130 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
méthode pour trouver l'air d'un carré |
2008-04-08 |
Mélodie pose la question : je doit trouver au moins 4 manieres différentes de calculer l'air d'un carré.
j'en ai déja trouvée 2 mais il m'en faut le plus possible...
1. longueur x largeur
2. division en triangles, puis air des triangles et multipler par
l'air des triangles Thierry Moisan lui répond. |
racine carre de 9 |
2008-01-01 |
hichem pose la question : racine carre de 9 Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Deux terrains |
2007-06-04 |
Aurelie pose la question : Deux terrains, un rectangulaire et l'autre carré, ont la même superficie.
Si tu sais que la longueur du terrain rectangulaire mesure 40m et que le carré mesure 20m de côté, détermine la largeur du terrain rectangulaire. Claude Tardiff lui répond. |
Origine du signe racine carré |
2006-11-30 |
Kévin pose la question : Je suis simplement un élève de 3eme très curieux et j'aimerais savoir d'où vien le signe de la racine carré (l'espece de V) c'est une question toute bete mais ma prof de math ne peu me répondre le pouvez vous? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
la somme des aires des deux dommaines |
2006-11-06 |
Nina pose la question : Une ficelle de longeur L = 1m est coupée en deux morceaux. Avec l'un des morceaux, de longeur x, on forme un carré, et avec l'autre un cercle. A quel endroit doit on couper la ficelle pour que la somme des aires des deux dommaines obtenus soit minimale? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Un carré ABCD |
2006-10-31 |
Barrault pose la question : Dans un carré ABCD de coté a , avec I le milieu du cote AB je cherche a exprimer CI et CA en fonction de a en demontrant que les vecteur CA+CB=2CI comment faire? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
ABCD est un carré de 4 cm de côté |
2006-03-06 |
Elodie pose la question : ABCD est un carré de 4 cm de côté. On découpe un peit carré AEFG d côté x. Que vaut x si l'aire de AEFG est la moitié de l'aire de ABCD? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
l'aire d'un carré |
2005-02-24 |
Un eleve pose la question : calculer l'aire d'un carré parfait sachant que les diagonales mesurent 8 mètres
Je ne sais pas comment lui expliquer. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Un problème de math |
2004-09-10 |
Sophie pose la question : (V est en fait le signe de la racine carrée)
(3 / V27) x ( V75 ) = ??? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Comment fait on pour justifier que... |
2002-09-30 |
Lucie pose la question : Comment fait on pour justifier que p au carré est égal à 2 fois q au carré? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
l'équation d'une rotation dans un graphique cartésien |
2001-11-14 |
Ghaith pose la question : je d6sir que vous me rafraichissez un peu la mémoire s.v.p. j'aimerai savoir l'équation d'une rotation dans un graphique cartésien merci Claude Tardif lui répond. |
racine carrée |
2000-11-24 |
G. Bigorgne pose la question : Quel est donc l'origine de l'expression "racine carrée" ? Pourquoi avoir choisi cette expression ? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Alex rents a car for one day |
2019-10-31 |
Arshia pose la question : Alex rents a car for one day. The charge is $25 plus $0.20 per mile. Alex wants to spend exactly $110. How many miles can he drive? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A tube through a board at 45 degrees |
2019-06-15 |
Guy pose la question : I need to insert a tube 5/8" diameter into a board at a 45 degree angle. What size hole must I drill for the tube to fit snugly? Harley Weston lui répond. |
A car on a rough road and a concrete road |
2017-08-27 |
Ken pose la question : A car is driven on a rough road at a speed of 25km and then on a concrete road with a speed of 70kph. The car has 5.5 hours to travel 225km. How long did the car travel on concrete road? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Baseball Cards |
2017-04-20 |
Raquel pose la question : A minor league baseball team gave away baseball cards to each person entering the stadium. One group receives 28 baseball cards. A second group received 68 baseball card. If each person entering the stadium receive the same number of cards, what was the greatest possible number of baseball cards that each person could have received? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Renting an electric cart |
2017-01-07 |
Desiree pose la question : Vacation Rentals rents electric carts for travel on their grounds. The economy plan rents
carts for $26 per day and the premium plan rents a carts for $12 per day plus a one time fee of $126.05
For how many whole days would it be cheaper to rent from the economy plan then from the premium plan? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A car chase |
2016-09-25 |
Ms. pose la question : Car 1 is traveling down the road at 50 mph and passes Car 2 is
sitting on the side of the road. Car 2 needs to catch Car 1 one half mile
down the road. How fast must Car 2 drive to catch Car 1 if Car 2
waits 10 seconds before pursuing Car 1?
