What is the height of an isosceles triangle if its base is 12cm, and its base angle is 72degrees? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2009-11-19 |
Raraa pose la question : There are two identical circles . The edge of one circle is at the middle point of the other circle. There were overlapped . The area of the overlapped surface is 20000 square centimetres . How do I find the radius of the circle rounded to the nearest whole centimetre ? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The line through D(-4, 0) and E(2, 6) |
2009-11-16 |
Rogerson pose la question : The point F is on the line through D(-4, 0) and E(2, 6) so that DF=4DE. Find the coordinates of F. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cables in a pipe |
2009-11-13 |
john pose la question : how many 0.28 mm diameter cables will fit into a 19.05 mm diameter pipe Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An isosceles trapezoid |
2009-11-12 |
lyjah pose la question : what is parallel sides of an isosceles trapezoid measure 5cm and 11cm long.and
oneof the other sides also measures s5cn long what of the isosceles trapeziod Penny Nom lui répond. |
Concentric circles |
2009-10-14 |
maddy pose la question : Find the exact area of the region bounded by two concentric circles with radii 10 inches and 6 inches. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The three angles of a triangle |
2009-10-13 |
Michelle pose la question : The second angle of a triangular garden is four times as large as the first.
The third angle is 45 less than the sum of the other two angles.
Find the measure of the other two angles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two rectangles |
2009-10-08 |
Lillian pose la question : A rectangle is 5cm longer than twice its width.
The width of another rectangle is 3cm less
than the width of the first rectangle and its length is 6cm more than 3 times its
width. If the perimeters are equal, find the dimensions of both rectangles Penny Nom lui répond. |
The maximum number of right angles in a polygon |
2009-10-05 |
Bruce pose la question : Is there way other than by trial and error drawing to determine the maximum number of right angles in a polygon? Secondary question would be maximum number of right angles in a CONVEX polygon. Is there a mathematical way to look at this for both convex and concave polygons? Or are we limited to trial and error drawing? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Three circles |
2009-10-02 |
Brandon pose la question : There is a quarter circle with a radius of 1. along one eged of it,
there is a semi-circl with a diameter of 1, and its center is on the
drawn line. there is another semi-circle again with the center on the
other drawn line, and this one has an unknown diameter of X. both
circles are internally tangent, and are tangent to each other. Find X. Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
5 x 8 + 6 divided 6 - 12 x 2 |
2009-09-24 |
Susan pose la question : 5 x 8 + 6 divided 6 - 12 x 2. I am not sure of the rules of operation for this type of question Penny Nom lui répond. |
Seven circles |
2009-09-20 |
Bobbi pose la question : try to put number 1 to 7 in seven circles (one in the middle, 3 on top, 3 below) so the numbers in each row of three circles--vertical, horizontal, and diagonal -- add up to 12. Each number can be used only once. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Common multiples of 36 and 48 |
2009-09-15 |
Kamaldeep pose la question : Find the first 2 common multiples of 36 and 48. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Helen has twice as many dimes as nickles. |
2009-09-08 |
Dan pose la question : Helen has twice as many dimes as nickles. She has 5 more quarters than nickles. She has $4.75. How many nickles does she have? I know she has 14 dimes, 7 nickles and 12 quarters. How do you put this into an algebra equation? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How do you convert cents/mile to dollars / hour? |
2009-08-26 |
seanna pose la question : how do you convert cents/mile to dollars / hour Penny Nom lui répond. |
A paper towel roll |
2009-08-19 |
Jeff pose la question : I am making a spiral tube with paper that is 2" in dia. and 102" long
I will be using paper that is slit 3" wide how many lineal feet of paper will
I need to to cover the 102"
I will be using 3 rolls of paper that will over lap the other by half to make
a hard tube (paper core) in a roll of paper towels
Thanks Jeff Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2009-08-09 |
Megan pose la question : Find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle with a verticle angle of 100 degrees and a base of 25 cm.
I think I could answer this if I knew what a verticle angle was.
Thanks Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two circles |
2009-08-03 |
Karan pose la question : We are given 2 circles with radii 12cm and 3 cm. We have to find AB Penny Nom lui répond. |
Constructing an isosceles triangle |
2009-07-27 |
Sanjay pose la question : How to construct an isosceles triangle ABC with a base BC = 5.4 centimetre and altitude AD = 4.7 centimetre? Please help. Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
How can I trisect an angle? |
2009-07-27 |
Nazrul pose la question : How can I trisect an angle? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Two circles on a dome |
2009-07-01 |
Beth pose la question : My question is related to a dome I would like to construct, for which I know the circumference of the base: 120ft.
I now need to figure out the diameters of two smaller circles, one at 20ft along the arc of the dome form the ground,
and the other at 30ft along the arc.
Assuming a true hemisphere, or 180 degrees total arc, how can I calculate these two circumferences?
Beth Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two questions from math class |
2009-06-18 |
Con pose la question : Hello,
My name is Con and my son is required to answer the following questions for his maths class.
He has attempted Q1 through trial and error and has found the answer to 72453. Is this correct?
He has attempted to draw the triangles described in Q2 in a number of ways and has found that BE can not equal ED and is dependent of angle BAC. Therefore, he claims that the triangle can not be drawn/practical. Is this correct or is there a slolution?
Digits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are each used once to compose a 5-digit number abcde such that 4 divides a 3-digit number abc, 5 divides a 3-digit number bcd and 3 divides a 3-digit number cde. Find the 5-digit number abcde.
Let ABC be a triangle with AB=AC. D is a point on AC such that BC=BD. E is a point on AB such that BE = ED = AD. Find the size of the angle EAD.
Con Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Real World Applications of Mathematical Skills |
2009-06-08 |
Kathy pose la question : I am teaching a student who is on the life skills program and is at the stage 2 level for maths but is in year 9 (stage 3). I am looking for maths lessons that will help her in life. Like maths in shopping, maths in fashion, maths in the home etc. Your help in finding lesson plans is urgently needed. Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
The position of the fulcrum |
2009-05-23 |
jim pose la question : I think I need a formula. I need to know how far an object will be lifted.
A beam is 246 inches long on one side of the fulcrum, and 41 inches on the other side,
if I push down 36 inches on the long side of the beam, how much will the short side move up? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The sum of the angles of a triangle |
2009-05-18 |
mary pose la question : prove that the sum of the three angles inside any triangle always add up to 180 degrees? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Angles in a triangle |
2009-05-16 |
Robert pose la question : The second angle of a triangle is twice the sizee of the first angle, the third angle is 48 degrees less than the sum of the other two angles. What are the measurements of all 3 angles?
PS: please help Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The hypotenuse of a right angled triangle |
2009-05-11 |
Deb pose la question : Find the length of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle with one leg 7 cm longer than the other and the hypotenuse 2 cm longer than the longer leg. I've ended up with the hypotenuse = x+9, another side = x and the other side = x+7. what do i do next? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rectangular prisms |
2009-05-01 |
deborah pose la question : Could you please tell me some examples of different objects in the real world of rectangular prisms? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Common multiples of 2 and 5 |
2009-04-23 |
pat pose la question : what are the common multiples of 2 and 5, through 30, because i been working on it for hours Robert Dawson and Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Miles per hour and feet per second |
2009-04-22 |
mary pose la question : A car traveling at 60 miles per hour, how many feet per second has it traveled? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The interior angles of a pentagon |
2009-04-20 |
Mary pose la question : If four interior angles of a five-sided figure pentagon measure 100 degrees each, what will the fifth angle measure? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two similar rectangles |
2009-04-19 |
Alyssa pose la question : The ratio of the lengths of corresponding sides of two similar rectangles is 3:5. the small rectangle has an area of 36 square centimeters. What is the are of the large rectangle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Nickles and dimes |
2009-04-17 |
Emily pose la question : a vending machine contains nickels and dime coins which totals an amount of $14.50. There are 95 more nickels than the number of dime coins. How many of each coin does exist? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Exponential form |
2009-04-16 |
Pete pose la question : Hi,
How do you express ³√h^-4 in exponential form. I am having a lot of
trouble with this one.
Pete Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The central angle of a chord |
2009-04-06 |
Dale pose la question : How do I find the central angle if I only have the cord length and radius. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A fraction in its simplest form |
2009-04-02 |
Michael pose la question : I'm in 4th grade and need to express decimals as a fraction in its simplest
form. Is there a step by step method to figure out?
ex 0.64 = 64/100 = ? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
More on the square root of 0.75 |
2009-03-30 |
Blaine pose la question : I read your response to How is the square root of 3/4 is greater than 3/4?
What I'm hoping for is a way for my students to use their own experience and number intuition to be able to make sense of the issue. As soon as my kids see "if y is this and x is this then..." their little eyes glaze over. Unfortunately, I can't come up with a way myself. Thank you for your help. Penny Nom and stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2009-03-26 |
sela pose la question : An isosceles triangle has two equal sides of length 10 cm. Theta is the
angle between two equal sides.
a) Express area of a triangle as a function of theta
b) If theta is increasing at a rate of 10 degrees/minute, how fast is area
changing at the instant theta=pi/3?
c) at what value of theta will the triangle have the maximum area?
Penny Nom lui répond. |
An infinite number of solutions |
2009-03-24 |
Sean pose la question : this is a linear equations problem;
3535.5 + Fbd (.866) + Fbc (.5) - Fab (.5) = 0
-3535.5 - Fab (.866) - Fbc (.5) - Fbd (.5) = 0 Harley Weston lui répond. |
The base and height of an isosceles triangle |
2009-03-23 |
Chris pose la question : How do you find the base and height of an isosceles triangle that has 2cm legs? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Percentiles |
2009-03-21 |
Shawn pose la question : For a normal distribution of u=654.00 and o=138.00.
What is the percentile rank for X=426? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The angles of a triangle |
2009-03-11 |
Marissa pose la question : The angles in a triangle measure 7x-1, 18x+2, and 5x+10. Determine whether the
triangle is acute, obtuse, or right. State your reasons clearly. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Triangles within triangles |
2009-02-24 |
Mari pose la question : a large shaded triangle changes each day with a white triangle appearing
in the center of each shaded one. If this pattern continues, how many white
triangles will be there on the 6th day? On the 6th day, what fraction of
the large outer triangle will be white?THANKS! Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Trig functions without geometric data |
2009-02-24 |
bob pose la question : I do not understand how it is possible to find the sine, cosine, or tangent of an angle if
there is no hypotenuse, opposite or adjacent side?! Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Miles per hour to kilometers per second |
2009-02-17 |
Tamara pose la question : If a car goes 60 miles in an hour how many kilometres will it go in a second? Penny Nom lui répond. |
6^x = y |
2009-02-12 |
Jamie pose la question : Find x:
6^x=y Harley Weston lui répond. |
Forming an arc with 2 inch steel |
2009-02-11 |
Craige pose la question : I need to calculate the bending radius of 2" wide steel to achieve given inside and outside arc lengths Harley Weston lui répond. |
A 30-60-90 triangle |
2009-02-03 |
Inez pose la question : If you have a 30-60-90 triangle and the only side you get is 73 and a 90 degree box, how do you find the area? Penny Nom lui répond. |
4 times as many or 4 times more? |
2009-02-02 |
Jackie pose la question : Given : Here are 3 squares and 4 sets of 3 circles.
I wonder it is right to write in the below manner to represent the following Conclusion that
can be made from the above given information:
- There are 4 times as many circles as there are squares,
- There are 4 times fewer square than circles;
- There are 4 times more circles than squares.
- ...
Jackie Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2009-01-29 |
Mariah pose la question : An isosceles triangle has sides 10cm, 10 cm and the base 4cm.
How do you find out the height of the triangle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
20 of us golf together in groups of 4 |
2009-01-24 |
D. pose la question : Every Sunday, 20 of us golf together in groups of 4. I am looking for a
way that each of us play with 3 other people each week and ultimately get
to play in groups that are unique. For instance if week 1, I play with 2, 3, 4
and then the next week I play with 5, 6, 7, and the 3rd week I play with 8,
9, 10 and so forth until I have played with everyone. Everbody else should be
doing the same thing. Can you give me a schedule for this and how many weeks
would it take for all of us to accomplish this where we all play with different
combinations of people. (We should not play with the same person very often or even
the same pairs of people but everyone should play with everybody else) I hope
this makes sense........whew and thanks! Victoria West lui répond. |
Two tangent circles |
2009-01-23 |
Murtaza pose la question : Two circles touch externally at T. A chord of the first circle XY is produced and touches the other at Z. The chord ZT of the second circle, when produced, cuts the first circle at W. Prove that angle XTW = angle YTZ. Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A cyclic quadrilateral |
2009-01-23 |
Murtaza pose la question : Line ATB touches a circle at T and TC is a diameter. AC and BC cut the circle at D and E respectively.Prove that the quadrilateral ADEB is cyclic. Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The area of an isosceles triangle |
2009-01-19 |
faris pose la question : how to calculate area of isosceles triangle with two angles of 45 degree and base of 6 Penny Nom lui répond. |
The ratio of the measures of the three angles of a triangle |
2009-01-18 |
mary pose la question : The ratio of the measures of the three angles of a triangle is 2:5:8. What is the measure of each angle of the triangle? Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond. |
A stack of rectangles |
2009-01-11 |
ashwani pose la question : Could you please advise the area of a rectangles pyramid.
There are 5 rectangles placed one above the other. The top most rectangle has length 2 cm and height 2 cm. The subsequent rectangles length is increased by 1 cm on both the sides, while the height of the 2nd and 3rd rectangle is 2cm each, while the 4th & 5th has a height of 3 cm each. Could you please let me know the the area of the figure and the formula to calculate Penny Nom lui répond. |
A flat-topped pyramid |
2009-01-10 |
Tom pose la question : I am planning to build an open ended, flat-topped pyramid with a
rectangular base 28 x 36 in.; a square top 6 x6 in.; and a vertical
height of 16 in.
I know how to calculate the dimensions of each of the pyramid sides but
I don't know how to calculate the interior angles when I bend the sheet
metal. I will cut the four sides separately and add a one inch flange
to each "vertical" edge of the two larger sides to allow for
a bonding surface for the assembly. How do I calculate that angle? I
know it will be greater than 90 degrees but by how much? Harley Weston lui répond. |
A one cubic mile lake |
2009-01-09 |
dye pose la question : how many liters are in a one cubic mile lake Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Two angles are supplementary |
2009-01-08 |
Stephanie pose la question : two angles are supplementary, one of the angles is 30 degrees more than double the other angle.
find the first angle, the second angle the complement of the given angle. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
660 yards = ?? miles |
2009-01-08 |
Ashley pose la question : How do I convert yards to miles, specifically, 660 yards = x miles. Please show work so I can figure other problems out. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Pouring angles for a crucible |
2008-12-20 |
Richard pose la question : I am trying to work at pouring angles and volume left in during pouring a crucible, The crucible is cylindrical and flat bottomed.
I know the diameter, radius and volume of the crucibles. and the volume of liquid going into it.
So lets say the crucible is only half full firstly I need to work out the angle just before its going to pour. ( I can work this out as long as there is a certain volume of liquid if its not enough I cant do it)
Now the problem I also need to work out how much I should tilt the crucible to allow a certain amount out and be able to do this untill the volume reaches 0 at 90' turn. This is where I am stuck.
The reason for needing to be able to work this out is so i can develop a constant flow for example 10Kg of metal per second.
