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Three one-digit numbers 2008-12-06
JOANNA pose la question :
Could you please tell me what Adding Three One-Digit Numbers += 15 1-9 without using any number twice
Penny Nom lui répond.
Limit of a Trig Function 2008-12-06
Berta pose la question :
Evaluate limit xcsc2x/cos 5x as x goes to 0 ans is 2 but I get 1/2 x/sin2xcos5x = 2x/2sin2xcos5x= 1/2cos5x
Penny Nom lui répond.
A markup of 30% 2008-12-06
Tammy pose la question :
How can a markup of 30% be calculated by using 1.43 times the original cost? Where does the 1.43 come from? For example: the original cost is 830.00 the markup is 30 %. The selling cost is 1186.90. My boss uses 1.43 to figure the mark up for 30% and 1.23 for 25% and 1.1 for 10%. What I want to know is how do they come up with these figures?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Graphing Rational Functions 2008-12-05
Bahra pose la question :
The question in my homework is: Find all vertical, horizontal, and slant asymptotes, x- and y-intercepts, and symetries, and then graph each function. Check your work with a graphing calculator. y=3/x+3 meanng: ( y= 3 over x+3)
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Finding an Unknown Integer Given Quotients and Remainders 2008-12-05
Mark pose la question :
What is the least positive integer meeting each of the following conditions? Dividing by 7 gives a remainder of 4. Dividing by 8 gives a remainder of 5. Dividing by 9 gives a remainder of 6.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
What is the pre GST price? 2008-12-05
Chris pose la question :
I've been looking at a few answers to the question of before and after GST price calculation. the suggestion have been :: multiply the pre GST price by 1.10 to get the price and reverse to get a pre GST price.

But how do you calculate the pre GST price from an existing retail price?

For example if you take an item that is $150.00 and multiply it by 0.10 you get $15.00 as the GST add on. Apparently giving you $135.00 as the pre GST price. However if you then multiply $135.00 by 1.10 you get the $148.50 as the total.

So the question is how does one calculate the real pre GST price from an existing retail price?



Penny lui répond.
Combinations of Golf Groups 2008-12-05
Duane pose la question :
We have a golf outing coming up with 25 golfers playing 5 rounds in 5-somes. Is there a formula to figure out where everyone can play with different people each round? Thanks, Duane
Victoria West lui répond.
The volume of a yogurt pot 2008-12-04
Robyn pose la question :
Okay, I know you have some answers on converting this already, but I can not convert the yoghurt pot I need yet into ml. Is there some way to explain this using the yoghurt as an example? The pot's 150g of lowfat strawberry yoghurt... would the 'low-fat' have an effect on this? I'm sorry if this is a bother for you to answer, I just don't seem to be able to get it... Have a nice day. - Robyn
Janice Cotcher and Penny Nom lui répond.
6 golfers play threeball 2008-12-04
Ian pose la question :
I have a group of 6 golfers wanting to play 3 rounds as 2x threeballs, but with different players each day. Is this possible? Can you provide some threeball combinations for this please?
Victoria West lui répond.
Decimals and fractions used in our daily lives 2008-12-04
josh pose la question :
i have a projecct due friday and i need to know, how are decimals and fractions used in our daily lives. i am having trouble coming up with ideas. i need seven more that dont involve money or recipes. please help me.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Some number theoretic speculations 2008-12-04
Andrew pose la question :
Another way of looking at the 'alternating parity polynomial', again based on Fermat's Little Theorem, is to substitute (a - b) for x in x^(p-1) - 1 as this is always divisible by any prime p. So, if one removes the "- 1", there is always a remainder of (1/p)! (I took up your challenge!)


Chris Fisher and Victoria West lui répond.
I am a whole number less than 100 2008-12-03
Cecelia pose la question :
If I am a whole number less than 100
and the sum of my digits is 4
and half of me is an odd number
What number am I?
Also am I prime or composite?

Penny lui répond.
The volume of a cone 2008-12-03
Tamriko pose la question :
Hi! Help me, please to solve the following problem: The diameter of an ice-cream cone is 6 cm and the slant height is 10 cm. What volume of ice-cream would fit inside the cone? Thanks!
Penny lui répond.
A remainder of 8 2008-12-02
Dawn pose la question :
when dividing a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number, for what divisors can you get a reminder of 8 ? Explain
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How many four-legged animals are in the field? 2008-12-02
evelyn pose la question :
Some chickens, cows and sheep are in the field. Their number of legs is 12 more than twice their number of heads. How many four-legged animals are in the field?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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