Yes, the assumption is that the Car 2 can accelerate from a standing position and over take Car 1 rate. What is the answer or formula for this type of question?
Befuddled Mom? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How fast and how far must Car 2 travel before catching Car 1? |
2016-09-25 |
Ms. pose la question : Car 1 is traveling down the road at 50 mph and passes Car 2 is
sitting on the side of the road. Car 2 needs to catch Car 1 one half mile
down the road. How fast must Car 2 drive to catch Car 1 if Car 2
waits 10 seconds before pursuing Car 1?
Yes, the assumption is that the Car 2 can accelerate from a standing position and over take Car 1 rate. What is the answer or formula for this type of question?
Befuddled Mom? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Carlos, Mark, Jeremy, and Alan collect Yugioh cards |
2016-08-08 |
justin pose la question : Carlos, Mark, Jeremy, and Alan all collect Yugioh cards. Mark has twice as many cards as Jeremy. Carlos has 3 times as many cards as Jeremy, and Alan has collected 12 less than 3 times as many cards as Jeremy. Together the four players have collected 456 cards. How many does each person have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A cubic equation |
2016-07-25 |
Chinmay pose la question : x³-2x²-7x+5 Penny Nom lui répond. |
A two car competition |
2016-02-02 |
Christian pose la question : Question: Two cars are racing to a fixed point and back. One car travels 70 MPH both ways
While the other travels 60 MPH there and 80 MPH back, which car won the race?
It is not a tie. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Dealing cards to Melissa and Robert |
2015-03-24 |
Karena pose la question : 92 cards in all. Melissa has 3 times as many cards as Robert. How many cards does Robert have? Penny Nom lui répond. |
4 card hands |
2014-11-02 |
Ronaldo pose la question : How many Mus hands (combination of 4 cards allowing repetitions)
can be made from a deck containing 8 types of cards?
RRSS, RRS7, etc.
I think 330. If so, what is the formula? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A car passing a bus |
2014-08-24 |
Athish pose la question : the driver of the car is travelling at 36 km/hr and spots a bus 80 m ahead of him after 1 hr the bus is 120 m behind the car what is the speed of the bus Penny Nom lui répond. |
Selecting a card |
2014-02-16 |
Akarsh pose la question : Cards numbered 1 to 1000 were put in a box.Ali selects cards at random.What is the probability that Ali selects a card containing at least one'3'? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Sharing in a car rental |
2013-04-09 |
Marilyn pose la question : 8 persons are planning to share equally the cost of a rental car.
If 1 person withdraws from the arrangement and the others share
equally the entire cost of the car, then the share of each of the
remaining persons is increased by--------------? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Driving a rental car |
2013-03-13 |
teresa pose la question : Driving a rental car x miles cost y= 0.25x + 25 dollars.
(a) How much would it cost to rent the car but not drive it?
(b) How much does it cost to drive the car 1 additional mile?
(c) What is the y-intercept of y= 0.25x + 25? What does it represent?
(d) What is the slope of y= 0.25x + 25? What does it represent? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Drawing cards from a standard 52-card deck |
2012-07-07 |
Fatima pose la question : My daughter has to complete the project in probability chapter.Her gave her a complete probability chapter and told her to do all the problems.Out of them some questions I am not getting
The question is like this please give me a detailed explanation.
When drawing cards without replacement from a standard 52-card deck, find the maximum number of cards you could possibly draw and still get
a. fewer than three black cards
b. fewer than six spades
c. fewer than four face cards
d.fewer than two kings Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cars in a race |
2012-01-30 |
Christine pose la question : In a car race, the speed of one car is 120kph and the other car is 105 kph. If the faster car finished the race 20 mins before the slower one, what was the distance of the race? Thanks for the answer and the previous answer to my question. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Decartes' circle theorem |
2011-09-07 |
Joseph pose la question : Given 3 circles of diameters 50, 55, and 60 units,
Place them externally tangent.
What is the diameter of the outer circumscribing circle,
tangent to all 3 circles? I can attach a pdf if this description is not clear.
Not urgent, this has nothing to do with current assignments,
just wondering if I have developed the best methods? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Geometry Related Careers |
2011-09-01 |
Richard pose la question : Good morning,
I am hoping to find a list of careers that would relate to geometric constructions and tessellations.
I have searched the internet some and some of the sites I have found are a bit questionable or dated. Are there sites that Math Central would recommend?
I could not find anything when I did a search on the site.
Thanks in advance,
RVD Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Two piles of cards |
2011-07-09 |
maribie pose la question : a standard deck of playing cards contains 26 black cards and 26 red cards, or 52 cards in all. a deck is randomly divided into two unequal piles, such that the probability of drawing a red card from the small pile is 1/3. at the same time, the probability of drawing a black card from the larger pile is 5/14. how many cards are in the larger pile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
What is the speed of each car? |
2010-11-04 |
Jennifer pose la question : two cars are 420 miles apart and traveling towards each other along the same road. They meet in 3.5 hours. One car is traveling 15mph slower than the other. What is the speed of each car?