Thank you very much for you time Harley Weston lui répond. |
Three circles inscribed in a circle |
2008-12-18 |
seema pose la question : three equal circles each of radius 1 cm are circumscribed by a larger circle.find the perimeter
of circumscribing circle? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The volume of a feed hopper |
2008-12-18 |
John pose la question : I need to calculate the volume of a feed hopper, and I'm not sure how to break it down. The top of the hopper is 36" x 36", it is 30" deep, and ends at a 6" x 6" plate. One side of the hopper is straight top to bottom, of course tapering on two sides to meet at the plate. The other three sides angle down at about 75 degrees. I need to determine the cubic foot volume of this hopper (it is used for ground coffee) so I can configure a vibrator to knock down residual grounds. Thanks. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The area of an isosceles triangle |
2008-12-02 |
prateet pose la question : the area of an isosceles triangle is 60 sq cm and one of its equal sides is 13 cm. Find the base of the triangle. Penny lui répond. |
3 equidistant points |
2008-12-01 |
Damien pose la question : How do you find 3 equidistant points (C,D,E) on a line between point A(Xa, Ya) and point B(Xb, Yb) so that AC, CD, DE and EB are all equal? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two tangent circles and common tangents |
2008-12-01 |
Alan pose la question : Radius of big circle 30cm, radius of small circle 10 cm. From the diagram, the radius from the tangent do not form a semicircle but at an angle. Find the perimeter of the band around both the circle. May need to use trigonometry to find reflex angle AOB, CMD and get the major arc length AB and minor arc length CD Penny lui répond. |
There are 30 marbles in a bag |
2008-11-21 |
Cori pose la question : There are 30 marbles in a bag. Twice as many red, as blue, and 1 more green than there are red. What is the probability that when one is pulled out, it will be red? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four circles in a square |
2008-11-19 |
Anthony pose la question : I have a square where one side measures 10cm and within that square
There are four equal quarter circles. Each quarter circles starts in a
different corner of the square and I am trying to find area inside the
overlap on the quarter circles. Janice Cotcher, Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The midpoint o a line segment |
2008-11-15 |
Jane pose la question : The vertices of a triangle are at (1,7), (6,-1) and (0,3). Find the coordinates of the midpoints of the sides. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid |
2008-11-14 |
hazel pose la question : how to solve the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid? what is the formula? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The angles and sides of a triangle |
2008-11-13 |
JAMIE pose la question : a triangle with a side(b)37m an angle(C)70degrees and (a)79m find values of angles A and B and length of side c Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Supplementary angles |
2008-11-10 |
Anna pose la question : <A and <B are supplementary angles. Twice the measure of <B is one-fourth the measure of <A. Find the measure of both angles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A flagpole and a yardstick |
2008-11-07 |
Wanda pose la question : One boy holds a yardstick vertically at a point 40 feet from the base of the flagpole. The other boy backs away from the pole to a point where he sights the top of the pole over the top of the yardstick. If his position is 1 ft 9 in from the yardstick and his eye level is 2 ft above the ground, find the height of the flagpole. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles of a triangle |
2008-10-31 |
kyla pose la question : an isosceles triangle has two 50 degrees angles.what is the measure of the third angle? explain how you found your answer. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Equations with the variable in the exponent |
2008-10-28 |
fari pose la question : Solve for x
5 * 4^x-3=40
5^x=25^(x+8) Penny Nom lui répond. |
A homework problem |
2008-10-28 |
Shawn pose la question : I'm checking my son's homework and we disagree on the solution.
The problem reads:
135mn^4 (n to the 4th power) over 50n^2 (n squared)
I think the answer is: 27mn^2 (squared) over 10
Can you help? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three congruent rectangles |
2008-10-27 |
Meagan pose la question : Here is my problem: Three congruent (non-square) rectangles are placed
to form a larger rectangle. [Two are oriented the same way and the
"stacked" while the third is rotated 90 degrees and placed next to the
other two.] The total area is 1350 square cetimeters. Square ABCD is
then created that has the same perimeter as the large rectangle that was
created. E is the midpoint of line CD and F is the midpoint of BC. Find the
area of triangle AEF. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Octagon angles |
2008-10-06 |
John pose la question : My daughter wants to build an octagon using PVC pipe fittings. There are several pipe "elbows" available, including 45 degree. I'm trying to determine if if an octagon can be constructed by using 8 pairs of 45 degree elbows, connected to each other by 8 sections of straight pipe of some equal legnth. This makes sense to me intiutively, but I do not know how this can be properly expressed in geometric terms. Chris Fisher, Victoria West and Harley Weston lui répond. |
The average rate of change of gasoline used |
2008-10-06 |
JHulie pose la question : What is the average rate of change of gasoline used, measured in miles per gallons
if you travel 212 miles, then you fill your gas tank up again and it takes 10.8 gallons.
If you designate your change in distance as 212 miles and your change in gallons as 10.8? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The region between two circles |
2008-09-24 |
Carol pose la question : Good day!
Here is a picture of the problem that we need to solve. (I send the picture through e-mail.)
A small circle is inside a larger circle, the only given in the problem is the chord of the larger circle tangent to the smaller circle which measures 16cm. The question is, what is the area of the shaded region?
Can you answer this question? Thanks! :) Harley Weston lui répond. |
Probability: Marbles in a jar |
2008-09-22 |
Andrea pose la question : Suppose you have a jar containing 100 red marbles and 100 white marbles.
A) If you draw 5 marbles in a row, throwing each marble across as you
draw it, what is the probability that at least one of them was red?
B) If you draw 101 marbles in a row, throwing each one across the room
as you draw it, now what is the probability that at least one of them was
red? Harley Weston lui répond. |
A garden in the shape of an isosceles triangle |
2008-09-12 |
Rita pose la question : Gregory wants to build a garden in the shape of an isosceles triangle with one of the congruent sides equal to 12 yards. If the area of his garden will be 55 square yards, find, to the nearest tenth of a degree, the three angles of the triangle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Supplementary angles |
2008-09-11 |
Shanaz pose la question : Find an angle such that 3 times its supplement equals 450. Penny Nom lui répond. |
3 miles in 6 seconds |
2008-09-05 |
Grant pose la question : if a rocket sled is traveling 3 miles in 6 seconds, how fast is it going in miles per hour? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The length of an arc |
2008-09-04 |
Angie pose la question : Segment PR is a diameter of circle S. If angle P =3D 25, find minor
arc QR.
This circle has an isosceles triangle in it, it is connected to the
diameter, Harley Weston lui répond. |
Jean-Charles de Borda |
2008-08-29 |
Joanne pose la question : I am researching Jean-Charles de Borda as a mathmatician. What was his work focused on and where can I find more information? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Number of angles formed by rays |
2008-08-29 |
Shon pose la question : what is the formula for finding the number of angels that can be named by a given number of rays with the same endpoint? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Angles in an octagon |
2008-08-26 |
Arvie pose la question : I have seen your answer to Kay on how she can find the length for the sides of an octagon for a 4 foot window, but what is the angle that will need to be cut to get to 4 feet Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two tangent circles |
2008-08-22 |
Michele pose la question : A circle of radius 2 is externally tangent to a circle of radius 8,
How do you find the length of their common tangent. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Joining vertices in a polygon |
2008-08-18 |
Megan pose la question : I'm trying to develop a relationship between the number of points of a regular polygon and the
(a) number of lines you could draw between those points,
(b) number of triangles you could draw,
(c) number of quadrilaterals,
etc. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Metres and miles |
2008-08-18 |
Bill pose la question : I enter a race that is 10,000 meters long,how many miles do i have to run? Victoria West lui répond. |
Similar Triangles Given a Median |
2008-08-17 |
RAM pose la question : Sides AB , AC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to
PQ PR and median PM of another triangle PQR. Show that ABC is similar to PQR Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
Similar triangles |
2008-08-12 |
ramarao pose la question : D is a point on side BC of a triangle ABC such that BD/CD=AB/AC. prove that AD is the bisector
AD is the bisector of BAC Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Solve for y in terms of x |
2008-08-10 |
Rosie pose la question : Solve equation for y
-4x=12+3y Penny Nom lui répond. |
Angles in a regular tetrahedron |
2008-08-07 |
Carla pose la question : Hi guys,
A regular tetrahedron has all its edges 8cm in length.
Find the angles which an edge makes with the base.
Carla Penny Nom lui répond. |
Square miles |
2008-08-06 |
Koni pose la question : I'm trying to figure out the distance our buses travel throughout our district to pick up students for school. How do you figure square miles?
If our district measures 6 1/2 miles wide and 2 3/4 miles deep, what is our total square miles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angle between two faces of a pyramid |
2008-08-06 |
Carla pose la question : A pyramid has its vertex directly above the centre of its square base.
The edges of the base are each 6cm, and the vertical height is 8cm.
Find the angle between 2 adjacent slant faces. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Some angles in a pyramid |
2008-08-04 |
Carla pose la question : A symmetrical pyramid stands on a square base of side 8cm. The slant height of
the pyramidis 20cm. Find the angle between the slant edge and the base, and the angle between
a slant face and the base. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Find the product of 2^35 and 5^38 in sci. notation. |
2008-08-03 |
Peter pose la question : I am preparing for a competition and a lot of the non-calculator problems are like find the product of 2^35 and 5^38 in sci. notation. How would you do that? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Area of triangle formed by three tangent circles |
2008-07-31 |
brian pose la question : Three circles with radii 3,4 and 5 touch each other. The circles are tangent to each other. What is the area of the triangle formed by the centers of the circles? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle inscribed in a circle |
2008-07-15 |
Anne pose la question : Here is the math problem quoted from book:
"An isosceles triangle is inscribed in a circle of radius R,
where R is a constant. Express the area within the circle but outside
the triangle as a function of h, where h denotes the height of the triangle." Penny Nom lui répond. |
Hexadecagon |
2008-07-09 |
Dave pose la question : I would like to know at what length and angle I would cut wood to make a Hexadecagon. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Fit 7 different rectangles on grid paper |
2008-07-02 |
anonomous pose la question : I need to fit 7 different rectangles on grid paper of 1cm squared.
Each squared centimetre equals 4 squared metres, and it needs to end up as area 64 square metres. Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
Miles per hour |
2008-07-01 |
Nedra pose la question : If I walk 1 mile and 2/10ths in 20 minutes how fast am I going?
AND how many calories have I burned off? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Kilometers per liters to miles per gallon |
2008-06-26 |
margaret pose la question : we travelled 130 kilometers on 10 liters of gas. How many miles to the gallon did I get Penny Nom lui répond. |
The exterior angles of a polygon |
2008-06-26 |
evelina pose la question : how many sides has a regular polygon if the measures of the exterior angle is given Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Acres and square miles |
2008-06-25 |
Jill pose la question : how many miles are in 417 acres Penny Nom lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2008-06-22 |
Evelyn pose la question : Hi! I am facing problem finding the height of the isosceles triangle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
sin(2x)/sin(3x) |
2008-06-19 |
matt pose la question : how does sin2x break down (not with identities) and how would sin3x be created. My
prob. is sin 2x/ sin 3x and I want to know how the double(or triple angle) would break
down. I want to be able to cancel out sins. Thanks! Harley Weston lui répond. |
The angles of a parallelogram |
2008-06-11 |
light pose la question : ABCD is a parallelogram. If angle A. = (4x=17)degrees and angle B. = (3x-5)degrees , what is angle c? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2008-06-10 |
cey pose la question : the diameter of the larger circle is 20cm, and the smaller 10cm. what is the shaded area?? Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
g(m-1,2n)+n |
2008-06-07 |
Florence pose la question : What does g(m-1,2n)+n for m>0, n>=0 mean. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The two acute angles in a right triangle |
2008-06-05 |
Crystal pose la question : In the right triangle the ratio of the measure of the two acute angles is 4:1. What is the measure in degrees of the larger acute angle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The interior angles of an 18-sided polygon |
2008-06-04 |
Alfred pose la question : How do I find the sum of the interior angles of an 18-sided polygon? Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
Three mutually tangent circles |
2008-06-04 |
Jacob pose la question : If three circles are mutually tangent, does that mean that the two tangent lines are perpendicular? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The angles of an irregular pentagon |
2008-05-20 |
victoria pose la question : The sum of the measure of two angles is 240. If the remaining angles are congruent, what is the measure of each angle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2008-05-07 |
Jay pose la question : Given: An Isosceles Triangle with the area=16m squared. What would be the length of each leg. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How do you reduce an equation with multiple variables? |
2008-04-30 |
Jonathon pose la question : How do you reduce an equation with multiple variables?
For example, if 3x + y = k(x-3), what would x be equal to? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The Pythagorean theorem with triangles rather than squares |
2008-04-29 |
Zachary pose la question : I need to figure out how to prove the pythagorean theoorem using equilateral triangles
instead of using square. I know that A^2+B^2=C^2, but how do you get that by using equilateral
triangles. I know the area of a triangle is BH1/2=Area. So what i need to know is how to derieve the
formula of a triangle to get the pythagorean theorem Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2008-04-26 |
Michelle pose la question : Two overlapping circles O and Q have the common chord AB (vertical line between the overlapping circles). If AB is 6 and circle O has a radius of length 4 (horizontal line going through the overlapping circles and touching the side of the circle) and circle Q has a radius of length 6, how long is OQ. Penny Nom and Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
A 6 digit number |
2008-04-23 |
rajiv pose la question : write the smallest 6-digit number using three different digits with 6 in the ten thousands place and 1 in the hundreds place Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two intersecting circles |
2008-04-17 |
Muhammad pose la question : Hi, how can we find the perimeter and area of the region common to two intersecting circles of radii 6 cm and 4 cm with centers 7 cm apart. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A tangent to two circles |
2008-04-13 |
erson pose la question : find the length of the tangent segment AB to two circles whose radii are a and b respectively, when the circles touch each other.
the illustration looks like this...hope you'll understand...
there are 2 circles - one is big one is small. they touch each other. and there is this irregular 4 sided polygon that connects them...there is a line that connects them from their center point and another from the tip of the circles...and that's it...i cannot explain very well
please bear with me Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An isosceles right triangl |
2008-04-09 |
Stephanie pose la question : An isosceles right triangle has an area of 35 sq cm. What are the lengths of the sides? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Side lengths and angles in a regular octagon |
2008-04-09 |
Lori pose la question : I am a builder and need to find the length of the sides of an octagon. I know the length between
the parallel sides (26 feet). What is the length of each side? What is the angle measurement? Harley Weston lui répond. |
1 mile per minute |
2008-04-01 |
jennifer pose la question : If you are traveling at 1 mile per minute how fast would you need to be going Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A fish tank in the shape of an irregular pentagon |
2008-03-29 |
richie pose la question : i am building a fish tank. it is going to be an irregular pentagon. the sides are going to be
there will 3 right angles A, B, E
my question is how to figure out the degree of the angles that are not right angles (C,D)? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Similar triangles |
2008-03-26 |
Nisha pose la question : In triangle ABC, LM is parallel to AB. If AL=x-3,AC=2x,BM=x-2,BC=2x=3. Find x Penny Nom lui répond. |
Light years to miles |
2008-03-24 |
Robert pose la question : HOW MANY MILES ARE THERE IN 7.5 BILLION LIGHT YEARS. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A word problem about a triangle |
2008-03-23 |
kathy pose la question : The measure of the largest angle of a triangle is twice the measure of the second largest. The measure of the second largest is 20 degrees more than the measure of the smallest. Find the measure of each angle. Melanie Tyrer lui répond. |
Angles subtended by the same arc |
2008-03-23 |
Reid pose la question : Prove that two inscribed angles subtended by the same arc are equal. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A common chord to two circles |
2008-03-09 |
shubha pose la question : please help me out with this problem.
find the length of the common chord of the intersecting circles x2+y2-4x-5=0
and x2+y2-2x+8y+9=0 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two circles and a triangle |
2008-03-07 |
Adrian pose la question : The vertices of a right-angled triangle are on a circle of radius R and the
sides of the triangle are tangent to another circle of radius r. If the lengths
of the sides about the right angle are 16 and 30, determine the value of
R+r Penny Nom lui répond. |
A 6 pointed star |
2008-03-04 |
Siddharth pose la question : When 2 congruent equilateral triangles share a common center, their union can be a star
If their overlap is a regular hexagon with an area of 60, what is the area of one of the original equilateral triangles?
a) 60 b) 70 c) 80 d)90 e)100 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What was the ostrich's speed in miles per hour? |
2008-03-03 |
jacob pose la question : If it took an ostrich 2.5 seconds to travel 110 feet and the average speed is 44 feet/ seconds, what was the ostrich's speed in miles per hour? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles of a triangle |
2008-03-01 |
Allen pose la question : How to find the other two angles of a scalene triangle if one angle is given Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The base of an isosceles triangle |
2008-02-24 |
tahrima pose la question : find the base of an isosceles triangle whose area is 12sq.cm and the length of 1 of the equal sides is 5 cm. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two right triangles |
2008-02-18 |
Amy pose la question : Hi, I have a problem that has me stumped.
There are two right triangles that share the same adjacent side (AB) which
is 240'. The right angles of each triangle are at the opposite ends of the
shared side.
The Opposite side (AC) of Triangle ABC is 180'
and the Hypotenuse (CB) is 300'.
The Opposite side (BD) of Triangle ABD is 100'
and the Hypotenuse (AD) is 260'.
