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How long will it be before you reach your friend? 2002-09-16
Margaret pose la question :
Your friend runs at 8 miles per hour and you drive at 40 miles per hour, hence the diatance between you is decreasing at 32 miles per hour. You firend left 2 hours before you so how far has he gone in that 2 hours? How long will it take for the distance between you to decrease to 0 miles if the distance is decreasing at 32 miles per hour?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A Circle is evenly divided into six equal triangles 2002-09-16
Marilynn pose la question :
A Circle is evenly divided into six equal triangles leaving an area between the outside of the circle and the one side of the triangle. This area is measured as 3.14. What is the length of the radius, one line on the triangle?
Paul Betts lui répond.
A million sheets of 30 cm long paper 2002-09-15
Jennifer pose la question :
if you put a million sheets of 30 cm long paper end to end, how many kilometer long would the paper be from begining to end?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Formulating equtions 2002-09-14
Theresa pose la question :
Hello. In math class we have to formulate equations for certin questions for extra credit. We are allowed to ask anyone and anyone can do it for us and explain it to us. Could you please do that? Here are the questions
  1. Jordan has 3 times as much money as Reva. Together they have $44. How much money does each have?

  2. The Tigers played 48 games. They won twice as many as they lost. How many did they win?

  3. There are 900 students in Sewickley Academy. There are 20 more girls than boys. How many girls are there?

  4. A board 400 cm long is cut into 2 pieces. One piece is 66 cm longer than the other. Find the lenght of the shorter piece.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sums of evens 2002-09-14
Rosa pose la question :
How do I find a geometric way to easily compute sums of consecutive even numbers 2 + 4 + 6 + ....
Leeanne Boehm and Harley Weston lui répond.
Mixing solutions 2002-09-13
Margaret pose la question :
In a chemistry laboratory the concentration of one solution is 10% hydrocholoric acid (HCl) and that of a second soulution is 60% HCl. How many mL of each should be mixed to obtain 50 mL of a 30% HCl solution??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Base 5 numbers 2002-09-13
Vera pose la question :
? how do you change a base 10 number to base 5
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many dominoes? 2002-09-13
A student pose la question :
Dominoes are split into two halves. If you were allowed up to 6 dots on each half, how many options of dominoes could you get?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of decimal places in 1 over a power of 2 2002-09-12
Allan pose la question :
Does anyone notice that the maximum number of decimal place of the number 2 dividing 1 and its increment (4, 8, 16...etc) is the same as the power of number 2? eg. 22=4, thus the max number of decimal of 1/4=0.25 which is 2 decimal place and 2 is the number of power of 2 take 64 as example: 26=64, and take 1/64=0.015625 which has 6 decimal place (and is the power 6)

Is there such a law in math? If yes, can you tell me what it is? Or is this my discovery?

Paul Betts lui répond.
Use a 4 four times 2002-09-12
Amanda pose la question :
The question is what is if you can only use a 4 four times and get the answer 12, 10, and 6
Claude tardif lui répond.
7+8+9+...+1000 2002-09-11
Shirley pose la question :
My question is what is the formula for adding up numbers when you don't start with number 1? For example 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18. But how could you arrive at the answer without adding all the numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The quadratic formula 2002-09-11
Kathleen pose la question :
im having a problem trying to understand quadratic formulas can u please help me

i have problems like

3x2 - 4x - 11 = 0 how do i work out that problem? i have the formula written down but it doesnt seem to register for me.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum of the first one hundred even numbers 2002-09-10
Arthur pose la question :
What is the sum of the first one hundred even numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A fish weighs 10 pounds more than half its weight. 2002-09-10
Rebecca pose la question :
A fish weighs 10 pounds more than half its weight. How much does it weigh?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The factor theorem 2002-09-10
Yael pose la question :
Prove (x - a - b) is a factor of x3 - a3 - b3 - 3ab (a + b)
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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