This must be solved using a system of equation, I have no idea? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A train passes a car |
2010-10-24 |
Mary pose la question : A train, whose speed is 75 mph, takes 3 minutes to pass a car that is going 60 mph in the same direction. How long is the train? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
The angles in an m-gon and genrealizations |
2010-10-16 |
Michael pose la question : Hello:
In answer to a student's question, someone named Penny from
your organization provided a proof that the sum of the interior
angles of a triangle in the plane is pi radians (or 180 degrees).
I am interested (and I'm sure many other people would be too) in
3 potential generalizations of this basic fact in plane geometry: Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Electronic cars around a circular track |
2010-10-11 |
Taylor pose la question : Cory and Melissa are racing electronic cars around a circular track. They begin at the same time going in the same direction. Cory's car completes a revolution in 35 secs, while Melissa's car completes a revolution in 30 secs. How long will it take them before both cars reach the starting point again simultaneously? Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cars |
2010-09-30 |
Amanda pose la question : Two cars, 142 miles apart, start moving towards each other at the same
time. One is moving 3 times as fast as the other. If they meet 1.7 hrs
later, find the average speed of the slower car in miles per hour? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cars on a circular track |
2010-08-12 |
david pose la question : If two cars starts to drive at point 1 and go in a circle when will they meet?
(one cars speed is faster the other ) all I need is a formula Tyler Wood lui répond. |
More on carbon 14 dating |
2010-05-26 |
Malachi pose la question : I am doing carbon 14 dating and i figured out the rule for taking the percent of the original C-14 to figure out how old it is. how do I work the equation the other way around to find the percent remaining, from how long ago the objects organic mater died Harley Weston lui répond. |
When are the cars exactly 40 miles apart? |
2010-05-01 |
Maryanne pose la question : A car traveling east at 45 mph passes a certain intersection at 3pm. Another car traveling north at 60mph passes the same intersection 25 minutes later. To the nearest minute, figure out when the cars are exactly 40 miles apart. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A 12 foot by 12 foot room |
2010-04-20 |
Dominique pose la question : The room is 12ft by 12ft. How many yards must be purchased for the carpet? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many 5 card hands in a deck of 52 have 2 aces and 3 other cards? |
2010-03-23 |
Travis pose la question : How many 5 card hands in a deck of 52 have 2 aces and 3 other cards? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Probability, counting and cards |
2010-01-15 |
Julie pose la question : Hello,
- Select a card from the deck(card deck of 52 cards). Place the card back in the deck. What is the probability that both cards will be black? Is it 25/104, 24%?
- Select a card from the deck. Do not replace the card. Select another card. What is the probability that a red and a face card are the two cards you selected? Is it 2/221, .9%?
- Remove the red cards from the deck and assume that the remaining cards have been shuffled: select a card from the remaining deck. Place the card back in the deck. Select another card. What is the probability that both cards will be black? Is it 26/26 x 26/26= 1 x 1 = 1 , 100%?
Select a card from the remaining deck. Do not replace the card. Select another card. What is the probability that a red 3 and a face card are the 2 cards you selected? Is it 0/26 x 6/26 = 0, 0%?
- Seperate 12 face cards from the rest of the deck. Assume that the face cards have been shsuffled. Select 3 cards from the pile of face cards. How many different arrangements can be made by selecting 1 of each card (jack, king, queen) from the pile? is it 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 x 1/4 = 1/64?
- How many different ways are there of selecting the queen of clubs, then the king of diamonds, and then the jack of hearts from the pile? Is it 1/12 x 1/12 x 1/12 = 1/1728?
Robert Dawson lui répond. |
How fast is the distance between the two cars decreasing? |
2009-12-08 |
Jenny pose la question : Two cares are on a collision course toward point P. The paths of the two cars make a 30 degree angle with each other. The first car is 40 km from P, and traveling toward P at 16 km/hour. The second car is 50 km from P, traveling at 20 km/hour. How fast is the (straight line) distance between the two cars decreasing. (Hint: Law of Cosines) Harley Weston lui répond. |
A truncated cone |
2009-11-11 |
Lucian pose la question : I need to calculate the bottom inside diameter of a truncated cone.
The top insdie diameter is 1450mm.
The material is 6mm thick
The cone angle is 20 degrees
The slant length is 152mm
I would like a formula so that I can build a spread sheet Penny Nom lui répond. |
The cardinality of the prime numbers |
2009-11-07 |
Justin pose la question : Hello there, I was just wondering since the number of primes is infinite,
are they equal to infinity or Aleph-null?