How do I figure out where the hypotenuses intersect? Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
A flagpole and a statue |
2008-02-09 |
Krista pose la question : A flagpole casts a ten meter (m) shadow at the same time as a six metre (m) statute beside it casts a two metre shadow. What is the height of the flagpole?? Steve La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The distance around a building |
2008-02-06 |
olivia pose la question : If you walk around a building that is 102,869 sq ft, how many miles is that? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Multiplying decimal numbers |
2008-02-05 |
alwyn pose la question : Why should when you Multiplying Decimal numbers is value becoming less and less? don't you think even decimal number is a quantity and in no chance when it multiplies its should become less or nil !!!
In fact all Multiplying and or adding the value will go up and only when you subtract and divide it should become less !! Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Tiles on a basement floor |
2008-01-31 |
ORIETTA pose la question : I have a basement 1000 sq ft I want to purchase tile that are 18x18inches
and they are charging 4.15 sq ft how much would it cost since I will need
less tiles to cover the area since it's not 12X12 Penny Nom lui répond. |
The interior angles of a parallelogram |
2008-01-29 |
amber pose la question : the measure of one interior angle of a parallelogram is 42 degrees more than twice the measure of another angle. Find the measure of each angle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The interior angles of a parallelogram |
2008-01-28 |
steffie pose la question : How do you calculate the interior angle sof a parallelogram? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Finding the area of an isosceles triangle given one angle and the inradius |
2008-01-24 |
Saurabh pose la question : Given an isosceles Triangle, whose one angle is 120 and inradius is √3. So area of triangle is? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The smallest possible perimeter |
2008-01-23 |
RS pose la question : If two points of a triangle are fixed, then how can the third point be
placed in order to get the smallest possible perimeter of the triangle. Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The three angles of a triangle |
2008-01-21 |
val pose la question : two angle in a triangle equal 120 degree. what is the measure of the third angle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles in a rectangle |
2008-01-18 |
Alex pose la question : One side of a rectangle is 10 and the other is x.
Two circles with equal radii are inscribed in the rectangle and like a Venn Diagram, the circles overlap.
Each circle touches the top and bottom of the rectangle and the left circle touches the left side of the rectangle and the right circle touches the right side of the triangle.
The distance between the centre of each circle is 2x/3.
Find x Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles of a triangle given the three sides |
2008-01-17 |
Lucy pose la question : Is there a way to find the angles of a triangle just by knowing the lengths of it's sides?
It seems like the would be a relationship between the two, but I'm not sure. Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Forces on an inclined plane |
2008-01-10 |
Ron pose la question : A body that weighs 540lbs is caused to slide up an inclined plane with a uniform velocity by a force that acts parallel to the plane. For each foot of horizontal distance, there is a vertical rise of 2in. If the coefficient of sliding friction is 0.16, what force is required to move the body? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Seven circles in a circle |
2008-01-10 |
fae pose la question : what is the area of the remaining portion of a large circle with radius 12cm and the seven smaller and equal circles just fit inside? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Lining up coins visually using geometry and trigonometry |
2007-12-31 |
Jessica pose la question : a) In what order would you arrange a penny, a nickel, a dime, a quarter, and a half-dollar so that they all have the same apparent size? The diameters of the coins, in thousandths of inches, are as follows: penny, 750; nickel, 835; dime, 705; quarter, 955; half-dollar, 1205.
b) How should the coins be placed, if the distance between the dime and the half-dollar is 100 units?
How far from thw dime should your eye be to see that all the coins have the same apparent size?
c) What angle do the coins subtend when they have the same apparent size? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Calculate the two possible lengths of the third side. |
2007-12-28 |
Lisa pose la question : An isosceles triangle has an area of 25.6 sq cm.
The two equal sides are 8.4 cm long.
Calculate the two possible lengths of the third side. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many triangles can be formed? |
2007-12-21 |
pankaj pose la question : Q.There is 2 lines parallel to each other. If 1st has 5 points in it and 2nd 3 points in it,how many triangles can be formed? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Smallest cone containing a 4cm radius inscribed sphere |
2007-12-19 |
Eva pose la question : A sphere with a radius of 4cm is inscribed into a cone. Find the minimum volume of the cone. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Finding all the angles |
2007-12-13 |
Rajesh pose la question : An eqilateral triangle is drawn in a square with one of the side as its base and draw the lines from the other angular sides such that there are four triangles
formed inside the square which includes the equilateral triangle.I want to know all the angles of all the triangles formed inside the square. Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
What angle should he turn? |
2007-12-01 |
Jasmine pose la question : Bob is traveling due north he then turns left 45 degrees followed by four 20 degree turns to the right
What is his new heading if he needed to turn so his heading was SSW what direction and what angle should he turn? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Gross sales |
2007-11-30 |
tom pose la question : here is my question: trying to determine what gross sales were.
I have.....Gross sales - (gross X .0675) = 2,245,009 Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2007-11-26 |
Nancy pose la question : I needed to help my 9th grade daughter regarding a geometry problem. After a while I realized I am not getting anywhere. I saw that in 2005 someone asked the same question and you gave them a hint. Unfortunately it still did not help. Because I had figured that much!Can you kindly help me proof this problem?
PX and QY are attitudes of acute triangle PQR, and Z is the midpoint of PQ. Can you write a proof that triangle XYZ is isosceles?
I am sure it is something simple I am missing, but I just can not seem to be able to see it. Thank you much. Harley Weston lui répond. |
6 consecutive multiples of 6 |
2007-11-11 |
jeff pose la question : find 6 consecutive multiples of 6 whose sum is the least common multiple of 13 and 18 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Related Rates (streetlamp and shadow) |
2007-11-09 |
Casey pose la question : A street light is mounted at the top of a 15ft pole. A man 6ft tall walks away from the pole at a rate of 5ft per second. How fast is the tip of his shadow moving when he is 40ft from the pole? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Meters per second to miles per hour |
2007-11-08 |
Niecey pose la question : If Greg was timed at 0.91 seconds for 10 meters running the 100 meter dash, at that speed, could he pass a car traveling 15 miles per hour in a school zone? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two triangles |
2007-11-08 |
Barbara pose la question : If the base of a larger triangle is 34 inches long, what is the length of side A of the smaller triangle?
(the small triangle has on top the letter a on the right side of the triangle it has the letter b, and at the bottom of the small triangle it has the number 17) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Great circles |
2007-11-05 |
Lindsay pose la question : Does a sphere have only ONE great circle? Explain? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The height of an isoceles triangle |
2007-10-29 |
Maura pose la question : I am trying to calculate the height of an isoceles triangle but in this case AB is not equal to AC.
How do I calculate this?
Thank you,
Maura age 13 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Is there a practical use for radian measure? |
2007-10-26 |
Paula pose la question : Is there a practical use for radian measure in any profession? Which professions might us radian as opposed to degree measure? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two mirrors |
2007-10-24 |
Peter pose la question : The reflecting surfaces of two intersecting flat mirrors are at an angle θ (0° < θ < 90°). For a light ray that strikes the horizontal mirror, show that the emerging ray will intersect the incident ray at an angle β = 180° – 2θ. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Given a six by six square, how rectangles are there in the square? |
2007-10-24 |
Maria pose la question : Given a six by six square, how rectangles are there in the square? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Surface area of an open-ended cone |
2007-10-16 |
Lorne pose la question : What is the surface area of an open ended cone? Measured at 10' high,
16' diameter on the bottom and 2' diameter at the top. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Four triangles in a square |
2007-10-15 |
Kristina pose la question : A square with side lengths of 6 cm is divided into 3 right triangles and a larger isosceles triangle. If the three right triangles have equal area, find the exact area of the isosceles triangle. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Working with x |
2007-10-12 |
Robert pose la question : The question: The measure of an exterior angle of a regular polygon is given. Find the measure of an interior angle, and find the sides.
41. 36 42. 18 44. 'X'
The attachment has what she has done for 41 and 42. Need help with 44 (lots of help) Thank you in advance for your site and your help. Robert Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles in a polygon |
2007-10-11 |
Farzan pose la question : Prove with induction that in a polygon( that may not be convex )
with n sides, the sum of the amounts of the angles become 180(n-2).
If there is any easier methods to prove the problem, please write as well. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Golf pairings |
2007-10-02 |
Mike pose la question : Regarding arranging golf players so no person plays with anyone more than once.
You have given examples for 16 and 24 players. If it can be done, i need a
solution for 20 players, 4 players per team one round per day for 5 days Victoria West lui répond. |
Three circles |
2007-09-29 |
Kevin pose la question : 3 given circles of R80, R56 & R24 are all in contact. The 2 smaller ones are inscribed in the big one.
Find by calculation or graphically (both if possible) the radiusof a 3rd circle which will be in contact with all 3 given circles. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Finding equations, intersection point of two lines at right angles |
2007-09-22 |
Yaz pose la question : Find the equation of the line joining A(-1,-9) to B(6,120). Another line passes through C(7,-5) and meets AB at rigth angle of D. Find the euation of CD and calculate the co-ordinates of D. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Metres per minute to miles per hour |
2007-09-20 |
Angela pose la question : If a person is traveling 150 meters per minute, what is their speed in miles per hour? Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Least Common Multiples |
2007-09-20 |
Aiyanna pose la question : What is The Lcm Of 3,7,and 8 Because my Teacher gave me That and he didnt even know the answer....
I Worked and worked but I Couldnt Find It..... Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond. |
Differentiate x^(1/3) using first principles |
2007-09-14 |
Sheila pose la question : our teacher gave us this question as a challenge and even he couldnt figure it out:
Differentiate x^(1/3) [aka the cube root of x] using first principles. i know the answer is 1/(3.x^2/3), but how is it possible using first principles? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Composite angles |
2007-09-13 |
Gilbert pose la question : what is a composite angle? please help Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Similar triangles |
2007-08-29 |
James pose la question : Question: In the triangle ABC, X is a point on AC. AX = 15 m and XC = 5 m. The angle AXB is 60 degrees and the angle ABC is 120 degrees. Find the length of BC.
I am sure to an extent that this has to do with similar triangles, but I am not certain. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Reference angles |
2007-08-25 |
Jenny pose la question : find the reference angles for the angles given below, find the quadrants in which the angles lie
1. 0=6n/7
2. 0=3.3 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two circles C1 and C2 meet at the points A and B |
2007-08-15 |
Jerry pose la question : Two circles C1 and C2 meet at the points A and B. The tangent to C1 at A meets C2 at P. Point Q inside C1 lies on the circumference of C2. When produced, BQ meets C1 at S and PA produced at T. Prove that AS is parallel to PQ. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
How many complete cycles does the piston make in 30minutes? |
2007-08-11 |
San pose la question : A piston in a large factory engine moves up and down in a cylinder.
The height, h centimetres, of the piston at t seconds is given by formula
How many complete cycles does the piston make in 30minutes? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Area of a star in a regular pentagon with side length 10cm |
2007-07-24 |
Chetna pose la question : A regular pentagon with side 10 cm has a star drawn within (the vertices match).
What is the area of the star? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What is the bearing from the port to the ship? |
2007-07-18 |
fhay pose la question : A ship leaves a port and sails for 4 hours on a course of 78 degrees at 18 knots. Then the ship changes its course to 168 degrees and sails for 6 hours at 16 knots. After 10 hours(a) what is the distance of the ship from a port and (b) what is the bearing from the port to the ship? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The isosceles triangle of largest area with perimeter 12cm |
2007-07-16 |
sharul pose la question : find the dimension of isosceles triangle of largest area with perimeter 12cm Harley Weston lui répond. |
Calculating sales taxes |
2007-07-11 |
Tonya pose la question : Hi, Im having trouble calculating GST and PST
I know that in this province, GST is 6% and PST is 7%, I have a total of $275, and GST is 0.06, and PST is 0.07, so do I add those two and multiply them by the total, $275? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Finding the radius of an inscribed circle |
2007-07-05 |
Maria pose la question : I need to find the radius of a circle which is inscribed inside an obtuse triangle ABC. I know all the angles and all the lengths of the triangle. Stephen La Rocque and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Volume in a triangular water trough |
2007-06-24 |
David pose la question : A water trough has sloping sides of length 500mm making it triangular in cross section, with vertical ends. The width at the top is 600mm and the length is 2.0 metres.
(i) Calculate the capacity of the trough, giving your answer accurate to the nearest litre.
(ii) Find out the depth of the water when the trough is half full. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The sum of angles in a square is three hundred and sixty degrees |
2007-06-21 |
victor pose la question : can you please send to me a formalize proof for the assertion that, the sum of angles in a square is three hundred and sixty degrees. i will be grateful to hear from you Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many acres is 1.8 sq miles? |
2007-06-19 |
Jordanne pose la question : How many acres is 1.8sq miles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A sequence of circles |
2007-06-11 |
Ann pose la question : Please help with solving the following problem!!!
A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle with a side of length 2.
Three circles are drawn externally tangent to this circle and internally
tangent to 2 sides of the triangle. 3 more circles are drawn externally
tantgent to these circles and internally tangent to 2 sides of the triangle. if
this process continued forever, what would be the sum of the areas of all the
circle? the answer 1 parent came up with was Pie over 2, but we don't
know how he did it. Can you please show the work or explain the answer to
this problem?
Thank you
p s my daughter is in 9th grade math. Steve La Rocque, Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A flagpole and a telescope |
2007-06-04 |
Fabiola pose la question : A telescope is mounted on a tripod 5 ft above the ground and 20 ft from a
flagpole. The telescope must be rotated 48° from horizontal to see the top
of the flagpole. How tall is the flagpole? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A regular octagon is made up of 8 identical isosceles triangles |
2007-06-04 |
Alex pose la question : A regular octagon is made up of 8 identical isosceles triangles. If the perimeterof each isosceles triangle and the hexagon are 58 cm and 168 com respectively, find the length of the identical sides of the triangle. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Area of an isosceles triangle |
2007-06-01 |
Josh pose la question : In a previous question answered by Sue regarding the area of a regular polygon you gave a formula for the area of an isosceles. My question is how did you get this formula? Can you please explain to mean the process that you used to get that formula?
Thanks Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many sales does she need? |
2007-05-07 |
Jimi pose la question : The new businessperson hopes to earn $50,000 per year. The profit percentage for this type of business is typically 10%. How much must sales be? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Finding the area of a regular polygon |
2007-05-04 |
Dana pose la question : We are trying to figure the square footage of a tetradecagon....sort of a round house with 14 sides that are 8 ft' in length. It has a height of 9 ft. How do we figure the square footage of this? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Comparing two pay scales |
2007-05-03 |
san pose la question : Mable is offered a job selling magazine subscriptions. She has the choice of two pay scales.
Pay scale 1:
She can be paid $0.65 for each subscription she sells.
Pay scale 2:
She can be paid $0.10 for the first subscription, with the wage gong up $0.05 more for each subscription after the first.
For her first sale she would make $0.10, for her second sale she would make $0.15, for her third sale she would make $0.20,
and so on.
Please compare and analyze the two scales. Which scale is better? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles form an annulus |
2007-05-02 |
A student pose la question : In the diagram below, two concentric circles form an annulus. The
vertical line is tangent to the inner circle, and forms the diameter of
a third circle.
Explain why the areas of the annulus and third circle are the same. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How can I find out how many sides there are? |
2007-04-23 |
gn pose la question : I know the angle measurements of a convex polygon. They are congruent angles. How can I find out how many sides there are? Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
A square contains five circles with the same radius. |
2007-04-21 |
Jamie pose la question : A square has a side length on 1 m.
The square contains five circles with the same radius.
The centre of one circle is at the centre of the square and it touches the other four circles.
Each of the other four circles touches two sides of the square and the center circle.
