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A 5-person golf flight 2014-05-05
Jeremy pose la question :
can you have a 5-person golf flight and play only 3 matches so that one person plays one match each?
Victoria West lui répond.
Golf for 8 2014-05-05
Ivan pose la question :
We have an eight member golf team. We field one foursome each week for 16 weeks of league play. How do I roate the eight members so each team member plays with each team member and all play an approximately equal number of times?
Victoria West lui répond.
4 golfers in twosomes 2014-05-04
Lori pose la question :
4 golfers want to play as 2 somes every week, but rotate the 2 players so we all play together With each other evenly thru out the summer
Victoria West lui répond.
19 acres by 12 feet deep 2014-05-04
Bernie pose la question :
How many cubic yards of dirt is in 19 acres if you dig down 12ft ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf :15 players over 4 days 2014-05-02
michael pose la question :
We are playing with 15 players over 4 days. We plan to have 3 people in each group. A total of 5 groups with 3 players each. Can I arrange for each player to play with other players only 1 time?
Victoria West lui répond.
1÷[1-√2(order of surd is 4)] 2014-05-02
Anoushka pose la question :
if t=1÷[1-√2(order of surd is 4)] , then t=?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Surface area 2014-05-02
vijay pose la question :
If a square paper of side 25 cm is rolled to form a cylinder, then its curved surface area is
Penny Nom lui répond.
11 golfers going on a golf trip for 4 rounds 2014-05-01
David pose la question :
I have 11 golfers going on a golf trip for 4 rounds of golf. I want to make sure that everyone gets a chance to play with everyone at least once but not more than twice. Also, as we are n = 11, we will be composed of 3-4-4 everyday. I am trying to ensure that as few as people as possible play in the group of 3 (golf seems to be more enjoyable for whatever reason in foursomes). i have tried 3 differemt times and can seem to figure it out. Can you assist?
Victoria West lui répond.
2 teams of six playing each other 4 times 2014-05-01
Steve pose la question :
I have 2 teams of six (Team A & B)- playing each other 4 times.

Is it possible to have a player from Team A play with a different partner from Team A for each of the 4 rounds, and likewise for Team B. Whilst no player from either team plays an opponent more than twice during the 4 rounds?

Victoria West lui répond.
The distributive property 2014-04-30
Madison pose la question :
3a(7b+6c). The directions are: use the distributive property to rewrite the expressio .
Penny Nom lui répond.
If x+y+z=1 then x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = ? 2014-04-30
Nitin pose la question :
If x+y+z=1 then x^2 +y^2+z^2 = ? ?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Solides d’Archimède 2014-04-29
Clémentine pose la question :
Pourquoi une pyramide a base carrée n'est elle pas un polyèdre archimedien ? J'ai pourtant essayé d'en construire un avec tout ses cotés égaux et ça fonctionne ! Aidez moi je n'en dors plus la nuit ? :S
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A cone of vision 2014-04-29
David pose la question :
It is known that a fish in water looking up has a 97 degree "cone" of vision that sees "through" the surface of the water. If a fish lies 4 inches below the surface, the cone forms a window (circle) smaller than if a fish lies 8 inches below the surface. What is the ratio of inches of depth to the radius of the circle on the surface that is its visual window?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Profit and loss 2014-04-29
Anoushka pose la question :
A man sells two tables of the same price. On one he makes a profit of 10 percent and on the other he suffers a loss of 10 percent.Find his loss or gain percent on the whole transaction.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
2cos^2x+cosx=sin^2x 2014-04-28
MaryBeth pose la question :
find all solutions of the following equation in the interval [0,pi] 2cos^x+cosx=sin^2x
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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