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Related rates 2008-11-26
Lyudmyla pose la question :
How fast is the volume of a cone increasing when the radius of its base is 2 cm and growing at a rate of 0.4 cm/s, and its height is 5 cm and growing at a rate of 0.1 cm/s?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Dividing Large Numbers 2008-11-26
Mark pose la question :
what is 7.9 trillion divided by 301 million?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
A periodic function 2008-11-26
Ali pose la question :
A periodic function f(x) has a period of 9, if(2)=-3 and f(5)=13, determine the value of f(11)?

tks /rgrds


Penny Nom lui répond.
Fractions of fractions 2008-11-26
DIANNE pose la question :
Question from DIANNE, a student:

5(16-9) divided by 7x2+14 top part of equation
12-3x2 bottom part
Penny Nom lui répond.

A log base 2 problem 2008-11-26
dave pose la question :
solve for x

(log base 2 of x) - (log base 2 of (x-2)) = 3

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two tangents to a circle 2008-11-26
rogerson pose la question :
The length of the tangent to a circle is 15 cm. If the angle between the two tangent lines to the circle is 28 degrees, what is the radius of the circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Six golfers 2008-11-25
Joe pose la question :
I have a group of 6 golfers wanting to play 3 or 4 rounds but with different players each day if possible. We know we cannot make it happen without some playing with the same person. Can you provide some pairings for this?
Victoria West lui répond.
A trig identity 2008-11-25
Jeff pose la question :
i cannot prove this trigonometric identity. please help!

(cos x)^3 – (sin x)^3 = (cos x –sin x) (1+cosxsinx)

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Primes and polynomials 2008-11-24
Andrew pose la question :
How effective are the two
pairs of polynomials, taken together, at "excluding" any prime p.

1. (a^2 - a.b + b^2) and (a^2 + a.b + b^2) Where b > a > p and (a, b, p) = 1

2. (c^2 - c.a + a^2) and (c^2 - c.b + b^2) Where c > b > a > p and (a, b, c, p) = 1
Victoria West lui répond.

What % of his salary does he save? 2008-11-24
Tarique pose la question :
John earns 15000 every month. He spends Rs. 8900 .What % of his salary does he save?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cereal box that has a volume of 12000cm^3 2008-11-24
William pose la question :
Hi, I have this math question that says construct a ceral box that has a volume of 12000cm3 and the surface area of the box has to be between 3200cm2 and 400cm2, I found some dimensions that are 20 by 20 by 30 and it works, but when I attempt to make the box, or make a net I would need this hugh piece of paper/cardboard, which I don't have, is there an easier way to find different dimenshions so I dont need a hugh piece of paper to create a net easily? Because i've tried trial and error but it has taken to long and I cant find anything,else, thats resonable.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The game of 24 2008-11-24
Davey pose la question :
this has us all stumped. 5 ,5 ,7 ,and9 = 24. Oh may you assist in ending our brain pain
Penny Nom lui répond.
Symmetries of a parallelogram 2008-11-24
anisha pose la question :
how many lines of symmetry does a parallelogram have. A square and a rect are a parallelogram too. so it is confusing?? pls help
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Quadratic equations arising from practical problems 2008-11-24
Lenval pose la question :
Why do quadratic equations arising from practical problems often give physically impossible solutions such as negative distances, negative times or, say, a polygon with a negative number of sides? For example: "A river in flood carries a tree t-squared - 23t metres downstream in t seconds. How long does it take for the tree to be carried 50 metres downstream?" This gives t=25 and t=-2. Please explain the second 'solution', which is not physically possible.
Chris Fisher and Victoria West lui répond.
Une série géométrique 2008-11-23
anass pose la question :
je vx savoire est ce kil existe la somme de (1/n^x) avec n variant de 0 jusk à infini
lorsk x=1et 2 la somme reste tjrs facile mé lorsquil depasse 3 c difficile et merci

Pierre-Louis Gagnon lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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