Find the radius. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2007-04-19 |
James pose la question : Two concentric circles have a chord running through the outer one. The chord is the tangent of the inner circle and is 14 cm.The outer circle is shaded and the inner circle is not. Find the exact area of the shaded region without using a calculator. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Four semi-circles are drawn inside a square |
2007-04-19 |
James pose la question : Four semi-circles are drawn inside a square, with the diameter being the length of the square.The overlapping portion of the semicircles are shaded. What fraction is shaded? Penny Nom lui répond. |
All samples of size 3 |
2007-04-19 |
Liz pose la question : Consider the population of the first seven integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; N=7. For this population, mean = 2 and standard deviation = 2.
a. How many samples of size three can be extracted from this population (sampling without replacement)?
b. Form the complete set of samples of size three and for each sample, compute the sample mean and median. Penny Nom lui répond. |
I have an isosceles triangle. |
2007-04-10 |
Stephanie pose la question : I have an isosceles triangle. The two equal sides are given to me, but not the
base. The equal sides are 12. I have to find the base of the triangle. Help!! Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Area of circles within a circle |
2007-04-08 |
Avaline pose la question : Imagine that there are four small circles inscribed in a bigger circle. The 4 small circles are shaded. What is the ratio of the area of the shaded region to the area of the unshaded region? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
3 divided by 3 to it's fifth root |
2007-04-06 |
Annie pose la question : How do I transform the equation 3 divided by 3 to it's fifth root to simple radical form
(getting the radical out of the denominator)? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Interior and exterior angles |
2007-04-02 |
Anuj pose la question : If in a regular polygon, each exterior angle is twice the interior angle,find the number of sides? Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
Find the measure of all 3 angles. |
2007-03-28 |
Brittney pose la question : The smallest angle in a triangle is one-third of the largest angle. The third angle is 10 more than the smallest one. Find the measure of all 3 angles. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The height of a pole |
2007-03-22 |
clyde pose la question : I am trying to determine the height of a pole by using 3 angles top 30.8 deg, center 17.3 deg, and bottom -5.8 deg. Can you point me in the right direction ? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Three equations in three unknowns |
2007-03-18 |
Shawna pose la question : You are told that you are working with three different numbers. When the first number is added to twice the other two numbers, the result s 64( i.e x+2y+2z= 64). When the second number is added to twice the other two numbers the result is 62 (y+2x+2z=6). Finally, when the third number is added to twice the other two numbers, the resut is 59 z+2x+2y=59) Determine the three numbers? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles Triangle |
2007-03-15 |
Devon pose la question : The length of one of the equal legs of an isosceles triangle is 8 cm less than 4 times the length of the base. If the perimeter is 29 cm, find the length of one of the equal legs. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many marbles are Red and how many marbles are White? |
2007-03-13 |
Angie pose la question : A jar has 16 marbles in it. Most of the marbles are Red and the rest are
White. Two marbles are taken out of the jar at the same time. It is
equally probable that two marbles are of the same colour as the two
marbles of different colour (that is the probability that they are both red
or both white is the same as they are different). How many marbles are Red and how many marbles are White?
Could anyone help me with the above question?
Best regards,
Angie Danny Dyer lui répond. |
Can the triangle be called both an acute triangle and an equilateral triangle? |
2007-03-10 |
Jane pose la question : If all sides of a triangle are the same length and all angles are 60 degrees, can the triangle be called both an acute triangle and an equilateral triangle? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
circles |
2007-03-06 |
chetna pose la question : A large circle has a radius of 10cm.Given four congruent circles tangent to one another within the large circle what is the radius of the largest circle which will fit in the middle ? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Walk around a 14 acre perimeter |
2007-02-24 |
Maria pose la question : How many times would you have to walk around a 14 acre perimeter in order to walk 1 mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Circles |
2007-02-22 |
Erika pose la question : I have a research paper due on real life uses of conic sections I've looked through all your conic topics and uses of them, but and i cant seem to find real life uses for circles. What are real life uses of circles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Similar triangles |
2007-02-21 |
Vivienne pose la question : The lengths of the sides of a triangle are 8, 15, & 17. If the longest side of a simlar triangle is 51, what is the length of the shortest side? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two concentric circles |
2007-02-11 |
maria pose la question : i have a problem with this quadratic word problem which i am trying to solve it but couldn,t get it please help me to solve this question Two concentric circles are drawn, the radius of one being 2cm greater than that of the other. The area of the ring enclosed between the two circles is one quarter of the area of the smaller circle.Calculate the radii of the circles,correct to three significant figures. (Don,t substitute for pie) Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The interior angles of a parallelogram |
2007-02-07 |
jenniffeir pose la question : Can a parallelogram have two 45 degree angles and two 75 degree angles? Haley Ess lui répond. |
Angle of elevation |
2007-02-05 |
Zee pose la question : A 55 ft. flagpole casts a 25 ft. shadow. Calculate the angle of elevation to the sun to the nearest degree. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Height of a right triangle? |
2007-01-29 |
Engelbert pose la question : The base of the right triangle is 50 ft. At the angle (on the base of the triangle) across from the right angle is labeled portion (a triangle within a triangle), the base of this little triangle is 10 ft. and the height is 6 ft. What equation can i use to solve this? Steve La Rocque and Haley Ess lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2007-01-27 |
Brendan pose la question : I need to find the height of an isosceles triangle whose angles are 52, 52 and 76 degrees. The base is 100, and the two equal sides are unknown. How would I go about this? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
converting square miles into square meters |
2007-01-27 |
Susan pose la question : how do you convert square miles into square meters Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Upper Quartiles |
2007-01-26 |
Jamie pose la question : I see you have a question about Q3 with even numbers but what about odd numbers? I have a problem with 19 numbers 36,45,49,53,55,56,59,61,62,65,67,70,75,81,82,86,89,94,99. Is there anyway the answer could be 81.5 because every time I do it I get 82 and my teacher tells me that is wrong. So in conclusion how do you do it? Penny Nom lui répond. |
In the shadow of a building |
2007-01-11 |
Bill pose la question : if a building b feet cast a shadow f feet long, then, at the same time of the day, a tree t feet high will cast a shadow, how many feet long? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Are all rectangles trapezoids? |
2007-01-05 |
Sarah pose la question : Are all rectangles trapezoids? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Tiles arranged in rows |
2007-01-02 |
Ann pose la question : Some tiles are arranged in rows so that the number of tiles in each row is 8 more than the number of rows. The same number of tiles can be arranged in 3 more rows than the first pattern with 16 tiles in each row. Find the total number of tiles. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How do the perimeters of the two pentagons compare? |
2007-01-02 |
Robert pose la question : If the area of one pentagon is eighty-one times the area of another pentagon, how do the perimeters of the two pentagons compare? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An octagonal birdhouse |
2006-12-30 |
Verner pose la question : I am building a octagon birdhouse,what degree would I cut each side of each piece of wood to assemble the birdhouse? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2006-12-29 |
Katrina pose la question : Is there any way to calculate the height or the length of the equal sides of an isosceles triangle given only the base length and the angles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Miles, square feet and acres |
2006-12-18 |
Emily pose la question : How do you convert miles to square feet? I have to convert 2.86 miles to square feet and then convert 72.5 acres to square feet and add them together. I looked on your website and what does the word hence mean? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Drilling holes in a cube |
2006-12-12 |
Liz pose la question : What is the volume of the solid remaining if a unit cube has a hole drilled thru one face to the opposite side and the hole that is drilled is a cylinder of unit diameter. Then the cube is rotated and an identical hole is drilled from an untouched face to the opposite side. Then the cube is rotated and an identical hole is drilled between the last two untouched faces. This will result in the cube vertices and the remaining volume of the cube falling into 8 parts. What is the total volume of these 8 parts. How is this volume calculated? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of the angles in a triangle |
2006-12-12 |
Becky pose la question : Why does a triangle always equal 180 degrees? We know that all the angles add up to 180 degrees but cant find a valid reason for it. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Circles and polygons |
2006-12-11 |
Irene pose la question : Can you define a circle as a polygon with an infinite number of sides which are infinitely small? If you can, can you then define a cylinder as a prism? The sides would be rectangles or parallelograms with one length infinitely small? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Sectors of a circle |
2006-11-30 |
Maithreyi pose la question : A circle of diameter 21m is divided into three sectors with central angles 60degree,120degree and 180degree. Find the area of each sector? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The height of a building |
2006-11-19 |
Sweetie pose la question : I have to figure out the measure of the water towers antenna on my schools campus using up to two items created by me and a manual. I don't know far away we are going to have to be. I need to have a fool proof way to figure out the distance to the tower. I have an idea using trigonometry but its really roughly estimated. Do you have any suggestions? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Conic sections |
2006-11-19 |
Joyce pose la question : My son has a project on conic sections. I need the following information on Parabola, Circle, ellipse,and hyperbola. He can't find the following information for each conic section: equations with explanations, four uses for each shape and Shape explanation. Penny Nom lui répond. |
"Less than" and "less than or equal to". |
2006-11-15 |
Ross pose la question :
7 ≤ 10 and 7 ≤ 7 are both true statements. How can 7 be equal to 10, and 7 be less than 7? The book doesn't explain WHY! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Apples and plums |
2006-11-13 |
Saif pose la question : the problem i am stuck with is, nicole buys 2.3kg apples 1.8kg plums she pays £7.18 total plums cost £2.20per kg cost 1kg apples what is the cost of 1kg of apples Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A dinner group of 16 couples |
2006-11-02 |
Nancy pose la question : This is a real-world problem. I should know the answer but I don't. A friend is starting a dinner group of 16 couples, to be distributed across 4 houses. Each month she wants to have a different set of host houses (no problem) AND she doesn't want repeats among pairs. That is, if the Smiths and Joneses are together one month, they should not be together another month until all the combinations have been exhausted. How many valid combinations are there? Is there a formula that I can convert into a computer program? I will have to get the names from my friend and give her back the combinations as she would not be able to deal with the math formulation. Denis Hanson lui répond. |
Word problem |
2006-10-22 |
Sabrina pose la question : Thomas bought a badminton racquet and paid for it in quarters. If Thomas had used nickels and dimes, he would have needed 20 more dimes than quarters and one more than twice as many nickels as quarters. How much much did the badminton racquet cost? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An equilateral triangle has been wedged in between two circles. |
2006-09-22 |
Kim pose la question :
An equilateral triangle has been wedged in between two circles. How does the diameter of the smaller circle compare to the diameter of the larger circle.
image: circle inside of an equilateral triangle touching all sides of the triangle; both the triangle and the circle inside are placed into a larger circle where the triangle vertices all touch the circle
Penny Nom lui répond. |
The length of the third side of a 45 degree Isosceles triangle |
2006-09-20 |
Rusty pose la question : what is the formula to determine the length of the third side of a 45 degree Isosceles triangle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Parameters |
2006-09-15 |
Chase pose la question : What is the meaning of the word "parameters" when used in reference to Algebra. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The length of 2 sides of a triangle |
2006-09-15 |
Lonnie pose la question : I need to know how to figure the length of 2 sides of a triangle, as the following example:
The length of the bottom is 12' and the angles are 45, 45 I need to know how long the other 2 sides must be to get an angle of 90 at the top. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many marbles are there? |
2006-08-30 |
Cathey pose la question : Four children are playing with marbles. At the end of the day, one child has four less than half the marbles. The second child has six more than one-fifth the marbles. The third child has one third of what the first child has and the fourth child has one less than the third child. How many marbles are there? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How do i get the height of an isosceles triangle? |
2006-08-29 |
Luis pose la question : How do i get the height of an isosceles triangle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How high (in feet) is the mountain? |
2006-08-29 |
Briana pose la question : A survey team is trying to estimate the height of a mountain above a level plain. From one point on the plain, they observe that the angle of elevation to the top of the mountain is 29 degrees. From a point 2000 feet closer to the mountain along the plain, they find that the angle of elevation is 31 degrees.
How high (in feet) is the mountain? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many miles has he walked? |
2006-08-19 |
Ed pose la question : If a man is mowing a 100' x 100' yard with a 20" push mower, how many miles has he walked when the yard is completely mowed? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Mini Golf |
2006-08-17 |
Sarah pose la question : I am a sixth grade teacher in Minnesota. I want to have my students explore mini golf and calculate the reflections and angles so that they can figure out how to hit a hole in one. I know that my daughter had various problems like this in eighth grade geometry, but I can't seem to find any internet activities of the appropriate level. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An angle in a parallelogram |
2006-08-13 |
Sam pose la question : Parallelogram ABCD has diagonal AC equal in length to side AB. CD is produced to E so that D is between E and C. If angle BAC =30 degrees find the size of angle ADE. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How fast is the water level rising |
2006-08-12 |
Erin pose la question : Water runs into a conical tank at the rate of 9ft3/min. The tank stands point down and has a height of 10 ft. and a base radius of 5 ft. How fast is the water level rising when the water is 6 ft. deep? (V=1/3 pi r2 h). Penny Nom lui répond. |
A problem with exponents |
2006-08-09 |
A student pose la question : (8a to the negative 2 b cube c to the negative 4/4a squared b to the negative 3 c squared) to the negative 2 Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
How many miles are there in 30 furlongs? |
2006-07-22 |
Jennifer pose la question : If there are 8 furlongs in a mile, how many miles are there in 30 furlongs? Steve La Rocque and Paul Betts lui répond. |
Isoperimetric quotients |
2006-07-07 |
Jessica pose la question : How do you work out an algebraic equation for the IQ of an isosceles triangle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Designing a garage |
2006-06-08 |
A builder pose la question : I'm currently designing a garage and came upon this interesting math problem. I've tried using various methods to solve it but have so far been unsuccessful. I've included a picture as its far easier to show you my question than explain it verbally. I realize it could be done by trial and error but i'm looking for a real solution. Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A bag contains 9 red, 6 white, 3 blue, and 8 green marbles |
2006-05-18 |
Micheael pose la question : A bag contains 9 red, 6 white, 3 blue, and 8 green marbles. Two marbles are drawn, but the first marble drawn is not replaced. Find P(white, then white). Make into one reduced fraction. Paul Betts and Steve La Rocque lui répond. |
What is the measure of the interior angles of a decagon? |
2006-05-10 |
Malissa pose la question : What is the measure of the interior angles of a decagon?
And what is the measure of each interior angle of a regular decagon? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
5 square miles or a 5-mile square? |
2006-05-03 |
Rosemary pose la question : I am an interpreter in our Historical Museum. From what I received, I have always told my guests that when the Connecticut Land Company sold the Western Reserve land, 5 square miles constituted a township. I was corrected yesterday by someone who said it should have been a 5-mile square. What is the difference? Hope you can help. Penny Nom lui répond. |
How wide is this runway? |
2006-04-27 |
Sam pose la question : A runway is 3.75 miles long and covers a total of 5.6 acres. What is the width of the runway? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Finding the supplementary angles |
2006-04-22 |
Kendra pose la question : Angles ABC and DBA are supplementary. If m Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Three circles inside a larger circle |
2006-04-16 |
Meghan pose la question : Given three congruent circles tangent to one another (radii = 1), what is the radius of a circle circumscribed around them?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Overlapping area of two circles |
2006-04-15 |
Jade pose la question : Given two identical circles where the radius (6 units) is the distance between the centers, what is the area of the overlapping region?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
An epicycloid |
2006-04-10 |
Sharon pose la question : What is the name of the curve formed by a point on the circumference of a circle that rolls on the outside of a fixed circle? This curve is used in the study of gears. Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two circles |
2006-04-07 |
Louisa pose la question : One circle of radius 7cm is touching another circle of radius 4cm. These circles are on a line and the problem is to find the length AB where A is the point marking the bottom of the radius of one circle and B is the point marking the bottom of the radius of the other circle. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Mastering the multiplication tables |
2006-04-04 |
Ellie pose la question : I need a detailed study plan fro helping my son master his multiplication tables.
Grade: 3 elementary Paul Betts lui répond. |
The height of an isosceles triangle |
2006-04-01 |
Chris pose la question : how do you work out the height of an isosceles triangle if i know the length of the base but i don't know any angles or the lengths of the sides? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Solve the equation cos x = sin 20 where x is acute. |
2006-03-26 |
Elle pose la question : Solve the equation cos x = sin 20 where x is acute. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The volume of water in a cone |
2006-03-21 |
Ghulam pose la question : A vessel has the shape of an inverted cone.The radius of the top is 8 cm and the height is 20 cm. Water is poured in to a height of x cm.Show that if the volume of the water is V cubic cm,then V=(4/75)pi x3. Penny Nom lui répond. |
George and his car |
2006-03-10 |
Catrina pose la question : George's car gets 3 more miles per gallon during highway driving that it does during city driving. Recently he drove 112 miles on a highway and 150 miles in the city and used exactly 10 gallons of gas. How many miles per gallon does his car get during city driving? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A hat contains between 10 and 25 marbles |
2006-03-06 |
Kerry pose la question : A hat contains between 10 and 25 marbles. Some marbles are green, and the rest are yellow. Without looking you are to reach into the hat and pull out a marble. The probability of pulling out a green marble is 2/9. How many marbles are in the hat and explain? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Heights and shadows |
2006-03-06 |
Debra pose la question : A person is 7 ft tall and his shadow is 10 ft tall. using the same info what is the shadow of a person who is 5ft tall
Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A bag contains 6 red marbles,9 blue marbles,5 green marbles. |
2006-02-24 |
Jen pose la question : A bag contains 6 red marbles,9 blue marbles,5 green marbles. You withdraw one marble,replace it,and then withdraw another marble. What is the probability that you do not pick two green marbles? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Outliers in a box and whisker plot |
2006-02-19 |
A student pose la question : i need help on determining if their is an outlier...i know how to find the median and the lower quartile and the upper quartile..but i don't understand about the outliers....please tell me if their is an outlier in this problem....the numbers are...63,88,89,89,95,98,99,99,100,100 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Degree |
2006-02-09 |
Jessica pose la question : I am a 9th grade home school student and have started doing degrees of terms in my math book. The following is some examples they give:
25a to the 4th power is a 4th degree term
67c to the 9th power is a 9th degree term
x is really x to the 1st power so it is a 1st degree term
10 is really 10x to the 0 power so it is a 0 degree term
They go on to say that every constant is a zero degree term.