Justin Robert Dawson and Victoria West lui répond. |
Cardinality of infinite sets |
2009-09-01 |
Brian pose la question : I was reading an answer to a question on your site regarding infinite sets (http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.01/carlos1.html), and I think they may have got the answer wrong.
I his example, he claims that the set of real numbers BETWEEN 0 AND 1 is larger than the set of positive integers.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe those two sets are -- pardon the expression -- equally infinite. For any integer, there is a corresponding real number between 0 and 1, and vice versa.
For instance, using the decimal as a "mirror", you can create a mirror image of any real number between 0 and 1 as an integer (i.e. 0.1234 gets mirrored as the integer 4321 -- I could write it out algebraically, if you want, but you get my point)
Am I wrong?
Brian Victoria West lui répond. |
Two cars |
2009-08-09 |
Jayna pose la question : If a car was traveling 20mph east and another car was traveling 30mph west,
assuming they were 300 miles apart, at what point would they collide at the center? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Infinite-Dimensional Spaces |
2009-06-26 |
Justin pose la question : Hello again, I was also just wondering (in Hilbert Space and Function Space) are there infinite-dimensional spaces larger than each other in terms of cardinality? Thanks a lot for your help again!
All the Best,
Justin Victoria West lui répond. |
5 spades |
2009-05-15 |
Dee pose la question : From a standard deck of 52 cards, how many cards would you have to draw, without looking at them , to be absolutely certain (a probability of 1) that you had 5 spades? Robert Dawson lui répond. |
A car loan |
2009-05-06 |
Cindy pose la question : A person takes out a car loan in the amount of $11,170.00 @ 4.5% interest. The person makes 17 payments of $500.00, then for the 18th payment (this person 'finds' some $) and pays off the whole thing. How much was their last (18th) payment? How much overall did they pay in principle? and interest?
The person who made the initial loan then takes $11,156.25 and places it into a High Interest Savings Account @ 2.25% annually on Nov 18, 2003. How much is now in the High Interest Savings Account if no futher funds have been added to the account and no withdrawls have been made?
Thanks for your help with this. I have been trying on and off for 3 years to figure this out.
C Robert Dawson lui répond. |
The odds against drawing a red queen |
2009-03-15 |
tabyia pose la question : 7. The common deck of 52 cards has 26 black cards (13 spades and 13 clubs) and 26 red cards (13 hearts and 13 diamonds). Each suit consists of ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three and deuce. 13in all.
A single card is chosen at random. Find the odds against its being a red queen?
How many cards will I have to draw to be absolutely certain that I have drawn three black cards Harley Weston lui répond. |
More on cardinal numbers |
2009-02-18 |
Justin pose la question : Hello again, I was just wondering that since the rules of Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory do not apply to the infinity obtained by limits in calculus (ex. x->0, y=1/x=infinity), does that mean that this infinity is the largest quantity in both calculus and mathematics?
Justin Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Infinity and Set Theory |
2009-02-17 |
Justin pose la question : I was just wondering is the limit x->0, y=1/x=infinity, the biggest uncountable infinity according to Cantor's cardinal numbers in set theory?
Justin Robert Dawson lui répond. |
Cantor's cardinality |
2009-02-16 |
Justin pose la question : Hello, I was just wondering why the infinity from real numbers is smaller than Beth Two in the context of Cantor's cardinality set theory?
Justin Robert Dawson lui répond. |
A semi circular room |
2009-02-11 |
Taylor pose la question : being 450pi (the area of a semi circle)
how much money would it cost to lay carpet at $2.57 per foot???
if the area of a semi circular room is 450 pi ft
then what is the volume being that the diameter is 60 feet
and the ceiling is 16 feet tall Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond. |
An octagonal carpet |
2009-01-24 |
Larry pose la question : I am cutting a piece of carpet that is 9 feet x 9 feet and need to cut it into an octagon. How far do I cut from the corner of the square. thank you for any help. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A seven card poker hand |
2009-01-12 |
Sean pose la question : from a standard card deck, seven cards are chosen at random.
find the probability that the set chosen contains exactly three of each
of two different face values.
