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Division in different bases 2008-12-02
MICHELLE pose la question :
DIVIDE 538 BY 14 IN BASE 2, 3, 4 & 5
Penny lui répond.
How high is the flagpole? 2008-12-02
michael pose la question :
100 m from the base of a flagpole the angle of elevation of the top of the flagpole is 7degree 16'12".how high is the flagpole
Harley Weston lui répond.
The area of an isosceles triangle 2008-12-02
prateet pose la question :
the area of an isosceles triangle is 60 sq cm and one of its equal sides is 13 cm. Find the base of the triangle.
Penny lui répond.
Draw an octagon with an area of 18 square centimeters 2008-12-02
Heidi pose la question :
Draw an octagon with an area of 18 square centimeters
Penny lui répond.
Topsoil on a soccer field 2008-12-02
rita pose la question :
a park foreman decides that a soccer field needs 4 inches of topsoil. soccer field is 100 feet by 250 feet. 1 truckoad is 5 cubic yards. how many truckloads do we need to order. i keep confusing myself with formulas. please explain the steps to me thank you
Penny lui répond.
Fact families with 4 facts 2008-12-01
Shazia pose la question :
Question from Shazia, a parent:

When does a fact family not have 4 related facts? Give an example.

Harley Weston lui répond.
3 equidistant points 2008-12-01
Damien pose la question :
How do you find 3 equidistant points (C,D,E) on a line between point A(Xa, Ya) and point B(Xb, Yb) so that AC, CD, DE and EB are all equal?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Two tangent circles and common tangents 2008-12-01
Alan pose la question :
Radius of big circle 30cm, radius of small circle 10 cm. From the diagram, the radius from the tangent do not form a semicircle but at an angle. Find the perimeter of the band around both the circle. May need to use trigonometry to find reflex angle AOB, CMD and get the major arc length AB and minor arc length CD
Penny lui répond.
What is so important about quadratics? 2008-11-29
zoe pose la question :
what is so important about quadratics?
Harley Weston lui répond.
40lbs is what % of 75lbs? 2008-11-29
Kieara pose la question :
40lbs is what % of 75lbs?
Penny lui répond.
Fonctions dérivées 2008-11-28
Genevois pose la question :
Bonjour ! Je dois trouvé la dérivée en 2 de la fonction 40-5x². Or, je sais comment faire et je connais la réponse mais j'ai beau refaire et refaire le calcul, mon résultat n'est jamais le meme que celui du corrigé, j'ai donc un probleme de calcul, pourriez vous donc me donner le calcul détaillé s'il vous plait ? Merci d'avance !
Pierre-Louis Gagnon lui répond.
A circular plaque in a square box 2008-11-28
kmart pose la question :
A square box has a diagonal of length 640cm.It is to contain a circular wall plaque. What is the approximate diameter of the largest wall plaque that can be placed in the box?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a square acre 2008-11-27
Amanda pose la question :
What is the perimeter of a square acre? Answer in feet, please.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four nines to make 100 2008-11-27
jane pose la question :
use 4 nines in a math equation that will give you an answer of 100
Penny lui répond.
A weighted average 2008-11-27
Kenneth pose la question :
I am interested in determining the answers to the following question by using some type of weighted average:

An investor has $30,000 to invest at simple interest in two accounts. One account earns 2% and the second earns 5%. How much must he invest in each account if his total return is 4% or $1,200?

Penny lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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