My question is why isn't a constant, like 10, simply to the 1st power (making is a 1st degree term) like x. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Make 2 rows of 4 circles with only 6 circles |
2006-01-31 |
Sarah pose la question : Moving as many circles as you need, make 2 rows of 4 circles only having 6 circles? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
How do you find the angles in a triangle? |
2006-01-27 |
Keith pose la question : How do you find the angles in a triangle if you know the lengths of the sides? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Subdividing a polygon into triangles |
2006-01-26 |
Adam pose la question : is there an algorithm to divide a regular polygon into N
equilateral triangles having the same area (no limit on N), or if not, an
algorithm to divide a regular polygon into N triangles having the same shape
and size? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The third side of a triangle |
2006-01-25 |
Bob pose la question : Is there any way to obtain the third side of a triangle when 2 sides are the same length (2.18 inches). I also need to find the angles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sectors and arcs |
2006-01-25 |
Wael pose la question : How is the area of an arc (alpha*pi*r squared/360) derived?
How is the length of an arc (alpha*pi*r/180) derived? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Right angles |
2006-01-25 |
AshLee pose la question : I was recently given a challenge in my Algebra class. My teacher wanted to know about a right angle. He said he would give five bonus points to the person that could bring in information. (I know five bonus points may not seem like a lot but in this class, they are.) I looked on this site and I found out why it was called a right triangle, but my teacher want to know where did that theory come from. I was wondering too... not just because of the bonus points. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Composite triples |
2006-01-24 |
Laeah pose la question : question 1 Find the smallest integer n such that n+1, n+2,and n+3 are all composites.
question 2 If n = 5! +1, show that n+1, n+2, and n+3 are all composite.
question 3 Find the sequence of 1000 consecutive composite numbers. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The three angles in a triangle |
2006-01-23 |
A student pose la question : the measure of the 2nd angle in a triangle is 4 more than the measure of the 1st angle. the measure of the 3rd angle is eight more than twice the measure of the 1st angle. find the measure of each angle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles in a hexagon |
2006-01-22 |
Linda pose la question : My problem is in relation to wood and making a six sided object from it. On my saw, there is a place to set the angle to which you wish to cut. I cannot for the life of me, figure this out. I am starting with a piece of plywood (1/4" x 6" x 18") and need to know what the angle degree would be to make each of the sides match perfectly to form a hexagon. Trial and error just is not working. Can someone help me? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Interior and external angles of a polygon |
2006-01-17 |
Anthony pose la question :
In a regular polygon, the ratio of the interior angles to the exterior angles is 3:1.
(a) Find the measure of the interior angle.
(b) How many sides are there
Penny Nom lui répond. |
A sequence of circles and tangents |
2006-01-16 |
Paul pose la question : Consider a circle whose center is (2,2) and whose radius is 1, and the
straight line that goes through the origin and that is tangent to this
circle so that the intersection between them is as shown in the attached
picture. With this new point we make a new circle whose radius is half
of the first one, and we calculate the corresponding intersection point
with the same suppositions as in the first case. We repeat the process
to the infinite. Find the distance between the center of the circle in
the infinite and the origin (point (0,0)). Chris Fisher lui répond. |
51 acres |
2006-01-15 |
A landowner pose la question : i just wanna know how many miles are surrounding my 51 acres? a simple answer will do. thanks:) Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four tangent circles |
2005-12-06 |
Ananth pose la question :
I have one bigger circle A with radius 15.
Inside this bigger circle i have another circle B with radius 3 which touch this bigger circle. Have another circle C with radius 4 which touches A and B. I would like to draw a biggest circle which touches A,B and C.
Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Blocks in a mile in Phoenix Arizona |
2005-11-30 |
Rita pose la question : How many blocks are there in a mile in our city of Phoenix, Az.? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of the angels in a triangle |
2005-11-25 |
Rachel pose la question : how do you prove, without knowing any of the measurements or degrees, that the three angles of a triangle equal 180? what are the steps for proving that? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Find the measure of each angle |
2005-11-25 |
Bev pose la question : in triangle abc, angle a is four times as large as angle b, angle c measures 20 degrees less than angle b. find the measure of each angle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
I = PRT |
2005-11-16 |
Ryan pose la question : Use the formula to find the value of the variable that is not given:
I=PRT;I=$2880, R=0.08, P=$12,000 Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2005-11-14 |
Chris pose la question : PX and QY are attitudes of acute triangle PQR, and Z is the midpoint of PQ. Can you write a proof that triangle XYZ is isosceles? Chri Fisher lui répond. |
The height of a tower |
2005-11-08 |
Vinita pose la question : Observers at point A and B, who Stand on level ground on opposite sides of a tower, measure the angle of elevation to the top of the tower to be 33 degrees and 49 degrees respectively. Another point C is 120 m from point B, Triangle ABC =67 degrees and BAC = 31 degrees. Find the height of the tower to the nearest metre. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Triangles with integer sides |
2005-11-04 |
Tammy pose la question : I am trying to find another pair of integer sided isosceles triangles, not the same as the ones listed below, with equal areas.
(5,5,6) Chri Fisher lui répond. |
Can we take the derivative of independent variable |
2005-10-18 |
Mussawar pose la question : why we take derivative of dependent variable with respect to independent variable .can we take the derivative of independent with respect to dependent.if not why. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a decagon? |
2005-10-15 |
Dianna pose la question : What is the sum of the measures of the angles of a decagon? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Coefficients, constants and like terms |
2005-10-05 |
Elizabeth pose la question : In the equation -8y+6ab+7-3ab what are the coefficients; the like terms and constants? Penny lui répond. |
What is 2,500 X 6 trillion miles? |
2005-09-15 |
Roly pose la question : ANDROMEDA Galaxy is 2,500 light years away. A light year is 6 trillion miles. What is 2,500 X 6 trillion miles in a mathematical number? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A 30-60-90 triangle |
2005-09-11 |
Gary pose la question : I have the length of only 1 side of triangle with angles of 30-60-90 degrees. How can I find the length of the other 2 sides? Penny Nom lui répond. |
One square mile |
2005-09-11 |
Rudy pose la question : I know that there are 27,878,400 sq ft in a square mile and that there are 640 acres in a sq mile. But how do I figure out the measurement of each acre. If I could make every acre a square what would it's measurement be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A typical farm |
2005-09-01 |
Pagedi pose la question : A typical farm is about 700 acres. How many square miles is this? Please show me the work so, that I will know I to perform this problem myself. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Is 360 Really the correct value? |
2005-08-15 |
Jack pose la question : Considering the circumference of a "Perfect Circle" with a Diameter of 1 meter would be something like 3.14 meters, why do we use the number 360 to represent the number of degrees within that circumference?
Would it not make more sense to express the degrees in reference to the relationship to the diameter as related to pi?
That is, let's just say our "Perfect Circle" has a circumference of 3.14 meters, therefore, what we now consider as due east would change from 90 Degrees to 78.5 Degrees. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Framing an arched wall |
2005-08-12 |
Mike pose la question : I'm framing a building wall with a curved (arcing) top section. The radius of the section is 74'6" with a height above finish floor of 16'0". The horizontal run of the arced section is 23' 1 1/2" with a low height above finish floor of 12'4". If I start with a 16' stud at the high end how long are the subsequent studs if they are on 16" centers? Short of laying this out on a tennis court how can I work out the lengths of the studs? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many tiles do I need? |
2005-07-20 |
Jeannette pose la question : I am putting up backsplash tile in my kitchen and I need to know how many tiles I would need to use for about 45 square feet using 4x4 tiles. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle...with |
2005-04-23 |
Shannon pose la question : If given an isosceles triangle...with
Is there any possible way to do this, without knowing a side, if so, please
explain in detail. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The centroid of a triangle |
2005-04-07 |
Maria pose la question : Q3)find the coordinates of the centroid of triangle ABC
i want your help here to solve the 3rd question i got stuck. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two overlapping circles |
2005-03-20 |
Safi pose la question : I have a problem to calculate the area of two overlapping circles because two circles are overlap then how i calculate the overlap area to subtract from the area of both circle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Perfecting an ideal gambling system |
2005-03-06 |
Gaz pose la question : I am a screenwriter, currently in the fortunate position of having the development of a Screenplay funded by the South Australian Film Corporation. The (anti)hero of this screenplay is a statistician whose life is falling apart around him, thanks in part to his obsession with perfecting an "ideal" gambling system. Andrei Volodin lui répond. |
Reverse pecentage |
2005-03-01 |
Nathan pose la question : Question for you. If I have spent $10.00, what is the mathamatical equation to
figure out what the G.S.T (7%) was?
Also if I were to spend $80.00 on a hotel, and I would like to know how much
G.S.T (7%) and how much provincial tax (6%) I spent how would I go about this.
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Each interior angle of a particular polygon is an obtuse angle... |
2005-02-22 |
Victoria pose la question : Each interior angle of a particular polygon is an obtuse angle which is a whole number of degrees. What is the greatest number of sides the polygon could have? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Sales before tax |
2005-02-09 |
Lynda pose la question : I know my total sales for the month, which includes sales tax. How do I get to the sales dollars before the sales tax? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The diaonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent |
2005-02-02 |
Daniel pose la question : I am currently unable to find a proof that the diaonals of an isosceles trapezoid are congruent. Might you happen to have one? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Three tangent circles |
2005-01-25 |
Kate pose la question : Two circles, C1 and C2, touch each other externally; and the line l is a common tangent. The line m is parallel to l and touches the two circls C1 and C3. The three circles are mutually tangent. If the radius of C2 is 9 and if the radius of C3 is 4, what is the radius of C1? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A 6 sided (hexagonal) pyramid |
2005-01-22 |
Steve pose la question : im trying to make a 6 sided (hexagon) pyramid, from 6 triangles of 12mm plywood, i know all the angles to cut apart from the one one to join all 6 triangles together. Rough measurements are outer edge (A) of each triangle is 13cm's, length of other 2 sides (B&C) of triangle outside to center is 14cm's with a height of the whole thing together about 6cm's. Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Arcs and chords |
2005-01-09 |
Aniesha pose la question : A chord of a circle is 48 centimeters long and is 10 centimeters from the center of the circle. Find the radius? Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2005-01-03 |
Abraham pose la question : The question is,"Triangle ABC is not isosceles.Prove that if altitude BD were drawn, it would not bisect AC."My question is If an altitude is drawn wouldn\'t that mean automatically its isosceles because, In a triangle the sides opposite congruent angles(in this case the right angles)are congruent? What am I thinking wrong? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Irrigation and a sector of a circle |
2004-12-23 |
Chuck pose la question : A friend of mine is a farmer and uses Pivots to irrigate portions of his land. The crop rows are in straight lines that all form chords of a large circle. The intent is to determine area between any two "boundary" rows expressed in acres. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle. |
2004-12-08 |
Abraham pose la question : A regular hexagon is inscribed in a circle. What is the ratio of the length of a side of the hexagon to the minor arc that it intercepts?
(1) pi/6
(2) 3/6
(3) 3/pi (This is the correct answer.)
(4) 6/pi
I found the length of the minor arc to be (pi)(r)/3 by doing a sixth of the circumference(2pi r).But I can't find the length of the radius to finish off the problem. If I knew the radius I would then plug it into the above and then use the radius again to be the length of the side because the triangle(one of the six of a hexagon) is equilateral. But can you show me how to get the radius to be 3? Thank you so much.
Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
A belt around two pulleys |
2004-12-07 |
Ian pose la question : a belt is stretched around two pulleys whose centers are d units apart and whose radii are R and r respectively (obviously R+r<d). the challenge is to find the length of the belt, l as a formula in terms of R, r, and d only. Penny Nom lui répond. |
An arc of a circle |
2004-12-05 |
Ruben pose la question : i have an arc 55 inches wide, 12 inches high at the centerline of the arc. how can i determine the diameter of the circle that would correspond to the arc. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Is a square a rectangle? |
2004-11-21 |
Carol pose la question : I am a teacher. In an FCAT sixth grade review test, there was a question to the students to draw a square and then they referred to it as a rectangle.
What is the definition that makes a rectangle a square that can be taught to the students without confusing them. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Interior and exterior angles of a polygon |
2004-11-16 |
Aaron pose la question : How do you find the measure of interior and exterior angles of a regular polygon when you are given the number of sides? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Solving triangles |
2004-10-30 |
Allen pose la question : Solve the following triangles.
1. B = 20 Degrees, a = 25, b = 16
2. A = 35 Degrees, b = 2, c = 3
3. A = 32 Degrees, C = 44, c = 20 Harley Weston lui répond. |
Solve for a and t |
2004-10-23 |
Justin pose la question : How do I solve for "a" and "t" in the equations:
1000t= -4000 + 2000t + (1/2)at^2
1000=2000 + at Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two gears |
2004-10-14 |
Lindsay pose la question : "There are two gears, a small one on the left and a larger one on the right. The gear on the right makes 1 revolution. The gear on the left makes two revolutions. Suppose the gear on the right is turned through an obtuse angle. Will the gear on the left make a full turn?" Penny Nom lui répond. |
Supplementary angles |
2004-09-23 |
Rosemary pose la question : Is the term supplementary angles only applicable to 2 angles (ie. a pair of angles) or can it be used when talking about 3 or more angles that add to make 180 degrees? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Fabricating with pipe |
2004-09-19 |
Gil pose la question : I need to fabricate a 10 section, 4" pipe circle with an inside diameter of 40". I would like to know what angles would apply and how to find them, Penny Nom lui répond. |
A travelling salesman |
2004-09-09 |
Liz pose la question : A salesman traveled due west from city A to city B. The distance he traveled, that is the ditance from A to B, was X miles. He returned from B to A and found that he had traveled half the distance, X/2 miles. How can that be? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles trapezoid |
2004-08-31 |
Bruce pose la question : An isosceles trapezoid with bases of lengths 12 and 16 is inscribed in a circle with a radius of 10. The center of the circle lies in the interior of the trapezoid. Find the area of the trapezoid. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Percentiles |
2004-08-15 |
Gary pose la question : Table 1
Selected percentiles for family income in the US in 1992
1 $1,300
10 $10,200
25 $20,100
50 $36,800
75 $58,100
90 $85,000
99 $151,800
Q. The percentage of families in Table 1 with incomes below $58,100 was about? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Acres and miles |
2004-08-11 |
A student pose la question : How many acres are in 1 mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Water in a cone |
2004-07-28 |
A student pose la question : A vertically inverted cone( i.e. vertex down) has a radius 7
inches and height 24 inches. Water is filled to one third of its
height .Find the ht of water when cone is turned upside down Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two puzzles |
2004-07-13 |
Fred pose la question : A young man's car developed a flat tire while he was driving along a deserted street. He pulled over to the curb and did all the usual things; removed the hub cap; unscrewed the lugs and rested them carefully in the hub cap, jacked up the car. As he was putting the spare tire onto the axle he accidentally kicked the hub cap. The lugs rolled out, and all five of them rolled down a nearby grate. Peering through the bars of the grate the man thought he could see the lugs about 6 feet below in a shallow water puddle. He had a problem, how do you think he solved it?
