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Sawdust 2009-09-29
joel pose la question :
What is the density of saw dust
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a levee 2009-09-29
Wes pose la question :
I need a levee with a 2:1 slope on both sides (front and back), the length of the levee is 290 feet, the height of the levee is 15 feet, and the width of the levee, at the top, is 10 feet. How do I figure out how many CUBIC YARDS of dirt I need to make the levee? And what formula do I use in future to figure this out easily?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Comparing fractions 2009-09-28
TeeTee pose la question :
I am in 6th grade. I have to order these fractions from least to greatest: 3/4, 2/5, 5/8, 1/2.....How do I order them if I dont know where to start, and how would I find these answers...Please Help! :)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Evaluating -x^2 + (yz - 3)^2 2009-09-28
Kathy pose la question :
My daughter and I are having trouble solving this equation:

-x²+ (yz – 3)²

if x=-4,y=2 and z=0 We are having difficulty with the -x² part of the equation. Thanks

Penny Nom lui répond.
A solution of 45% acetic acid 2009-09-28
Autumn pose la question :
if a chemist has a 4 liter solution that consists of 90% acetic acid, how much water does he need to produce a solution of 45% acetic acid?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many terms are there in this sequence? 2009-09-28
tabby pose la question :
How many terms are there in this sequence?

Penny Nom lui répond.
How fast am i going? 2009-09-28
ron pose la question :
how fast am i going if i drive 40 miles in 20 minutes...what is the formula for figuring this out.
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
A dog tethered to a round building 2009-09-28
mido pose la question :
One dog was linked to the outer wall of a building round of 20 meters in diameter. If the length of chain linking the dog sufficient turnover of half the distance around the building, What area can guard dog?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a garbage bag 2009-09-28
Steve pose la question :
I have often wondered how a garbage bags is determined in gallons - many different manufactures of these type bags often have different sizes stating they are a (for example) a 55 gallon bag - also I see some that show a range (20-30 gallon) yet is a specific size (16 x 14 x39 or a 30 x 36) I have searched and search but have been unable to find a formula
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Constructing a scale model 2009-09-27
Colleen pose la question :
What is the formula i need to use to find out how to state a reasonable scale in the question below; Suppose you were constructing a model that must sit on a piece of cardboard that is 22cm by 28cm. STATE THE REASONABLE SCALE that you can use to build a model to represent the following items. Determine the dimensions of the model.

a) a rectangular prism with a length of 5m and a width of 2m?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Probability 2009-09-27
Ed pose la question :
My mother died 3 years to the day after her daughter died. what are the odds of that happening by chance? thanks
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A 15 acre lot 2009-09-26
Ronald pose la question :
The front and back are equal and the two sides are equal what would what would be the dimensions of a 15 acre lot?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The zeros of a polynomial 2009-09-25
jordan pose la question :
find a polynomial of lowest degree with only real coefficients and having the given zeros. 1+2i, 2 (multiplicity 2)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Revenue 2009-09-25
Oneda pose la question :
Charter Bus Fares - For groups of 80 or more people, a charter bus company determines the rate per person according to the formula
rate = 8 - 0.05(n-80_, n >= 80
where the rate is given in dollars and n is the number of people question a) express the revenue R for the bus company as a function of n.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubic feet of concrete 2009-09-24
aLAN pose la question :
How many CF of concrete does it take to pour a 1000 SF area with concrete at 4" thick? I would like to see the steps and how you approach this too...thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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