the second part of the problem asks the probability that the card hand contains
exactly three 2's and exactly three 5's. Robert Dawson lui répond. |
(a x b) intersect (b x a) |
2009-01-08 |
sean pose la question : is it possible to have two sets such that
n((a X b) intersect (b X a) =3 Harley Weston lui répond. |
A five card hand of playing cards with all 4 tens |
2008-06-25 |
shari pose la question : of the 2598960 different five card hands from a deck of 52 playing cards. how many would contain all ten's? Janice Cotcher lui répond. |
Escort cards on a rectangular table |
2008-06-13 |
Susan pose la question : What size rectangular table will we need to put 230- 2" X 3.5" escort cards on for my daughter's wedding reception with a spacing of .5 inch between them on all sides? Thanks so much for your help Penny Nom lui répond. |
Rectangular cards on a round table |
2008-06-11 |
Susan pose la question : How many 4" X 3.5" wide escort cards will fit on a 48" diameter table. These are for my daughters wedding. I have already added the extra spacing between the cards into the size of the cards.Thanks for your help Janice Cotcher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
How many different ways can cards fall when shuffling? |
2008-06-09 |
Twyla pose la question : How many different ways can cards fall when shuffling? In other words,
if you have 52 numbers, each one unique, how many different ways can
they be arranged, using each number only once? Penny Nom lui répond. |
x^3-6x^2+3x+5=0 |
2008-05-22 |
faiz pose la question : x3-6x2+3x+5=0 Janice Cotcher and Harley Weston lui répond. |
A car tire full of concrete |
2008-03-27 |
robert pose la question : I want to build a volleyball net support. I am using a car tire 24"odx16"id filled with concrete. how much will this weigh? thanks Penny Nom lui répond. |
A ton of carbon dioxide |
2008-03-11 |
claire pose la question : I want to know the size of a box if it contained a ton of Co2? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
A new carpet |
2008-02-28 |
Rhiannon pose la question : The Gatlins are buying a new carpet for their house. They need about
1,175 square feet of carpet. The carpet they buy is sold by the square yard.
Estimate the number of square yards of carpet they need. Do I use the
formula to find the volume or are? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Maximum volume of a box |
2008-01-15 |
Rajesh pose la question : A square piece of a cardboard of sides ten inches has four equal peices are removed at the corners, then the sides are turned up to form an open box. What is the maximum volume such a box can have? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Protecting a carrot patch |
2008-01-03 |
Kate pose la question : A farmer has a problem with rabbits and skunks
in his rectangular carrot patch that is 21m^2 in area. Determine the
dimensions that will require the least amount of fencing if a barn can
be used to protect one side of the garden. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Two cars drive in opposite directions |
2007-12-23 |
dale pose la question : 2 cars starting from the same point in opposite direction on a straight highway drove 6 miles then turn left and drove 8 miles. How far apart are the cars? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The largest number you can add ... |
2007-10-26 |
Dryden pose la question : What is meant by asking what is the greatest number you can add to that number without having to regroup in any place? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many sq yards did i use? |
2007-10-03 |
Rose pose la question : i used 12 x 19 of carpet. how many sq yards did i use? What is the formula for this? Victoria West lui répond. |
Three circles |
2007-09-29 |
Kevin pose la question : 3 given circles of R80, R56 & R24 are all in contact. The 2 smaller ones are inscribed in the big one.
Find by calculation or graphically (both if possible) the radiusof a 3rd circle which will be in contact with all 3 given circles. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Who was the mathematician that united algebra and geometry? |
2007-05-08 |
Victor pose la question : who was the mathematician that united algebra and geometry Penny Nom lui répond. |
Find the amount of carpet you need. |
2007-04-11 |
lakisha pose la question : you want to buy carpet for a room that is 15 feet wide and 18 feet long. Find the amount of carpet you need.