It is noon, your lunch hour, but you can not go out because there is a terrific hailstorm. Turning on your radio you hear the weathercaster predict that the hail will change to rain and that it will pour all day today. How can you determine the sun will be shining in 36 hours? Justify your answer. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A Fibonacci triangle |
2004-04-25 |
Marcelle pose la question : Is it possible to construct a triangle with sides that are three consecutive Fibonacci numbers? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
The "22" puzzle and the "1089" puzzle |
2004-04-22 |
Marcelle pose la question :
1. Choose 3 digits from 1-9
2. Make all the 2 digit numbers you can from these (6)
3. Add the 3 original digits and divide them into the sum from step 2.
The answer is always '22'. I just can't understand why. Can you please help.
Another one related to this is it:
1. Choose a three digit number ensuring the first and third digit are differnt by at least two.
2. Make the reverse three digit number and subtract the smaller one from the larger of these.
3. Take this answer and reverse it and add these two 3 digit numbers .
643 - 346 = 297
297 + 792 = 1089
it doesn't matter what numbers are used, the results are alwasy the same. eg 22 or 1089
Paul Betts lui répond. |
Circles in a hexagon |
2004-04-11 |
Crystal pose la question : step by step can you show me how to calculate the area of the region inside the hexagon but outside the seven circles. given the radius of each circle is one inch Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of angles in a triangle |
2004-04-06 |
A student pose la question : How can u prove sum of angles in a triangle equal to 180 degrees? Penny Nom lui répond. |
x^2/3 - 7 x^1/3 + 12 = 0 |
2004-04-05 |
Jackie pose la question : I am having trouble solving this question for x:
1.) x^2/3 - 7 x^1/3 + 12 = 0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Four marbles on a box |
2004-03-22 |
Karyn pose la question : Suppose 2 solid color marbles and 2 striped marbles are placed in a box. All are the same size. If one marble is randomly drawn from the box and replaced, then a second marble is randomly drawn, what is the probability that the marble drawn both times will be striped?
I know there is a simple formula for working this out but I can't remember how.
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sum of the angles in a pentagon |
2004-03-11 |
Ashish pose la question : What is the sum of all the measures of the angles of a Pentagon Penny Nom lui répond. |
A geometry problem |
2004-03-04 |
Jennifer pose la question : I need help with this problem: Square ABCD has side length 2. A semicircle with diameter AB is constructed inside the square, and the tangent to the semicircle from C intersects side AD at E. What is the exact length of CE?o Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Napoleon's theorem |
2004-02-27 |
David pose la question : How do i prove this : For any triangle, if you make 3 equillateral triangles
using the sides of the the original triangle, the central points of the 3
tringles another triangle that is equillateral.z Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Acres and square miles |
2004-02-17 |
Richard pose la question :
How many acres are in .17 square miles? and How many acres are in .6 square miles?
The two areas I am requesting information about are Vatican City and San Marino, the two smallest countries in the world. If I can transfer the sq. miles into acres , I can relate the size of these countries to our school grounds and the students will better understand their sizes.
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sin(3x), cos(3x) and tan(3x) |
2004-01-28 |
Jon pose la question : What is the identity for cos3x, sin3x, and tan3x? In class, we learned double angel identities and were asked to find out the identity to these three trig functions. If you can help, please do. Also, i know that the cos4x- sin4x is the same as cos2x. Is cos8x-sin8x = cos2x also true? Thank you.s Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Bundles of asphalt shingles |
2004-01-24 |
Larry pose la question : According to my study material 4:12 multiplying factor for shingles is 1.054. The question reads as follows: A building with a floor plan of 3350 sq. ft. and a roof slope of 4:12 will require _______ bundles of standard asphalt shingles. Harley Weston lui répond. |
What is the speed of the automobile? |
2004-01-20 |
Rita pose la question : An automobile travels toward Nashville from Cookeville. It takes 33 minutes to travel from Cookeville to Manchester, which is a 36 mile distance. If the driver continues at this pace, what is the speed of the automobile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cubic furlongs |
2004-01-11 |
A student pose la question : 1 mile=8 furlongs, how many cubic furlongs in a cubic mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Reflex angles |
2004-01-09 |
Sonya pose la question : My daughter is searching for examples of reflex angles. We already have the hands of a clock but still need another example. Can you help us. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The angles in a regular polygon |
2003-12-21 |
Ernie pose la question : If i have a measure of one interior angle of a polygon, how can i find the number of sides it has? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Finding angles |
2003-12-02 |
The area of a triangle |
2003-12-01 |
A student pose la question : Find the Area of Triangle ABC
C(0,8) Penny Nom lui répond. |
An octagon shaped bed frame |
2003-11-23 |
Trish pose la question : My son and I are making an octagon shaped bed frame. We are going nuts trying to figure out what angle to cut the boards to make an outline of an octagon. It seems that the 8 inside angles of the 8 "corners" are 120*, but what is the angle that the 2x6 wood should be cut so that they will angle together to form the outline of the octagon? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three problems |
2003-11-16 |
Megan pose la question : My name is Megan and I am a junior in high school. Our teacher gave us a few xtra credit questions and I need some help. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Divisibility by 7 |
2003-11-14 |
A student pose la question : how do you test a number to see if it is divisible by 7 or not? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Lines |
2003-11-14 |
A student pose la question : What is a name that a group of lines pass through? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Odd Pythagorean triples |
2003-10-23 |
Kathleen pose la question : in a triple can a and b be odd numbers Penny Nom lui répond. |
Squares in a rectangle |
2003-10-21 |
Raj pose la question :
Draw a rectangle with sides of 3 and 4. Divide the sides into 3 and 4 equal parts respectively. Draw squares joining the points on the sides of the rectangle. You will have 12 small squares inside the 3 x 4 rectangle. If you draw a diagonal of the rectangle, it will intersect 6 of the the 12 smaller squares. Similarly, if you have a 4 x 10 rectangle, the diagonal would intersect 12 of the 40 squares inside the rectangle. Is there an algebric equation that determines the number of squares that will be intersected by the diagonal of a rectangle? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two chords |
2003-10-07 |
Lori pose la question : Chords AB and CD of circle O intersect at E. If AE=4, AB=5, CE=2, Find ED. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A theorem in geometry |
2003-09-02 |
Diego pose la question : Please refer to figure in attached file. P is a point on the chord AB of a circle such that the tangent PT which touches the circle at T is equal to AB. How do we prove that PT2 = AP x BP. Dieter Ruoff and Penny Nom lui répond. |
The quadratic formula |
2003-08-31 |
Alex pose la question : I am using Houghton Mifflin's Precalculus with Limits book, 2nd edition. However, the first chapter encompasses Algebra review, and I am stuck on a problem. All that's required is to solve the following and verify using a calculator: 3y2+6y+2=0 I have solved the problem using the quadratic formula, but from what I remember, the quadratic formula is used in the case of equations following the AX2+BX+C=0 pattern. As the problem I am attempting uses a y-variable, can I still use the quadratic formula? Since I am not sure what route to take in solving this problem, I am hoping you can assist me. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Water in a cone |
2003-08-12 |
Adrienne pose la question :
Water is poured into a tank in the shape of an inverted right circular cone.ð The height of the tank is 8 m and its radius at the top is 4 m. a. Draw and label a picture to represent this situation.ð (I know how to do this) b. Identify all variable quantities. (h = 8m, r = 4m) c. Find an equation that relates the variable quantities, and reduce the number of variable quantities to two. I was thinking about the equation V = 1/3 pi r2 h, which is the Volume of a cone, but I am stumped as to how I am supposed to "reduce the number of variable quantities to two." Can you point me in the right direction? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cutting some wood |
2003-07-25 |
Betty pose la question : My husband is building a six sided wood circle and would like to know the angle to cut the pieces. Penny Nom lui répond. |
pst and gst |
2003-06-24 |
Robin pose la question : I need to find an easy solution to remembering how to calculated the gst and pst once I have the total amount. ex: my total is $154.40, I have to find the gst and then the pst. I live in bc so the taxes are 7% for gst and 7.5% for pst. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Definitions and descriptions |
2003-06-08 |
A radio controled car |
2003-06-08 |
Robert pose la question : I have a radio controled car (scale size 1/43). This car can travel 490 ft. per minute. I would like to know how fast that is at that scale size in miles per hour (and Kilometers per hour)? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Spacing the spindles for a railing |
2003-06-06 |
Jennifer pose la question :
Scott is a homebuilder. He builds railings in which he places spindles. Spindles ar evertical posts taht are equally spaced beneath a horizontal bar. Scott would like a mathematical model to help him determine the amount of space to put between each spindle. The railing must follow the following criteria: The spaces between each spindle must be equal except for the ones at either end. Theses spaces are smaller. They are half the width of a spindle less than the other spaces. The number of spindles needs to be minimized since spindles are costly. Help Scott determine what width of space to use between the spindles. Create a mathematical model to determine the width of space between each spindle in termso f the number of spindles. Use an 8' (96") railing that has 2 1/2" wide spindles. Explain your thinking. For safety reasons the maximum width of a space is 4" Generalize you model to determine the width of spaces for total railing of length L and spindle width s Penny Nom lui répond. |
x-6square root of x +8=0 |
2003-05-10 |
Elizabeth pose la question : x-6square root of x +8=0 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rules of exponents |
2003-05-05 |
Carl pose la question : Hi, I am a student who would like to recall how to multiply exponents. Here is such an equation: 6.02569 X 1025 X 5.254 =?
Also, adding exponents. Don't I just add subtract the exponents separately? Such as 523 +15-12 =?? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A circle, tangent to two circles and a line |
2003-04-30 |
Keith pose la question : I have a horizontal line (that is treated as a datum line or the X axis), with two circles having their center points at different heights from that line (X1,Y1 & X2,Y2). The two circles are also at different diameters (R1 & R2). Both circles and the line (X-Axis) do not intersect nor are they tangent. My goal is to determine the maximum diameter of an inscribed circle that will fit between all three. Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
An equilateral triangle |
2003-03-17 |
Shirley pose la question : An equilateral triangle is one in which all three sides are of equal length. If two vertices of an equilateral triangle are (0,4) and (0,0), find the third vertex. How many of these triangles are possible? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Can a square be considered a rectangle? |
2003-02-27 |
Carla pose la question :
Can a square be considered a rectangle? (since opposite sides are same length and parallel) Would a regular hexagon or octagon be considered a parallelogram since its opposite sides are parallel? or does a parallelogram HAVE to have only 4 sides? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A regular polygon |
2003-02-26 |
Melissa pose la question : The measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon is eight times that of an exterior angle of the polygon. How many sides does the polygon have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A section of land |
2003-02-25 |
Bev pose la question : How many acres in a section of land? How many square miles is in a secion of land? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The area of an isoceles triangle |
2003-02-07 |
A student pose la question : I have to find the area of an isoceles triangle with one angle side of 30 degrees, and length of base 5. Could you please help me solve this problem? Penny Nom lui répond. |
I have three circles... |
2003-01-30 |
Radians |
2003-01-16 |
Erikson pose la question : I am a student in the 10th grade and attending advanced math at my high school. I was assign to do a report about the unit circle and the radian. But there seems to be no information available about the history of the radian; who first found out about them, which civilizations used it if any. Well, hopefully you'll assist me in this troubling question. Thank you for your kind consideration. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Constructing a tangent to two circles |
2002-11-28 |
Tom pose la question : I have two circles, different sizes a known distance from each other. We know the radii of the circles. How do I construct a line that is tangent to both circles relative to the segment that connects the centers of both circles? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Miles per hour |
2002-11-28 |
Liz pose la question : If a car has traveled 16 miles in 30 minutes, how many miles per hour did they go? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Subdividing a circle |
2002-11-11 |
David pose la question : Say you have a cirlcle. Then you draw 2 dots on the circle. Then you connect the dots with lines. The circle is divided into 2 parts. If you do the same with 3 dots and connect each dot to each dot with a line then you get a circle with 4 parts. 4 dots with lines connecting all (6 lines) = 8 parts.... Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Three bags of marbles |
2002-11-08 |
A student pose la question : I have 3 bags of marbles 1 bag is labeled blue; 2nd bag is labeled red; 3rd bag is labeled blue & red all the bags are mismarked your job is to take one marble from 1 bag look at it and correctly label all the bags Penny Nom lui répond. |
An isosceles triangle |
2002-10-30 |
Stan pose la question : What two different base lengths can an isosceles triangle have with sides on both remaining at 13 inches? How do I show this? Paul Betts and Peny Nom lui répond. |
Kilometers to miles |
2002-10-09 |
A student pose la question : how many miles are in 16 kilometers? Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
Fractional exponents |
2002-09-20 |
Jill pose la question : The problem is with fractional exponants: 10 1/3 mult. by 10,000 The 1/3 is an exponant of 10. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A Circle is evenly divided into six equal triangles |
2002-09-16 |
Marilynn pose la question : A Circle is evenly divided into six equal triangles leaving an area between the outside of the circle and the one side of the triangle. This area is measured as 3.14. What is the length of the radius, one line on the triangle? Paul Betts lui répond. |
The area of a triangle |
2002-09-07 |
Phill pose la question : How do you find the area of a equilateral and other triangles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many cubic feet are in a cubic mile? |
2002-08-30 |
William pose la question : How many cubic feet are in a cubic mile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A square of tiles |
2002-08-30 |
Rosa pose la question : How do I go about finding a formula for the number of tiles I would need to add to an arbitrary square to get to the next sized square? Penny Nom lui répond. |
< and > |
2002-08-30 |
Kelsey pose la question : What is the origin of the greater (>) than and less (<) than signs? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The circumference of a 72 |
2002-08-14 |
Linda pose la question : What is the circumference of a 72" diameter circle? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Musical Scales |
2002-07-24 |
Terence pose la question : Given that there are 12 notes in a musical octave, what is the maximum number of musical scales possible within that octave, if each scale has a minimum of 5 notes and a maximum of 9 and we start all the scales from the same note? In case you don't know anything about music, a scale is a progression of notes where you start on a specific note and end on that same note an octave higher. There are twelve different notes between these two similar notes. Which notes you choose to play determine the sound of the scale. Anything less than five notes would not make for a very interesting scale. Anything more than nine and you would be playing almost 'every' note in the scale, not leaving much room for distinction in how you organize these notes. I assume you first have to figure out the maximum number of variations possible in a 5-note scale (with 12 notes at your disposal). Then do the same for a 6-note scale, then a 7-note, then an 8-note, and so on. Then add up the results. How to find this maximum number of variations for each scale size though is what I don't know. Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
20 men dig 40 holes in 60 days |
2002-07-24 |
