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$6.25 in nickels quaters and dimes 2009-10-10
miriam pose la question :
a piggy bank contains $ 6.25 in nickles quaters and dimes. there are 65 coins all together and there are four times as many nickles as quaters find the number of coins of each kind
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the intersection of y=x-1 and y=sin(x) 2009-10-10
Usama pose la question :
There are many modern calculators and softwares that can plot the functions. I have two very simple equations y=x-1 and y=sin(x), if i draw them manually on paper i can not get the accurate value. But i think a computer can easily draw perfect straight and curve lines so it should be easy to find the intersection point of two lines. Is there any way or software that can tell the exact value of intersection point of two lines?
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Golf for 8 2009-10-10
Chris pose la question :
I have a group of 8 golfers who will be playing three rounds, What is the best formula so we can all try to play with different people during the 3 rounds .
Victoria West lui répond.
24 feet of pipe in 3 pieces 2009-10-09
Sam pose la question :
I had a carpenter being a smarty pants with me. Question: I have a 20ft piece of pipe. I need three equal lengths cut. What is the measurement of each cut? He told me the answer right away because he knows the measuring tape like the back of his hand. The answer is 6'8". Is there an equation I can use to get the answer quicker than him looking at his tape measure?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two rectangles 2009-10-08
Lillian pose la question :
A rectangle is 5cm longer than twice its width. The width of another rectangle is 3cm less than the width of the first rectangle and its length is 6cm more than 3 times its width. If the perimeters are equal, find the dimensions of both rectangles
Penny Nom lui répond.
Un triangle isocèle 2009-10-08
lauwick pose la question :
ABC un triangle isocèle en A de périmètre 16 cm. De plus son aire est égale au quart de l'aire du carré construit sur sa base bc. Quelles sont les longueurs des cotés de ce trangle? Merci
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Elimination method 2009-10-08
Kenty pose la question :
How do I solve this problem using the elimination method?
I am not sure how so if someone can show me a similar problem (instead of solving this one for me) that would be fantastic.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A number between 48 and 59 2009-10-07
nakia pose la question :
I am a number less 59 but greater than 48. my ones digit is 2 more than my tens digit.What's the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Polyèdres 2009-10-07
DEPASSE pose la question :
Si un polyèdre est inscriptible et circonscriptible, et si ses faces sont isométriques(non nécessairement polygones réguliers) , le dièdre entre deux quelconques de ses faces adjacentes est il toujours le même ? Si non, un exemple?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two jets are traveling towards each other 2009-10-05
jake pose la question :
two jets are traveling towards each other and are 4000 km apart. the rate of one jet is 100 km/h faster than the rate of the other. if the jets pass each other after 2.5 hrs what is the rate of speed of the faster jet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The maximum number of right angles in a polygon 2009-10-05
Bruce pose la question :
Is there way other than by trial and error drawing to determine the maximum number of right angles in a polygon? Secondary question would be maximum number of right angles in a CONVEX polygon. Is there a mathematical way to look at this for both convex and concave polygons? Or are we limited to trial and error drawing?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A periscope 2009-10-05
likhitha pose la question :
In a periscope, MIRRORS ARE PLACED PARALLELLY.Then why they do not form multiple images
Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
What is the next term? 2009-10-04
julia pose la question :
patterns 18 46 94 63 52 61 what is the next one?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How high is the ledge? 2009-10-03
gabby pose la question :
Standing on a ledge, there is a boat 25 degrees below you. The boat has a 1,000ft. tower. If the angle of elevation to the top of the tower is 15 degrees, how high is the ledge?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A parabolic bridge 2009-10-03
SANDRA pose la question :
a bridge is constructed across the river that is 200 feet wide. the arch is parabolic so that the focus is on the water. A sheep 50 ft wide and 30 ft high passes safely through the arch
a) find equation of the arch
b) find the highest point of the arch

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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