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24 golfers, 6 days 2009-10-03
patrick pose la question :
i need a pairing schedule for 24 golfers for six days playing in foursomes. Please
Victoria West lui répond.
Fill required for a driveway 2009-10-03
Rose pose la question :
We are going to be pouring a driveway and it is needing a lot of fill. I can't seem to figure this out. Measurements are 30 ft x 30 ft and it goes from 2' deep to 4" (which is what I need overall as it will be 4" of concrete for the driveway. Please HELP Rose in GA.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Game of 24 2009-10-02
trami pose la question :
game of 24 by using -4 -7 -7 1?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Prove by induction 2009-10-02
Anonymous pose la question :
How can you prove the following by induction:

Any fraction (A / B), where 0 < (A / B) < 1, can be expressed as a finite sum
(1 / c(1)) + (1 / c(2)) + (1 / c(3)) + ... + (1 / c(k)),
where c(1), c(2), ..., c(k) are natural numbers greater than 0.

[ex. (20 / 99) = (1 / 9) + (1 / 11)]

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Completing the square 2009-10-02
christopher pose la question :
how do i find the factors of x^2+3x+2 by completing the square ?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Three circles 2009-10-02
Brandon pose la question :
There is a quarter circle with a radius of 1. along one eged of it, there is a semi-circl with a diameter of 1, and its center is on the drawn line. there is another semi-circle again with the center on the other drawn line, and this one has an unknown diameter of X. both circles are internally tangent, and are tangent to each other. Find X.
Robert Dawson and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A right-angled triangle 2009-10-02
Hunter pose la question :
The three sides of a right-angled triangle measure x-1, x+6, and 2x+1 in length. What are the possible lengths of the hypotenuse?
Penny Nom and Melanie Tyrer lui répond.
Ordering pizza for 162 people 2009-10-01
Jean pose la question :
Need to know how to feed about 162 people 70 square inches of pizza at the lowest price.

22" Pizza is $9.95
16" Pizza is $5.25
12" Pizza is $2.99

Penny Nom lui répond.
A line tangent to a parabola 2009-10-01
kanchan pose la question :
for what value of c a line y=mx+c touches a parabola y^2=4a(x-a)
Penny Nom lui répond.
24 golfers 2009-10-01
Peter pose la question :
I am working on a 19 week golf schedule with 24 golfers, and I would like to know how to make up six foursomes each week without having a player paired with the same golfers.
Victoria West lui répond.
In what order are the following digits? 2009-09-30
Jewell pose la question :
In what order are the following digits? 0,2,3,6,7,1,9,4,5,8
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
How long (distance)did it take to stop? 2009-09-30
mary pose la question :
a car travelling at 50km/h stops in 4 seconds.how long (distance)did it take to stop?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Grams per square meter 2009-09-30
MANISH pose la question :
how to calculate gsm given kg of 144 sheets and size in inches example 28" x 22" & 16.3 kgs = ?gsm (of 144 sheets)
Penny Nom lui répond.
-4 squared and (-4) squared 2009-09-29
Andrea pose la question :
Is -4 squared the same as (-4) squared? I am thinking the first is -16 and the second is +16. I am trying to clarify for my students.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Differentiating y= square root(x-1) 2009-09-29
edith pose la question :
describe the x-values at which f is differentiable.
y= square root(x-1)

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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