Lindsey pose la question : 20 men dig 40 holes in 60 days. So, 10 men can dig 10 holes in how many days? Penny Nom lui répond. |
7th grade math lesson plans |
2002-07-23 |
Peter pose la question : Where can I get samples of 7th grade math lesson plans and curriculum for the whole year? Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
As much greater than 47 as it is less than 105 |
2002-07-23 |
Joe pose la question : To find the number in question you need to find the number exactly half-way between 47 and 105. Another way of thinking about the number that is half-way between two other numbers is as the average of the two numbers given. Leenaan Boehm lui répond. |
The base 10 multipliction table |
2002-07-07 |
A student pose la question : These are two questions from Math for Elementary Teachers and they have me stumped. You have two coins that are worth 30 cents. One of the coins is not a nickel. What are the two coins? The product of the diagonals of any 2x2 matrix in the base 10 multiplication table are equal. Why? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Overlapping circles |
2002-05-29 |
Naman pose la question : There are two circles, big circle with radius R and small one with radius r. They intersect and overlap in such a way that the common area formed is 1/2 pi r 2 (half the area of the small circle) If r=1, find the Radius of the big circle (R)? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Find the angle measures |
2002-05-18 |
Amanda pose la question : In triangle ABC; the measure of angle A is 20 degrees more than twice the angle B. The measure of angle C Is five times angle B. Find the angle measures. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Chord length |
2002-05-17 |
Ashlie pose la question : How do you find the chord length of one section of a chord if you only have the diameter length and the other whole chord length. WV is the diameter and equals 16. XY is perpendicular to it, and equals 10. They intersect at pt. Z. I need to know what WZ equals. Please help! Penny Nom lui répond. |
The law of cosines and obtuse angles |
2002-05-09 |
Bryant pose la question : The question that I am pondering is that I need to derive the law of cosines for a case in which angle C is an obtuse angle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Designing a ballot |
2002-04-26 |
Kelley pose la question : I want to design a ballot for four elections. Actually all the candidate races are on 1 ballot. I need to know how many different ballot styles would be needed for all of the candidates to be in each rotation an equal number of times. For example: - A,B,C & D are running for mayor
- E,F,G & H are running for congress
- I,J & K are running for senate
- L,M & N are running for governor
They are all on the same ballot. But in each race their name (for instance A) has to be in the #1 rotation, #2 rotation, #3 rotation, and #4 rotation for his race on this ballot an equal number of times as B,C and D. The same goes for the other candidates for their perspective races. How many total ballot styles will there be? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two triangles |
2002-04-03 |
Scott pose la question : Consider 2 triangles: Triangle PMB and Triangle PLA. Triangle PLA is contained within Triangle PMB. Side LA is parallel to Side MB. Point L is located on Side PM. Point A is located on Side PB. If the ratio PL:LM = 5, then what is PB:PA ?? harley Weston lui répond. |
What fraction of the world's motor vehicles are built in Canada? |
2002-03-20 |
A student pose la question : About 1/4 of the world's motor vehicles is built in Canada or the United States. About 1/5 of the world's motor vehicles are built in the United States. What fraction of the world's motor vehicles are built in Canada? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
The isosceles triangle of smallest area |
2002-03-08 |
Lettie pose la question : can you find the isosceles triangle of smallest area that circumscribes a circle of radius of one? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Factor completely |
2002-03-07 |
Taylor pose la question : I'm supposed to completely factor this but I don't know what to do with all the variables. a3b5 - a2b5 - 12ab5. Does it have anything to do with b5 being a common factor or am I completely off? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The median with ties |
2002-02-27 |
Marcel pose la question : What, exactly, is the proper way to determine the median of a set of numbers when doubles or triples of a number are part of that set? Do the doubles count as two and the triples three, or does each count only as one toward determining the median. Harley Wston lui répond. |
Two circles inscribed in a rectangle |
2002-02-27 |
Amina pose la question : Given a rectangle with dimensions L=6, H=5. Two circles are inscribed such that they touch each other(circles are adjacent to each other) and also their circumferences touch 2 sides of the rectangle. One of the circles has radius=4. Find the radius of the other circle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
36 is 20% less than _____? |
2002-02-13 |
Lori pose la question : 36 is 20% less than _____? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Miles and kilometers |
2002-01-22 |
Dennis pose la question : I'm in the middle of purchasng a vehicle and it was built in Canada. Therefore it is in kilometers and not in miles. I forgot how many kilometers are in a mile. It registers as 183,049 kilometers. Penny Nom and Judi McDonald lui répond. |
Nickles, dimes, quarters and fifty cent pieces |
2002-01-08 |
A parent pose la question : The total for all coins counted is $4,564.50 The last coin added to the pile is a 50 cent piece There are 8 times as many 50 cent pieces as there are quarters There are 6 times as many dimes as nickles How many of each are there? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Piles of coins |
2001-12-05 |
A student pose la question : Sharon has less than 20 coins. When she puts them in piles of 5, she has 1 left over. When she put them in piles of 3, she also has 1 left over. How many coins does Sharon have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Box and Whisker plots |
2001-11-19 |
Rod pose la question : In our Prealgebra course, we have been studying Box and Whisker plots. Recently, we learned how to decide whether a data point is an outlier or not. The book (Math Thematics, McDougall Littell) gave a process by which we find the interquartile range, then multiply by 1.5. We add this number to the upper quartile, and any points above this are considered to be outliers. We also subtract the number from the lower quartile for the same effect. My question: where does this 1.5 originate? Is this the standard for locating outliers, or can we choose any number (that seems reasonable, like 2 or 1.8 for example) to multiply with the Interquartile range? If it is a standard, were outliers simply defined via this process, or did statisticians use empirical evidence to suggest that 1.5 is somehow optimal for deciding whether data points are valid or not? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rules of exponents |
2001-10-14 |
Carissa pose la question : how do you work this out? Investigate the relationship between a,b,c and d if 2a*2b=4c/4d? Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
Acres |
2001-10-10 |
Allison pose la question : how many feet are there in an acre? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Pythagoras & magic squares |
2001-10-09 |
John pose la question : My grandson became intrigued when he recently 'did' Pythagoras at elementary school. He was particularly interested in the 3-4-5 triangle, and the fact that his teacher told him there was also a 5-12-13 triangle, i.e. both right-angled triangles with whole numbers for all three sides. He noticed that the shortest sides in the two triangles were consecutive odd numbers, 3 & 5, and he asked me if other right angled triangles existed, perhaps 'built' on 7, 9, 11 and so on. I didn't know where to start on this, but, after trying all sorts of ideas, we discovered that the centre number in a 3-order 'magic square' was 5, i.e. (1+9)/2, and that 4 was 'one less'. Since the centre number in a 5-order 'magic square' was 13 and that 12 was 'one less' he reckoned that he should test whether a 7-order square would also generate a right-angled triangle for him. He found that 7-24-25, arrived at by the above process, also worked! He tried a few more at random, and they all worked. He then asked me two questions I can't begin to answer ... - Is there a right-angled triangle whose sides are whole numbers for every triangle whose shortest side is a whole odd number? and
- Is each triangle unique (or, as he put it, can you only have one whole-number-sided right-angled triangle for each triangle whose shortest side is an odd number)?
Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A bag with 3 red marbles and |
2001-09-27 |
Mike pose la question : In a bag, there are 3 red marbles and "B" blue marbles. Two marbles are randomly selected from the bag without replacement. The probability that the two marbles are the same color is 0.5. Calculate the sum of all possible values of B. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Bicycles and tricycles |
2001-09-26 |
Sally pose la question : A bicycle shop has 5 bicycles and tricycles to repair. They have 12 wheels. What strategy would you use to determine how many bicycles and tricycles need to be repaired? Claude Tardif, Diane Hanson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A polygon |
2001-09-11 |
Sueling pose la question : what is the smallest polygon. what is a polygon. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Similar triangles |
2001-09-08 |
Dave pose la question : I am standing on the bank of a river ( whose banks are parallel here) directly opposite a boathouse, B, on the opposite bank. I walk along the bank of the river past a signpost, S, until I reach a point C distant 60 metres from where I started walking. I then walk away from the bank, at right angles to the bank, until I reach a shady tree at D. Attached to teh tree is a sign stating that this spot is 45 metres from the signpost. C is 36 metres beyond S and B and S are in line from D. (a) How far did I walk away from the bank of the river?? (b) Calculate the width of the river? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Bisecting angles |
2001-08-27 |
Monica pose la question : Ray QS is the bisector for angle PQR. Find the measure of angle PQS and PQR if the measure of angle SQR is 52 degrees. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Standard angles |
2001-08-05 |
Nagaraj pose la question : Why 0o , 30o , 45o , 60o ,and 90o are taken as standard angles in Trigonometry? Why can't we take some other angles as standard angles? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Radian measure |
2001-07-26 |
Amy pose la question : i have to find out what is meant by the radian measure of an angle and compare it to the measure of an angle in degrees. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Rhombus |
2001-07-16 |
William pose la question : Calculate the internal angles of a rhombus given measurments of all four sides only. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Three chords |
2001-06-28 |
Paul pose la question : AE is a diameter of a circle and AC, CD and DE are chords of lengths 1, 2 and 3 respectively. (See the diagram.) Find the ridius of the circle. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Three tangents to a circle |
2001-06-27 |
Stephanie pose la question : The three lines PS, PT, and RQ are tangents to the circle. The points S, X, and T are the three points of tangency. Prove that the perimeter of triangle PQR is equal to 2PT. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
An inequality involving triangles |
2001-06-12 |
Sandra pose la question : The triangle inequality guarantees that the sum of the lengths of two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of the third. As a consequence, if x and y are legs of a right triangle, with x less than or equal to y, and z the hypotenuse, then x + y is greater than z, so x is greater than z - y. Under what circumstances will x is greater than 2(z - y) be true? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Geometry problems involving triangles |
2001-06-07 |
Sandi pose la question : Find the radius of the largest circle contained in a right triangle whose legs are 8 and 15 and hypotenuse is 17. If the right triangle has legs a and b and hypotenuse c, find an expression for the radius of the circle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The angles in a triangle |
2001-05-11 |
Nikki pose la question : Find the measure, to the nearest degree, of each angle of a triangle with sides of the given lengths. 26, 35, 40 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas |
2001-05-09 |
Colleen pose la question : How is an ellipse like a circle? In what way does an ellipse have a center? How is a hyperbola similar and different to an ellipse? How is a parabola similar a different to a circle ellipse and parabola? Pnny Nom lui répond. |
How many acres are in a square mile? |
2001-05-04 |
Terri pose la question : How many acres are in a square mile? Judi McDonald lui répond. |
Triangles and fractions |
2001-04-27 |
Constance pose la question : My name is Constance and I am thirteen years old (I am a student). The question that I am queering about I don't understand why you do ONE HALF x the base x the width WHEN YOU WANT TO FIND the area of a triangle? My second question is if you multiply one half and 10 together why does it come out as 5? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Isoscles and scalene |
2001-04-17 |
Autumn pose la question : explain where the term isoscles and scalene came from? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Squares on a chess board |
2001-04-11 |
Tom pose la question : It was once claimed that there are 204 squares on an ordinary chessboard (8sq. x 8sq.) Can you justify this claim? "PLEASE" include pictures. How many rectangles are there on an ordinary chessboard? (8sq. x 8sq.) "PLEASE" include pictures. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The bond angles of a tetrahedral polygon |
2001-03-14 |
Nishi pose la question : how do i prove (a simply as possible) why the bond angles of a tetrahedral polygon are 109.5 degrees? *i already have two explanations that i don't understand. one is about "theory of dot products" and "vectors" and a hook-like symbol w/ a cosine, and the other has an incomprhensible diagram w/ difficult notation- PLEASE BE SIMPLE! thanks sooo much Harley Weston lui répond. |
Powers |
2001-03-04 |
A student pose la question : Hey, can you show me how you do .. (2xy)to the 3rd power (x) to the 2nd power? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How tall is the tree? |
2001-03-02 |
Ronda pose la question : a tree's shadow is 42 ft. long. There is a stop sign that is right next to it and it is 18 ft. tall and it's shadow is 12 ft. long. How tall is the tree? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Solve for two variables |
2001-02-25 |
A student pose la question : How do I solve for %1 and %2 in the following formula when T1, T2 and T3 are known? %1 and %2 are ratios of the same element, therefore %1 + %2 = 100%
(%1 x T1) + (%2 x T2) = T3 Penny Nom lui répond. |
Mr. Moser's roof |
2001-02-21 |
Michelle pose la question : Mr. Moser is planning to replace the roof of his home. He needs to order a pack of shingles. Each pack covers 100 sq. ft. of roof. Without a ladder, Mr. Moser can not climb to the roof to measure it. Instead, he measures his attic and finds it to be 40 ft. long, 24 ft. wide, and 5 ft. high at the peak of the roof which is in the center of the house. Although the roof is even with the side walls, he estimates the roof line continues 1.5 ft. beyond the front and back walls. How many full packs of shingles should Mr. Moser order to cover his roof? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Angles in a polygon |
2001-02-17 |
Joan pose la question : How many sides does a polygon have if its smallest interior angle is 120 degrees and each sucessive angle is 5 degrees greater than the predecessor? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Bicycles and phone calls |
2001-02-08 |
Sarah pose la question :
- A bicycle has a diameter of 66 centimeters. How many times must the tire rotate to travel 1 kilometer?explain answer.
- Becky want to make a long distance call to her friend Sarah from a pay telephone.She has $5.00 in change.The call costs $0.90 for the first three minutes and $0.24 for each additional minute.How long can Becky talk to Sarah?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond. |
Conversions |
2001-01-24 |
Tanya pose la question : I have 2 questions - covert 628 kilometers to miles.(round off your answer to two decimal places.)
- a new clerk in your office is to earn $200 per week. If she works 30.5 hours each week, what is her hourly rate? (round off your answer to the nearest hundreth, that is, to the nearest cent.)
Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of the angles in a polygon |
2001-01-23 |
A student pose la question : What is the sum of the measures (interior angles) in an octagon ... heptagon ... decagon. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Some complex problems |
2001-01-15 |
Nick pose la question : I am having enormous difficulty with one question in my maths homework. The question is shown below. If anybody out there can find the answers and show the workings and help me to understand. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Is n^2 - 2 a multiple of n - 4? |
2001-01-10 |
John pose la question : Find all positive integers n so that n2 - 2 is a multiple of n - 4. Sukanta Pati lui répond. |
A quarter-circle and two semi-circles |
2000-12-31 |
Christopher pose la question : Inside the quarter-circle are two semi-circles with the same radius, (r). Which has a greater area, G or L? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A lampost and its shadow |
2000-12-24 |
Laura pose la question : A lamppost line EC casts a shadow line AC. A 30 cm ruler line DB has been moved from A so that it's shadow falls just within the shadow of the lamppost. - Suppose the length of the ruler's shadow is 42 cm. What is the slope of the imaginary line AE?
- Suppose the lamppost's shadow is 15 m. long. How tall is the lamppost?
