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La limite de (x(n)) 2002-10-01
Une étudiante pose la question :
3) Soit L, le point ayant pour abscisse la limite de (x(n))

a) Exprimer la distance M(n)L en fonction de n

b) Déterminer le plus petit entier naturel n(o) pour lequel la distance Mn(o)L est inférieur à 0,01

c) Justifier alors qu'à partir du rang n(o), tous les points M(n) sont situés dans le segment de centre L et de rayon 0,0 1

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two rate problems 2002-09-30
Rebecca pose la question :
  1. There are two small holes in the bottom of a tub filled with water. If opened, one hole will empty the tub in three hours; the other will empty it in six hours. If both holes are opened at the same time, how long will it take to empty the tub?

  2. An airplane flies 400 miles per hour in calm air. It can cover 900 miles flying with the wind in the same time that it can cover 700 miles against the wind. What is the speed of the wind?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Comment fait on pour justifier que... 2002-09-30
Lucie pose la question :
Comment fait on pour justifier que p au carré est égal à 2 fois q au carré?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A geometry problem 2002-09-29
Sonia pose la question :
Given AB||CD; m a. Find the measures of
b. Is there enough information for you to conclude that

Penny Nom lui répond.
0.99999... 2002-09-26
Erica pose la question :
Yesterday in my 8th grade math class we were being taught how to convert a Repeating Decimal into a fraction. Since I, for some odd reason, seem to understand math better than the rest of my classmates, i began to drown out my teachers explaination for the rule. While she was about half way through with explaining mixed decimals i came up with an unsolvable question. Like I said before, I understand how to turn a repeating decimal into a fraction, but how would I turn a repeating .9 into a fraction? We all know it would equal 9/9, but doesn't 9 over 9 also equal 1? Even though it comes very close to one, it never really equals one. I'm very confused about this and i would love it if you could clear this up for me.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Proof by induction 2002-09-26
Pooh pose la question :
Use induction to show that

1 2 + 2 2 + .....+n 2 = (n 3)/3 + (n 2)/2 + n/6

Paul Betts lui répond.
Painting a car 2002-09-24
A student pose la question :
Dan can paint a car in 4 hours. Luke can pain the same car in 6 hours. Working together, how long would it take them to pain the same car?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Number play 2002-09-24
Julie pose la question :
Organize these numbers and the operations so that each equation is correct. Use each coice only once per equation.

36 18 12 6 - + ( ) /

_________________________ = 22

_________________________ = 41

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Dividing fractions 2002-09-23
Angie pose la question :
When I was taught to divide a fraction, I was told to multiply the reciprocal. Many times I find I can just divide the fraction, and it saves all the simplifying after.

For example, 4/6 x 9/14 divided by 2/4

I would say 4x9divided by 2=18 over 6x14divided by 4 =21, so the answer is 18/21 but if I multiply the reciprocal, I would end up with 4x9x4 over 6x14x2 which equals 144/168.

So, why are we taught to do it this way? Is it necessary?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
A cone that is cut off at the top 2002-09-23
Stuart pose la question :
I have to work out the dimensions and arcs of a cone that is cut off at the top.

I.e Top diameter is 33mm to bottom diameter is 43mm and the depth is 80mm

Are you able to work what the flat of this cone would be as I need to design within the flat area and then have it cut out.

I really need to know what the flat of it is before it is cut and curled to form the above cone.

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Solving an equation 2002-09-22
Emanuel pose la question :
how do u solve these problems?:

30/x=7+ 18/2x

3m+1/4 = 2- 3-2m/3

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ceiling 2002-09-22
Joe pose la question :
Does the ceiling of a number mean the ceiling of 1.3 is 2 and
the ceiling of 1.5 is 2 and
the ceiling of 1.8 is 2.

Or the ceiling of 1.3 is 1.5?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A max/min problem 2002-09-21
Evelina pose la question :
A window is the shape of a rectangle with an equilateral triangle on top. The perimeter of the window is 300 cm. Find the width that will let the maximum light to enter.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Fractional exponents 2002-09-20
Jill pose la question :
The problem is with fractional exponants:
10 1/3 mult. by 10,000 The 1/3 is an exponant of 10.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The entire earths' population would fit in the state of Texas 2002-09-18
Roz pose la question :
I have been told that the entire earths' population would fit in the state of Texas and each person would have 1/2 acre. Is this true.
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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