What information do you need to know to solve this problem. Penny Nom lui répond. |
exponential decay of Carbon-14 |
2007-03-12 |
Christine pose la question : How do I set up the exponential decay formula for Carbon 14 with an initial amount of 1500 grams. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Write the digits 1 to 9 on index cards, ... |
2006-10-19 |
Kim pose la question : Write the digits 1 to 9 on index cards, arrange the cards to form three 3-digit numbers (using each card only ONCE). The third number is the sum of the first two numbers ** how many different ways can you do this?? ** Penny Nom lui répond. |
Plotting co-ordinates on a number plane |
2006-09-08 |
Victor pose la question : I need to plot co-ordinates (0,2), (2,-2), (-2,0), and (0,0) on a number or co-ordinates plane, I am not sure how to do this, and get lost after the first point, can you please help? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Building an octagon-shaped deck |
2006-07-11 |
Maurice pose la question : I'm a landscaper and one of my customers wants me to build her an octagon shaped deck in the back yard that has a measurement of 16 by 16. I'm not sure of the way to measure for materials required. It will be built with 2 by 6 lumber with a half inch spacing between the 2 by 6. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Buying some carpet |
2006-06-05 |
Russ pose la question : My room is 24 ft. long and 17 ft. wide. I need to know how many square feet are in 1 yd.² Penny Nom lui répond. |
Probability of getting their stories straight |
2006-04-05 |
Amy pose la question : Four students drive to school in the same car. They claim they were late because they had a flat tire. Assuming they did not have a flat tire what is the probability that they all would choose the same tire if asked which one was flat. Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
Polar to Cartesian coordinates |
2006-01-15 |
Linden pose la question : How do you convert six units at 30 degrees Polar Coordinate into a Cartesian Coordinate? Penny Nom lui répond. |
One car leaves a spot traveling at 100 km per hour |
2005-12-28 |
Jason pose la question : One car leaves a spot traveling at 100 km per hour. The second car leaves the same spot 15 minutes later and traveling at 120 km per hour. How long does it take for the second car to catch up to the first car? Penny Nom lui répond. |
How many three digit numbers can I make from the four cards |
2005-03-12 |
Sue pose la question : I have four playing cards 2,3,4,5 of hearts. How many three digit numbers can I make from the four cards. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Select a card from the deck. |
2004-12-02 |
Heidi pose la question : Select a card from the deck. What is the probability that this card will be red? Show the number of expected outcomes versus the number of total possible outcomes. What type of event does this represent? Penny lui répond. |
Converting coordinates |
2004-10-25 |
Allen pose la question : I am trying to help my son with his home, but I don't remember these conversions. Please help.
1. Convert the following coordinates
Cartesian x = 7, y = -24
2. Convert the following coordinates
Polar r = 4, theta = pi / 3 Penny Nom lui répond. |
A new way to measure randomness |
2003-12-31 |
Stephanie pose la question :
Last year, I did a science project in which I asked, "Which shuffles better, an automatic card shuffler or shuffling by hand?" To measure this I decided the "best" shuffler was the one to become random first. Last year, to measure randomness, I numbered cards 1-52 and had the subjects shuffle them until they broke up the rising sequences or reached 10 shuffles. (Usually 10 shuffles came first...) Anyway, I did the same thing with the automatic card shuffler, and, as hypothesized, the automatic card shuffler randomized the deck first.
This year, I have decided to continue the project. The problem is, I need a new way to measure randomness without the use of fancy computers or something. I have searched the Internet, I have posted my query on websites based on math, and I have searched the local library.
I have found many useful things on the Internet, but none of them can tell me a new way to measure randomness. I cannot do a perfect shuffle, and I am not terribly gifted in the art of using computers. If you have any information (anything will help) or advice, I would be greatly obliged. Andrei Volodin lui répond. |
Math jobs |
2003-12-12 |
Veronica pose la question : Do you know a couple of jobs I can get when I am older in Math? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Two cars |
2003-07-09 |
Nicole pose la question : Two cars start off at the same point on a striaght highway facing opposite directions. Each car drives 6 miles, talkes a left turn, and drives for 8 miles. How far apart are the two cars. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A radio controled car |
2003-06-08 |
Robert pose la question : I have a radio controled car (scale size 1/43). This car can travel 490 ft. per minute. I would like to know how fast that is at that scale size in miles per hour (and Kilometers per hour)? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two piles of cards |
2003-05-24 |
Sam pose la question : A standard deck of 52 cards (26 red, 26 black) is separated into two piles, not necessarily equal in size. The first pile contains seven times as many black cards as red cards. The second pile contains a number of red cards that is a multiple of the number of black cards in that pile. How many red cards are in the first pile? Penny Nom lui répond. |
A royal flush |
2003-03-24 |
Vikki pose la question :
A poker hand consists of 5 cards selected randomly from an ordinary deck of cards: find the probability of a ROYAL FLUSH : the 10 , jack, queen,king and ace of the same suit. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of: *the number of ways to get the suit is 4C1 *the number of ways to get a 10 out of the 13 cards etc.... ...but Im not sure I am going about this the right way, could you help? Andrei Volodin lui répond. |
What is larger than infinity? |
2003-01-12 |
Dana pose la question : What is larger than infinity? Claude Tardif and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Painting a car |
2002-09-24 |
A student pose la question : Dan can paint a car in 4 hours. Luke can pain the same car in 6 hours. Working together, how long would it take them to pain the same car? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Equivalence relations on a set of cardinality n |
2002-07-06 |
Siddhartha pose la question : what is the no. of equivalence and transitive relations on a set of cardinality n? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Drawing cards |
2002-06-11 |
Ed pose la question : What is the probability of drawing without replacement from a standard deck of 52 cards the following 5 card hand ...... the ace of spades, 2 tens and 2 face cards Solution 1: 1/52 x 4/51 x 3/50 x 12/49 x 11/48 Solution 2: Using Combination theory ..... (1C1 x 4C2 x 12C2) divided by (52C5) Can you help us understand which answer is correct and why the other is not? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Day care |
2002-05-13 |
Sonam pose la question : In many familes, both parents work. as a result, there is increasing need for day care. data was collected; and in one year in Canada, approximately 32% of children aged 0 to 11 years were in day care for at least 20h per week. (a) what is the probability, in a random poll of 60 children form the age of 0 to 11, that more than 15 children are in day care at least 20 h per week? nearest tenth of one %
ANSWER: P(children are in daycare at least 20h)= 60/60C14 = to the answer (b) what is the probability, in a random pool of 60 children that fewer than 20 are in day care at least 20 h per week?
