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Nous avons trouvé 18 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
A geometric view of the square root algorithm (HTML ou PDF)
A geometric description of the square root algorithm.
Aboriginal resources in mathematics education
Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
Against all Odds (HTML ou PDF)
This unit was developed for the beginning secondary level and gives students a chance to both learn valuable mathmatics skills and to become aware of the impact gambling has on our society. The unit provides objectives, evalution ideas and suggested activities for students. Also listed are resource materials that can be used with this unit.
Angles and Polygons: Mathematics 10 (HTML ou PDF)
Some main concepts discussed in this Stewart Resource unit are properties of polygons, Pythagorean Theorem and Trionometric Ratios. There are five main sections each with corresponding activities. Activites include sections on Objectives, Background Knowledge, Time frame,Iinstructional Methods, Aadaptive Dimension and Assessment.
Complex Numbers
This note is a response to a teacher's request for an explaination of i squared and the square root of i that would be appropriate for secondary level students.
Consumer Wise (HTML ou PDF)
This secondary unit helps teach students the importance of being "consumer wise" now and after graduation. Income, Budgeting and Credit, Saving and Loans are a few of the topics discussed in the activities. Worksheets for the activities are included in this unit as well as objectives, evaluation and resources ideas.
Direct and Partial Variations (HTML ou PDF)
A unit on direct and partial variation that can be taught after the introduction of linear functions.
Divisibility of 2n choose n by a prime. (HTML ou PDF)
Question in Quandaries and Queries about the divisibility of 2n choose n by the product of three primes. This note addresses the simpler problem of the divisibility of n! and 2n choose n by individual primes.
Get Into Line (HTML ou PDF)
This Stewart Resource unit covers many topics some of which are basics of graphing, linear equations, characteristics of a line, arithmetic sequences and series and more. Seven sub-units with lessons are presented with objectives, evaluation ideas and procedures for each.
Greatest Common Divisor and Least Common Multiple
This development of the greatest common factor and least common multiple is taken from Math 101 Online an online course at the University of Regina. This resource contains a description of the gcd and lcm as well as the Euclidean Algotithm.
Math on the Farm
This article discusses some of the many ways in which math is used in agriculture. It considers specific agriculture processes, as well as a variety of math concepts.
Mayan Numerals
Studying Mayan Numerals makes a good connection between Math and Social Studies. Lessons on Mayan Numerals can be designed for a wide range of ages. For the primary grades it may be fun to look at this concept using shells, pebbles, and stones. This will help the students learn about place values, and the sorting and collection of different objects. For grades 4 - 6 manipulatives may also be used and then the students can go on to try some problems on their own (suggested exercises given). A Mayan Numerals lesson would also lend nicely to teaching about time and the cycle of a year.
Size small school
In this grades 7 to 9 activity students make measurements of their school and then construct a scale drawing.
The Amazing Mathematical Object Factory
AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Products include permutations, combinations, pentominoes, magic squares, subsets and more. AMOF was created in the Computer Science Department of the University of Victoria and is currently on the SchoolNet site.
The Binomial Theorem and P.I.E.
In this resource is a statement and explanation of the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion as well as a proof using the Binomial Theorem. The note concludes with two examples.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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