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Fractions and units 2014-04-28
Aaron pose la question :
I can't do this math problem. please help. Find 200m over 1 min times 60 min over 1 hr times 1 km over 1000 m. the choices are a. 300 km/hr b. 12 km/hr c. 300 m/hr and d. 12 m/hr
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 cars driving towards each other 2014-04-27
Joakim pose la question :
2 cars driving towards eachother , the distance between them is 162km. they meet after 2 hours. car A is driving with 4/5 of car B´s speed. what is the speed of each car...
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangular chicken pen 2014-04-27
Cierra pose la question :
Margaret has two lengths of fence, 20 meters and 24 meters, for two sides of a triangular chicken pen. The third side will be on the north side of the barn. One fence length makes a 75° angle with the barn. How many different pens can she build if one fence is attached at the corner of the barn? What are all the possible lengths for the barn side of the pen?

Not sure what they are asking here... please show step by step what to do! Thank you so much!

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume and radius of a sphere 2014-04-27
grace pose la question :
How do you find the radius of a sphere when all you know is the volume?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The derivative of sin(x) 2014-04-26
Lucky pose la question :
f(x)=Sin(x), by first principle its f'(x)...show me how to solve such problem.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for 9 teams on 3 fields for 18 days 2014-04-25
Scott pose la question :
I need to schedule 9 teams on 3 fields for 18 days with no buys. Two teams play while other practices in field(little guys). Two fields have backstops and other is open field. Would like to have even time on each diamond if possible. Thank you
Victoria West lui répond.
Solve for theta 2014-04-25
ALASTAIR pose la question :
Hi, The question asks Solve for 'theta' cos2theta=sintheta x costheta. Substituting for cos2th either 1-2sin^2th or 2cos^2th does not give an equation in either sine or cosine alone how do I solve this please?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal pad 2014-04-25
George pose la question :
Hi, I need to pour a cement pad in the shape of an octagon that allows for 12" of clearance around the tank I will be putting on it. The tank has a radius of 16'.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig problem 2014-04-25
srishti pose la question :
Consider the points P= (-sin(a-b),-cosa), Q=(cos(a-b),sina), R=(cos(a-b+c),sin(a-c), where 0
Chris Fisher lui répond.
What was the selling price? 2014-04-25
Con pose la question :
Apple built 40 32GB wifi iPads, gave away two in a contest, and sold the rest at two times the manufacturing price. If the company's total profit was $10,782, what is the selling price of one of these iPads?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What time was it when joe's brother passed him? 2014-04-25
Nathan pose la question :
joe left home in his bike at 10:00 am, traveling 21 km/h. At noon, his brother set out after him on his motorcycle, following the same route. if the motorcycle traveled at 63 km/h, what time was it when joe's brother passed him?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic equation given the roots 2014-04-23
Sarah pose la question :
How do you find the quadratic formula when you're given just the roots ... X=-3 X= 1/3 Thanks !
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Two 9 hole golf leagues 2014-04-23
Sally pose la question :
I need help scheduling two 9 hole leagues. Here are the variables:
- Leagues alternate each week starting on the front and back
- League A starts at 4:30 with 7 groups and League B starts at 5:15 with 8 groups (all use carts and must be teed off by 5:30)
- Regular play must continue, customers who have started before league play begins have preference to continue their round whether they are playing 9 or 18 holes.
Thank you!!!

Victoria West lui répond.
Golf for 6 2014-04-21
barbara pose la question :
We are a group of 6 golfers. We play in groups of 3 for 5 days. How can I arrange the groups that everybody plays with everybody else at least once? Thanks.
Victoria West lui répond.
Golf with 3 teams of 20 2014-04-21
Joshua pose la question :
Thank in advance for this great service

Golf - new - 3 teams of 20 - to create 20 unique groups of 3

For example use 3 teams of 3

1a 2a 3a
1b 2b 3b
1c 2c 3c

So groups are
1a 1b 1c
2a 2b 2c
3a 3b 3c

Groups can only have one a, one and one c - and that combo should be unique

Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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