ANSWER: P= 20/60= 33.3% stay in day care for 20h per week, I dont know if these answers are right please help me out. Andrei Volodin lui répond. |
Some 5 card hands |
2002-03-28 |
A student pose la question : From a standard deck of cards how many 5 card hands are possible consisting of a. exactly 4 hearts
b. two cards of one kind and three of another(like a full house). Penny Nom lui répond. |
Can a infinite set be smaller than another infinite set? |
2001-11-29 |
Carlos pose la question : Can a infinite set be smaller than another infinite set? If so why? Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cardinality of sets |
2001-11-19 |
Tania pose la question :
- Show that the cardinality of P(X) (the power set of X) is equal to the cardinality of the set of all functions from X into {0,1}.
- Show that (the cardinality of the natural numbers set) |N| = |NxNxN|.
- Show that the cardinality of the set of prime numbers is the same as the cardinality of N+
Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Counterclockwise |
2001-09-14 |
Rolanda pose la question : When Descartes invented the coordinate system he decided to number them counter-clockwise. Why? Chris Fisher lui répond. |
72 cards |
2001-09-03 |
A student pose la question : What would be the probability of dealing a deck of 72 cards out in the exact orderly sequence that they were in when they were packaged after they have been throughly shuffled? Andrei Volodin lui répond. |
Buying a car |
2001-06-06 |
Steph pose la question : How do you figure a percent. Say you want to buy a car listed for 21,500. You tell the dealer you want to pay 19,600. The dealer says they'll sell it to you for 20,450. how do you figure what the percent is between 20,450 & 19,600? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Choosing a car |
2001-04-28 |
Cash advance |
2001-03-28 |
A student pose la question : dulani has a new credit card. it says: you can get cash advances wherever you are. whenever you want. also if you pay off your balance in full each month for a small transaction fee, the cash is interest free. (see important information on reverse side. On reverese side it says: cash advance transaction fee: $500 or less 2.5%; $500.01 to $1000.00-2%; $1000.01 or more -1.5%; $2.00 minumum.
Annual percentage rater for cash advances 19.8%. dulani wants to know what a cash advance will really cost. Analyze the cash advance terms given here. how much would he pay for a $20 cash advance? What about a $450 cash advance? What annual interest rate are these charges equivalent to? choose other amounts. determine cost and annual ratees for these as well. make recommendations to dulani. Penny Nom lui répond. |
The price of a carpet |
2001-03-01 |
Amber pose la question : i have to calculate the square footage of carpet for me room and im not quite sure how to do that. the carpet is $2.08 per sq. ft. and my room is 12x11ft. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Books and cars |
2001-02-13 |
Aquilya pose la question :
- A pile of books is 96.08cm. If each book is 0.8cm thick. How many books are in th pile?
- 2. A car travels 9.84km on 0.6 litres of petrol. How far will the car travel on 3.7 litres of petrol?
