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A 22 team golf league 2014-04-21
Terry pose la question :
We have a team league at our local golf course. We have 22 teams, we would like it so that each team plays the other team only once. I have tried the scenario.
1,21;2,20;3,19;4,18;5,17;6,16;7,15;8,14;9,13;10,11;12,X X+1=1 scenario
2, 1;3,21;4,20,5,19,6,18;7,17;8,16;9,15;10,14;11,13;1,X
using formula from other post in your forums.

I can get all the possible playing arrangements. The big quandary is setting up the schedule so that each week, each team would start on a different hole.

I can get the first 11 weeks scheduled very easily, it is just trying to get the last 11 weeks scheduled?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Victoria West lui répond.
Golf League Schedule for 15 weeks and three flights 2014-04-21
bigdog pose la question :
I need help setting up a 12 team (3 flights with 3 teams in each flight) 15 week league play schedule. Each team must play teams in there perspective flight twice during the 15 week season.
Victoria West lui répond.
A normal distribution problem 2014-04-19
Melanie pose la question :
This is the question:
The lifetime of a certain type of car tire are normally distributed. The mean lifetime of a car tire is 40,000 miles with a standard deviation of 5,000 miles. Consider a sample of 10,000 tires. A) How many tires would you expect to last between 35,000 and 45,000 miles? b) How many tires would you expect to last between 30,000 and 40,000 miles? c) How many tires would you expect to last less than 40,000 miles? d)How many tires would you expect to last more than 50,000 miles? e) How many tires would you expect to last less then 25,000 miles? f) What tires would you want on your car and explain your reasoning Not at all sure that we've done any of this correctly and not sure how to determine how many tires will last less than 25,000 miles. Any help is appreciated.

Penny Nom lui répond.
An input output table 2014-04-19
Stephanie pose la question :
I have an input output table with x/y filled out except one x and one y. I need help. How do I find X?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with fractions 2014-04-19
Maryam pose la question :
I looked at your example of simultaneous equations with fractions and applied it to my question from an educate exam papers but I couldn't get it to work. The question is:

x/8 - y = -5/2
3x + y/3 = 13

Penny Nom lui répond.
Robyn and Shaun swim 2014-04-18
kajinthan pose la question :
robyn swims four 35m lengths.shaun swims eight 15m widths. how much further does robyn swim?solve this maths
Penny Nom lui répond.
A frustum of a pyramid with a square base 2014-04-18
tuba pose la question :
a pyramid has a base of 10 m and is 15 m high.what is the volume? if 6m is removed from top what is the volume of the remaining frustum?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ratios 2014-04-18
Kenneth pose la question :
Should ratios contain only whole numbers and not any fractional numbers?

For example, 8:1, 2:5 have whole numbers. The ratios 2.5:10 and 1:4.5 do not have just whole numbers entirely.

If it is incorrect to express a ratio with fractional numbers, why are complex fractions correct?

I thank you for your reply.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Ratios 2014-04-18
Kenneth pose la question :
Should ratios contain only whole numbers and not any fractional numbers?

For example, 8:1, 2:5 have whole numbers. The ratios 2.5:10 and 1:4.5 do not have just whole numbers entirely.

If it is incorrect to express a ratio with fractional numbers, why are complex fractions correct?

I thank you for your reply.

Harley Weston lui répond.
A circle is divided into three sectors 2014-04-17
atolagbe pose la question :
the area of a circle is 154cm square. it is divided into three sectors such that two of the sectors are equal in size and the third sector is three times the size of the other two put together. calculate the perimeter of the third sector. take pi=22/7?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is this function? 2014-04-17
Keta pose la question :
What is this function?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Barrels of oil 2014-04-16
daryl pose la question :
Looking for an accurate number to use when calculating barrels per inch in a a tank with the following dimensions:
Nominal diameter - 15'-6", nominal height - 16ft, nominal capacity - 500 barrels. These are commonly referred to as 500x16 tanks.
Currently we are using 2.6 barrels per inch. We need 180 barrels for a full load so I'm trying to figure out how many total inches I need to load 180 bbl. This has been a matter of debate for some time. Thanks for your help.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The area bounded by the X-axis and y=x^(2)-4 from -5 to 0 2014-04-15
Lexie pose la question :
Determine the area that is bounded by the following curve and the x-axis on the interval below. (Round your answer to three decimal places)

y=x^(2)-4, -5 ≤ x ≤ 0

The answer is 32.333 but I have no idea how to get there.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent of the curve (x/a)^n+(y/b)^n =2 2014-04-15
sudhir pose la question :
the equation of tangent of the curve (x/a)^n+(y/b)^n =2. at(a,b) is
Penny Nom lui répond.
A conditional probability problem 2014-04-13
Chiluya pose la question :
Two fair dice are rolled. what is the probability that the number on the first die was at least as large as 4 given that the sum of the two dice was 8?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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