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Is this a right triangle? |
2000-12-08 |
Alicia pose la question : How would you set-up and answer a problem like these one? Triangle ABC has vertices A(-2,2), B(1,-2), and C (1,2). Use slopes to determine if the triangle is a right triangle. Penny Nom lui répond. |
< and > Which one is which? |
2000-12-06 |
Alice pose la question : This grandmother forgot and wants to know the correct for greater and the one for lesser..... the two are < and > Which one is which? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Parabolas in life |
2000-12-03 |
Ashley pose la question : I am a student and my teacher recently gave us the assignment of writing a portfolio on parabolas in life and finding examples, three to be in fact, only we have to go into detail about only one. We have been instructed to include such terms as: axis of symmetry, completing the square, parabola, quadratic formula, standard form (vertex form) and vertex. We also must include in our detailed example an equation of the parabola and very specific details, PLEASE HELP! Harley Weston lui répond. |
Triangles and trigonometry |
2000-11-30 |
Mose pose la question : If I have a right triangle, and I know the lengths of all three sides, is there a formula that will allow me to determine the measurements of the 2 non right angles? Harley Weston lui répond. |
An integration problem |
2000-11-30 |
A student pose la question : If a>0 and the integral from b to 0 of 1/(1+x) equals 1/2 the integral from a to 0 of 1/(1+x), express "b" in terms of "a" Claude tardif lui répond. |
What are adjacent angles that equal 360 called? |
2000-11-22 |
David pose la question : I know that supplementary angles add to 180 degrees and that commplementary angles add up to be 90 degrees, but what are adjacent angles that equal 360 degrees called? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Length of a shadow |
2000-11-01 |
Jessy pose la question : A man who is six feet tall is walking away from a street light that is fifteen feet tall. How long is the man's shadow when he is ten feet away from the light? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The ages of three daughters |
2000-10-25 |
Andrea pose la question : An encyclopedia saleman call at a home. The woman who answers the door says she will buy something from him if he can give the ages of her three children. The first clue, she says, is the three ages multiplied together equal 36. he responds that he needs more infomration, so she says that the threee ages add up to the number of the bus that passed by (the prof did not give us this number) He thinks for a while and says he needs one more clue. So she says, my youngest child has red hair, and he is able to answer and make the sale. what are the ages of the three children? (hint: the salesman needed all three clues to get the answer). Penny Nom lui répond. |
Connecting to a water line |
2000-10-20 |
Vanja pose la question : My question is...A house is to be connected to a new water main that runs along the line y=2/3x-1. The connection point at the house has coordinates (2,9), where the units represent metres. What lenght of plastic pipe is needed to connect to the water main at the closest point? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Larger and smaller |
2000-10-10 |
Nicole pose la question : which one of these arrows < , > points to the greater number? which arrows points to the smaller number. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Trigonometry |
2000-09-02 |
david pose la question : determine the sum of the angles A,B where 0 <= A , B <= 180 (degrees) sinA + sinB = sqr(3/2) , cosA + cosB = sqr(1/2) Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Rectangles and algebra |
2000-06-13 |
Kirstin pose la question : A rectangle's length is 4 more than twice its width. The area of the rectangle is 336m squared. What is its length? Paul Betts and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Projecting a line segment onto a plane |
2000-06-08 |
Monica pose la question : What is the measure of the angle determined by a 14 inch segment and its projection into a plane if the length,in inches, of the projection into the plane is 7 inches? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A centroid problem |
2000-06-02 |
Kerstin pose la question : An isoceles triangle has sides measuring 13 cm, 13 cm, and 10 cm. Find the distance from the centroid to the vertex of a base angle. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Adjacent Angles |
2000-05-21 |
Katherine Keys pose la question : Can a straight angle be an adjacent angle to another angle? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Supplementary angles |
2000-05-09 |
Suzanne pose la question : We know that: Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum equals 180 degrees and complementary angles are two angles whose sum equals 90 degrees. Are supplementary and complementary angles necessarily adjacent? or can they be non-adjacent? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
sin(7pi/12) |
2000-05-04 |
Kristel pose la question : What is the exact value of sin 7pi/12? Chris Fisher and Paul Betts lui répond. |
Monica's geometry problem |
2000-04-27 |
Monica pose la question : Given: ABCD is a square; AX is perpendicular to BY Prove: Angle 1 is congruent to Angle 3 Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The side length ratios of some triangles |
2000-04-04 |
Alexis Lockwood pose la question : I am doing a project for my Math 30B class regarding the side length ratios of 45-45-90 degree and 30-60-90 degree triangles. I would really appreciate any assistance in answering the following questions, or even direction to an appropriate web site or resource on the matter. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Why a Right angle? |
2000-04-03 |
Joseph Mizerek pose la question : I was wondering why a 90 degree angle is called a Right angle. I mean why isn't called a left angle. Haragauri Gupta lui répond. |
Reflex angles |
2000-03-22 |
D. Reed pose la question : What is the name of an angle that exceeds 180 degrees? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Grazing area for a goat |
2000-03-10 |
Amy pose la question : A goat is tied in the middle of a side of a square building whose sides are 2 yards long. The rope is 4 yards long. What is the grazing area for the goat? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Pythagorean triples |
2000-03-01 |
Bob Ross pose la question : Could you please tell me what pythagoria triad is.I am a year 10 student. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Factoring, primes, GCF and LCM |
2000-02-27 |
Ruth Kroek pose la question : My son is in grade seven, he has to do a Factoring Booklet the areas covered are: - Prime #'s
- Composite #'s
- Rainbow Factoring
- Finding Multiples (consecutive multiples)
- Finding GCF of 2-3 numbers uning Rainbow factoring
- Finding LCM of 2 numbers using consecutive multiples
- prime factor trees
- prime factor ladders
- finding GCF of 2 numbers using Prime number Method
Although his text 'Math Power' gives some information, we are at a loss .. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Building a pyramid |
2000-02-26 |
Francis X. Hines Jr. pose la question : I am presently trying to build a pyramid. I can understand that the base has 90 degree angles on the first plane which is the outline of the square that makes up the floor. As close as I can figure the slope of each wall face is 35 degrees or 35.7 to be exact if I am correct by using 360 as the total of the three interior angles.Now , I run into a compound angle where the corners meet what would be the angle created by the two 35 degree angles that would allow for the 90 degree edge to continue. Because I'm working in three dimensions I also need to be sure that my math would be correct when I substract 35 from 90 to aquire the angle of the narrow edge as to allow for a 90 degree surface to be present ..to allow for another level to be added with only the base line being shortened. I hope you can understand what it is that I'm asking assistance with.I would greatly appericate your help. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Weighing bales |
2000-02-15 |
Thinh Than pose la question : You have 5 bales of hay. and they were weighed but they didn't weigh them individually, they were weighed in pairs. The pairs were 1&2, 1&3, 1&4, 1&5, 2&3, 2&4, 2&5, and so on. The weights of the pairs were 80,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,90, and 91. Can you tell me how much the bales weigh individually. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Tennis doubles |
2000-02-04 |
Brittany Allinson pose la question : Cheri, Beth and Jacinta are daughters of Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Marchand, and Mr. Benoit. Four of these people are playing tennis doubles. Mr. Benoit's daughter and Mr. Sullivan are partners. Cheri's father and Mr. Marchand's daughter are also partners. There aren't any father/daughter combinations. Who is Cheri's father? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Angles |
2000-01-06 |
Rayna pose la question : I am doing a presentation report on angles which has to be fun and entertaining as well as educational. I am having problems locating resources on angles that give me ideas of fun entertaining projects. My lecture is to be about 20 minutes long infront of a class of 11th and 12th graders. Please Help if you can. Claude Tardif and Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Two candles |
1999-11-24 |
Skip Simpson pose la question : You have two candles the same length. They are lit at the same time. One burns down in 4 hours; the other in 5 hours. How long does it take before one candle is three times the length of the other candle? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
The number of city blocks in a country mile |
1999-11-24 |
Gloria Hearst pose la question : For years my family has had an on going debate on the number of city blocks in a country mile. We vary from a minmum 8 blocks per mile to a maximum of 12 blocks per mile. Nadine Griffiths and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Area of a quadrilateral |
1999-11-19 |
Zane Cram pose la question : I need the formula to calculate the area of an irregular sided rectangle. Each side has a different measurement or length. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Trolls and Gargoyles |
1999-11-02 |
TexGrimm pose la question : How can you seat 6 monsters - 3 Trolls and 3 Gargoyles- at a circular table if the trolls look alike and the gargoyles look alike? Does your formula work for 9 monsters - 4 trolls and 5 gargoyles? Penny Nom lui répond. |
(-5)^2, -5^2 and -(5)^2 |
1999-10-13 |
Jennifer Brown pose la question : What is the difference between the following problems: (-5)2, -52 and -(5)2 Our text book (Beginning Algebra, fourth edition, published by McGraw Hill, by Streeter, Huthison and Hoetzle) says the second and third problem are exactly the same. I don't see how that can be. Is there a mathematical rule that explains this? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Isosceles triangles |
1999-10-12 |
Amber pose la question : In defining the types of triangles, our class was stumped by a question asked by one of the student. Maybe you could help. The definition of an equilateral triangle is a triangle with three congruent sides. The definiton of an isosceles triangle is a triangle with at LEAST two congruent sides. The question is, if an isosceles triangle only requires at Least two of the sides to be congruent, could an equilateral triangle be called an isosceles triangle? Penny Nom, Walter Whiteley and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two 12-sided polygons |
1999-09-25 |
Kelly Boulton pose la question : Two 12-sided polygons are similar. A side of the larger polygon is 3 times as long as the corresponding side of the smaller polygon. wHAT IS the ratio of the area of the larger polygon to the area of the smaller polygon. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Bales of hay |
1999-09-13 |
Ivy pose la question : You are given 5 bales of hay. Two bales are weighed at a time, which equal the following weights: 110, 112, 113,114,115,116,117,118,120,121. What does each individual bale weigh? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Rolling Circles |
1999-09-12 |
Craig Ellis pose la question : We have a circle of radius 3. inside the circle and tangent to the circle of radius 3 at one point is a circleof radius 1. The question is if we could roll the smaller circle around the inside of the larger circle how many revolutions would it take to get around to where we started. Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Degrees and triangles |
1999-09-09 |
Sandra Mills pose la question : Are there any triangles which are not 180 degrees? I am also in need of information on the history of degree measure for an angle. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
The number of acres in a square mile |
1999-07-09 |
Rita Murphy pose la question : What is the # of acres in square mile Harley Weston lui répond. |
Circles, cirmcuference and area |
1999-05-16 |
Stephen Ehrler pose la question : I would appreciate if you could please tell me if what I discovered here is something or my ignorance? I noticed that a circle with r radii has the folling characteristic. r = [2 * ( pi * r2 / pi * 2r)] The equation states that the ratio of a circles area over its circumfrence = 1/2 that of the circles radii. It works every time. Did you know this ? Is it some kind of therom and can it be used for any thing? I thought this was intresting and would appreciate any input you may have. Thank you. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A ladder problem |
1999-04-22 |
Michael Blade pose la question : There is a cube box 3feet x 3feet x 3ft resting against a vertical wall on level ground. Resting against the outside corner of the box is a ladder 10 feet tall, this ladder is of course resting on the ground but also against the outside corner of the box and rests on the wall. The question- the ladder is divided into two unequal section bounded by the box to the ground and the box to the wall. what are those dimensions? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Circles |
1999-04-21 |
Alex Elkins pose la question : How do you find the circumference of a circle if you only know the radius and the square feet or inches of the circle if the radius is 18 inches, If done in inches do you multiply by 12 to get the square feet? Jack Lesage and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Finding a rule for a sequence |
1999-02-17 |
Lindsey Masters pose la question : I'm doing a maths investigation and i have a sequence which goes:- 13,16,25,32,45,56,73. Our teacher told us we have to find a rule by looking at the differences of the terms until we find a constant. The first differences are:- 3,9,7,13,11,17. The differences of these are:- ...... Please could you tell me how to work it out so that I could work out the rules of similar sequences. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Angles in Polygons |
1999-01-21 |
Jen pose la question :
- How do u find the interior angles of a pentagon when you are given 4 of the angles and you need to find the fifth?
- If you are given the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon, how do you figure out how many sides the polygon has?
- i need all information on polygons and how to find their angles!!!
Jack LeSage lui répond. |
Geometry patterns lesson plans |
1998-12-31 |
Vicki pose la question : hi,,, my name is Vicki and I am a new 5th grade teacher.... Anyway, I'm supposed to come up with a lesson plan to - Explore patterns that result from cominations of "reflections, rotations, and translations of geometric figures.
The plan is to include: - writing/metacognition, assessment strategies, interdisciplanary connections, supplemental materials, or textbook, and Bloom's taxonomy level.
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jack LeSage lui répond. |
Divisibility by 11 |
1998-10-28 |
Pat Duggleby pose la question : I am an upgrading instructor at a drop-in program in Regina. One of my students is taking General Math 30 through correspondence, and we have run into some confusing instructions. The section is about divisibility rules, and we did just fine up until the rule for Divisibility by 11. The statement is as follows: | If the difference between the sum of the odd-numbered digits and the sum of the even-numbered digits, counted from right to left, is divisible by 11, then the number is divisible by 11. | . . . Penny Nom lui répond. |
Complementary and Supplementary Angles |
1998-10-21 |
Christina Saunders pose la question : I am in 9th grade and my math teacher wanted us to find out why complimentary angles are called complimentary and why supplimentary angles are called supplimentary. I have looked everywhere and asked numerous people, but I have yet to find an answer. My math teacher said it had something to do with trigonometry. Do you have an answer for me? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
A Kite |
1998-10-07 |
Paul Scott pose la question : What is the mathematical term for the kite shape? Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Probability |
1998-09-17 |
Chris pose la question : Six marbles are placed in one of three boxes. What is the probability that each box contains two marbles? What is the formula used? Penny Nom and Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Isosceles trapezoid formula |
1998-05-12 |
Donna McMullin pose la question : The teacher of Gifted and Talented Math has been trying to locate the formula for anisosceles trapezoid and we can't find it anywhere. Could it be the same formula for that of a parallelogram ? Please advise. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
The origin of angles |
1998-02-24 |
Marc Poulin pose la question : I'm currently teaching angles to students in grade 10 and I've been asked what's the origin of the terms degrees, radians and gradians. I know that the radians come from the sexagesimal numerical system of the Babylonians but my kids wanted to know dates and persons who would have brought these terms first. Harley Weston lui répond. |
(50^20)(20^50) |
1998-02-24 |
fion pose la question : 50 power of 20 X 20 power of 50? How many zero can be found in the answer and why? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees |
1998-02-19 |
Quin Liu pose la question : How do you prove that the sum of the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees? Is there a proof? what is it? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Two Inscribed Trapezoids |
1998-01-27 |
James pose la question : A hexagon inscribed in a circle has three consecutive sides each of length 3 and three consecutive sides each of length 5. The chord of the circle that divides the hexagon into two trapezoids, one with three sides each of length 3 and the other with three sides each of length 5, has length equal to m/n, where m and n are relatively prime positive integers. Find m+n. Haragauri Gupta lui répond. |
Trigonometric functions |
1997-12-21 |
Calvin Cheng pose la question : My name is Calvin and I have a year 12 question for you to help me with. From a point S, the angle of elevation of the top of a tower due north of it is 20 degrees. From R, due east of the tower, the angle of elevation is 18 degrees. S and R are 100m apart. Find the height of the tower. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Pythagorean Triples. |
1997-12-04 |
Shameq Sayeed pose la question : I've got a couple of problems which I hope you'll be able to solve for me. I'm investigating pythagorean triples, and I have found a trend for the triples themselves, and thus have been able to form a general equation, i.e. a=2x+1, b=2x^2+2x, and c=b+1. Now, I sure this equation works, because I've tried it out and have come up with triples that adhere to a^2 + b^2 = c^2. But I was wondering WHY c=b+1. Is it possible to have c=b+2, and if not why not? THAT is the first problem. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Shimin's Geometry Problem |
1997-12-02 |
Ong Shimin pose la question : ABCD is a rectangle. X and Y are the midpoints of BC and CD respectively. W is a point on AB such that AW : WB = 2 : 1. Z is a point on AD such that AZ : ZD = 2 : 1. WY intersects XZ at O. If the area of triangle WOZ is 84 centimeters squared, find the area of triangle XOY. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
A geometry problem |
1997-11-20 |
Herman pose la question : When produced, two equal chords AB and CD of a circle meet at P in an angle of 24 degrees. If H is the mid-point of AB and K is the mid-point of CD, calculate the size of angle HKD. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rowing on the Charles River. |
1997-09-17 |
Fawwaz Muraisi pose la question : On the Charles River in Boston, the Harvard bridge and the Longfellow bridge are 1 mile apart. The MIT crew starts rowing upstream at the Longfellow bridge. As the crew passes under the Harvard bridge, the coxswain's hat falls into the river. Ten minutes later, the coxswain notices and turns the boat around instantaneously. He has t he crew row back to get it, rowing at the same constant rate. By the time the team reaches the hat, they are back at the Longfellow bridge.How fast is the river flowing? Harley Weston lui répond. |
The Length of a Chord. |
1997-07-26 |
Nathan Arthur pose la question : Picture a 9 inch diameter circle. Inside that circle is a 6 inch diameter circle tangent to it. Then, tangent to both circles is a 3 inch diameter circle. So there are three circles, two smaller ones inside a big one, all of them just touching but not overlapping. Now picture a chord on the 9 inch circle that is created by making a line that is tangent to both the 6 and the 3 inch circles and extending it to the edge of the 9 inch circle. I need the length of that cord. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Area Between Two Sectors |
1997-03-02 |
Rebecca Henry pose la question : Points A,B,C,D,E,F are equally spaced on a unit circle. Arc CGE has a center A. Find the number of square units of area in the shaded region. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Some Circle Questions. |
1997-02-25 |
Staci Vawser pose la question : A circle with a radius of 10m is drawn. A chord is drawn across the circle. How is the area that is formed between the chord and the arc calculated? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Triangles, The Pythagorean Theorem and Pizzas. |
1997-02-23 |
Sherryle Mathis pose la question : I am a graduating senior presently teaching geometry as part of my student teaching. I will do my CUP on Right Triangles and Pythagorean theorem. I am looking for a fun activity as part of my unit plan. Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Mathematics of Schedules |
1997-01-16 |
Byron Krull pose la question : I was asked if there was a mathematical method to work with schedules. The problem is this. There are 24 teams playing weekly on 4 sheets at 3 different times of the day as follows... Denis Hanson lui répond. |
Sides in a Regular Polygon |
1996-12-06 |
Rick Moss pose la question : If you are given the measure of each interior angle (162 degrees) of a regular polygon. How many sides does the polygon have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Height of a Hotel |
1996-11-07 |
Irene pose la question : "Irene" is to determine the # of floors in a hotel 500 feet up the street. Irene is on the 10th floor of an office building and can measure the angle of elevation to the top of the hotel, 57 degrees. Her view of the entire building is obstructed. If the street rises at an angle of 8 degrees from the office building to the hotel and the average distance between floors is 11 feet, how many floors are on the hotel? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Why is a circle divided into 360 degrees? |
1996-09-30 |
Kurtis Kredo pose la question : I was recently wondering why a circle has been divided in to 360 degrees. When I asked my physics teacher he could not think of an answer. His guess is that it probably has to do with people long ago using the base 6 number system. I have a small inkling that it has to do with easy conversion or usage with radians or grads. Chris Fisher lui répond. |