Penny Nom lui répond. |
Chris' cards |
2001-02-11 |
A student pose la question : Chris gave Jane x cards. He gave Bety one card more than he gave Jane and he gave Paul two cards fewer than he gave Betty. In terms of x, how many cards did Chris give Bety, Jane, and Paul together? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Subsets of the natural numbers |
2001-01-30 |
Christina pose la question : How do I explain why the set of natural numbers (N) cannot be equivalent to one of its finite subsets? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Motivators |
2001-01-16 |
Michelle Stapley pose la question : Do you know of any (or where I can find) student motivators for math at the secondary level? Basically any way I can motivate my students to WANT to learn math. Penny Nom lui répond. |
5 spades |
2000-11-21 |
Matt pose la question : In a standard deck of 52 card how many would you have to draw (without looking at them) to be absolutely certain that you had 5 spades? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
A cycloid in Cartesian form |
2000-09-20 |
Billy pose la question : The parametric equation of cycloid is given: x=r(t-sint) y=r(1-cost) How to eliminate t? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Review problems |
2000-09-18 |
Dee pose la question : A card is selected from an ordinary deck of cards. What is the probability of. . . selecting 2 aces in a row? If you toss two dice, what would be your probability of the following? . . . Penny Nom lui répond. |
Math in various careers |
2000-04-18 |
Jennifer Jones pose la question : I am a Fifth grade student researching how math is used in various careers. What kind of math is used in your career? How do you use math? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Uniting algebra and geometry |
2000-04-16 |
Beth pose la question : Who is the mathmatician that united algebra and geometry??? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
All the roots of x^6 - 64 |
2000-04-15 |
Dakota pose la question : Find ALL zeros of P(x) = x 6 - 64 Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Infinite sets |
2000-04-12 |
Brian Provost pose la question : Here's the deal: There are an infinite amount of integers (1,2,3...). Agreed? There are an infinite amount of even integers, too (2,4,6...). Agreed? By convention, infinity equals infinity. Yet common sense tells us there are obviously more integers than there are even integers. Prove this to be true mathematically. Harley Weston lui répond. |
Careers after a math degree |
2000-03-31 |
Jeanne Hyer pose la question : What type of careers can a person have with a math degree, and what is the closest thing that you have to an undergraduate degree in financial mathematics? (Administration, math, actuarial science, etc.) Harley Weston lui répond. |
A valentines project |
2000-02-21 |
Courtney Dohoney pose la question : I was assigned a valentines project. Our job is to make a valentines card that has a math theme. On my valentines card I would like to include the set of equations that when graphed look like a heart. If you can figure out a set of equations and get it back to me I would be very happy. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A 16th century mathematician |
2000-02-04 |
Danielle Dombrowski pose la question : My name is Danielle Dombrowski, I am in the 7th grade and my teacher gave us a riddle to figure out which mathemtician we would have to do a report on. The only problem is that I don't know what the answer is. Can you help? The riddle is "This 16th century mathematician, having predicted the day of his death, took poison to make sure it came true. Who is it?" Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cutting a carpet |
1999-12-15 |
Heather pose la question : A rectanglular piece of carpeting is 90 inches long and 90 inches wide. How can the carpet be cut into two pieces of equal sides and shape to cover an area of 100inches? There can only be one cut and no scraps. Please show me how. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A donkey and his carrots - part 2 |
1999-10-02 |
Sarah Klink and Brenda Gamble pose la question : Does anyone know the solution of the donkey who had to carry 3000 carrots to the market which was 1000 miles away? The donkey can only carry 1000 carrots at a time and he eats one carrot every mile he walks but this is only when he is carrying carrots. How many carrots can get to the market with the donkey carrying them? Claude Tardif lui répond. |
How to carpet a room |
1999-05-31 |
Appleby pose la question : A room which is 9X12 is to be covered with carpet but the carpet has been provided in one 8X1 piece and one 10X10 piece. The larger piece is to be cut into two pieces so that the room can be covered in carpet. Stacey Wagner lui répond. |
Question about 3rd degree polynomials |
1999-04-23 |
Patrick Bryan pose la question : What is the general solution to the equation with the form: a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d = 0 I have once seen a solution to this a few years ago, but I do not recall if it was a general solution. What I do know, is that you could simplify this equation to: a*x'^3 + p*x' + q = 0... Doug Farenick lui répond. |
A Car Wash |
1998-04-04 |
Lisa Gotimer-Strolla pose la question : Al washes a car in six hours. Fred washes a car in eight hours. How long will it take them to wash a car together? Harley Weston lui répond. |
Cos(x) Cos(2x) Cos(4x)=1/8 |
1997-09-24 |
Tan Wang pose la question : How many distinct acute angles x are there for which cosx cos2x cos4x=1/8? Chris Fisher Harley Weston and Haragauri Gupta lui répond. |
A Monte Carlo Procedure |
1997-04-23 |
Donna Hall pose la question : A irregularly shaped object of unknown area A is located in the unit square 0<=x<=1. Consider a random point uniformly distributed over the square. Let X = 1 if the point lies inside the object and X = 0 otherwise. Show that E(X) = A. How could A be estimated from a sequence of n independent points uniformly distributed over the square? How would you use the central limit theorem to gauge the probable size of the error of the estimate. Harley Weston lui répond. |
A donkey and his carrots |
1997-01-28 |
Emily Lind pose la question : There is a donkey who carries carrots. A farmer has 3,000 carrots to carry to the market. The market is 1,000 miles away. The donkey can only carry 1,000 carrots at a time and he eats 1 carrot every mile that he walks but this is only when he is carrying carrots. How many carrots can the farmer get to market by having the donkey carrying them? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Cardano's method |
1996-03-11 |
Mike Gorski pose la question : What is Cardano's method for finding the roots of a cubic equation? Harley Weston lui répond. |