26 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Solides d’Archimède |
2014-04-29 |
Clémentine pose la question : Pourquoi une pyramide a base carrée n'est elle pas un polyèdre archimedien ?
J'ai pourtant essayé d'en construire un avec tout ses cotés égaux et ça fonctionne !
Aidez moi je n'en dors plus la nuit ? :S Chris Fisher lui répond. |
les formules d'aire et de volume de les solides |
2003-02-01 |
Annie pose la question : Je cherche le nom des mathématiciens qui ont découvert les différentes formules d'aire et de volume de tous les solides ( boule, cube, les prismes, cylindre, cône, pyramide, polyèdres réguliers). Je cherche aussi à trouver comment ils ont démontré l'exactitude de ces formules. L'important, c'est de connaître le nom des mathématiciens qui ont découvert ces formules. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Solides |
2001-02-26 |
Joanie pose la question : J'ai présentement un projet à faire, je dois le remettre avant vendredi. Je dois trouver entre 31 ou 35 solides: prismes et pyramides J'ai a donner : le nom de chaque solide; son dessin; et le dessin de chaque solide décomposé en toute ses parties. Claude Tardif lui répond. |
Un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles |
2000-08-02 |
Sonia pose la question : J'aimerai savoir comment s'appelle un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles équilatéraux égaux. Chris Fisher lui répond. |
Un angle solide |
1998-05-06 |
Giol pose la question : Qu'est ce qu'un angle solide ?? J'ai beau chercher dans mes documents, je ne trouve rien de bien convaincant sur le sujet si ce n'est une définition qui me semble bien vague et creuse ... En vous remerciant de votre attention ( puissiez vous illustrer votre réponse par un exemple, s.v.p...) Bonjour,
Chris Fisher lui répond. |
The surface of a solid |
2013-05-07 |
mustafa pose la question : I am doing a research paper on solid surface applications . Part of the project is to find four at least in our world today and explain what there purpose is. I really need help in this area because I've been searching the internet for where solid surface are used in our world today and I really can't find anything.. Thanking you in advance, mustafa Penny Nom lui répond. |
A railroad embankment |
2013-01-22 |
clint pose la question : the pennsylvania railroad found it necessary,owing to land slides upon the roadbed,to reduce the angle of inclination of one bank of certain railway cut near pittsburgh,pa.,from an original angle of 45 degrees to a new angle of 30 degrees. the bank as it originally stood was 200 ft.long and had a slant length of 60 ft.. find the amount of the earth removed, if the top level of the bank remained unchanged. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Two cubes |
2012-09-04 |
alexis pose la question : a cube has one face that is equal to the total surface area of another cube. Find the ratio of their volumes Penny Nom lui répond. |
A railway cut |
2010-12-12 |
jade pose la question : the pennsylvania railroad found it necessary,owing to land slides upon the roadbed,to reduce the angle of inclination of one bank of certain railway cut near pittsburgh,pa.,from an original angle of 45 degrees to a new angle of 30 degrees. the bank as it originally stood was 200 ft.long and had a slant length of 60 ft.. find the amount of the earth removed, if the top level of the bank remained unchanged. Penny Nom lui répond. |
A rectangular solid |
2010-12-08 |
ryan pose la question : Good day!
Have a question on rectangular solids. We were asked to find the dimensions of a rectangular solid, we were only given the volume of the rectangular solid, the total area, and the altitude. I tried using the volume of the rectangular solid and was able to get the area of the base, but I don't know how to get its length and its width. Hope you could help me again. Thanks! Penny Nom lui répond. |
Solid figures |
2009-02-10 |
Rebecca pose la question : I need to know the names of solid figures. I have several pictures that I need to answer what type they are.
Thanks, Rebecca 3rd grade Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of a solid |
2008-06-04 |
Tom pose la question : The base of a certain solid is a circle of radius 2 while cross sections perpendicular to the
base are isosceles triangles of height 1. What is the volume of the solid? Harley Weston lui répond. |
A three dimensional object |
2008-03-04 |
Briana pose la question : what is the 3d term for pentagon? like a circle is a shhere? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Some solid figures |
2008-02-28 |
tiffany pose la question : What solid figure could have? It has 4 more edges than vertices, Penny Nom lui répond. |
Three balls packed in a box |
2008-02-07 |
jasmin pose la question : Four spherical balls having diameter of 4 cm are placed in a square box whose inside base dimensions are 8 cm. In the space between the first four spherical balls, a fifth spherical ball of the same diameter is placed. How deep must the box be in order that the top will touch the fifth ball? Stephen La Rocque lui répond. |
What solid figure has 1 flat surface and 0 vertices? |
2008-01-30 |
Cheronda pose la question : What solid figure has 1 flat surface and 0 vertices? Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Names of solid figures |
2007-03-28 |
Debbie pose la question : What is the name of the solid figure: 1) base with 5 equal sides and faces that are 5 triangles 2) all 6 faces are squares and 3) 2 congruent pentagons for bases and 5 rectangular faces. Please help! Thanks Penny Nom lui répond. |
Is there a solid shape with 5 faces, 8 edges, and 4 vertices? |
2006-02-11 |
Annie pose la question : Is there a solid shape with 5 faces, 8 edges, and 4 vertices? Penny Nom lui répond. |
The volume of an earthen pit |
2003-09-12 |
Bruce pose la question : This shape would occur at the four corners of a rectangular shaped earthen pit with sloping sides (1:1.5). Depth is 14'. Top dimensions are 170' by 158'. After calculating the easy volume components of this shape, we are left with the end corner pieces. 21' base, 14' height, side hypotenuse 25.24' and corner diagonal 32.83'. We're confused. Thank you for any help you may provide. Penny Nom lui répond. |
Some shapes |
2003-04-29 |
Suzanne pose la question :
- What shape has 12 edges all the same length?
- What shape has 3 surfaces and 1 is curved?
Penny Nom lui répond. |
8 faces, 12 vertices, and 18 edges |
2003-04-22 |
Thomas pose la question : I would like to know the proper name for this geometrical solid. It has 8 faces, 12 vertices, and 18 edges? Penny Nom lui répond. |
Geometrical solids |
2000-03-15 |
Sarah pose la question :
- What geometrical solid has 8 edges and 5 vertices?
- What geometrical solid has 12 edges that are all the same length?
Walter Whiteley lui répond. |
Platonic Solids Surface Area |
1998-12-02 |
Rachel Bidwell pose la question : How do you find the surface area of the 5 platonic solids, when they each have a volume of one cubic inch Harley Weston lui répond. |
Area and Volume |
1998-07-28 |
James Pulver pose la question : I am going into 12th grade and am practicing for the SAT II. I have come across a problem that I cannot solve. It states that the front, side , and bottom faces of a retangular solid have areas of 24 square centimeters, 8 square centimeters, and 3 square centimeters, respectively. What is the volume of the solid. I need to know how to solve similar problems so is there a formula to go from area to volume? Jack LeSage lui répond. |
The Division Bracket. |
1997-04-09 |
Judy Riley pose la question : A fellow teacher recently asked if I remembered the exact word for a division bracket (not the symbol with dots, the horizontal line in a fraction, or a solidus). I couldn't. Can you help? Walter Whiteley and Harley Weston lui répond. |
Could you tell me the name for the bar in a division problem? |
1996-10-21 |
Linda pose la question : Could you tell me the name for the bar in a division problem. Not the line with dots on either side but the line that divides the two numbers? My name is Linda. I am asking for my niece who is in 8th grade. Chris Fisher lui répond. |