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The cost before the sales tax 2014-04-13
Juanda pose la question :

I know the customer cost with tax and I know the sales tax.
How do I find out the customer cost prior to the added sales tax?

Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
A sand trench around a pool 2014-04-13
steve pose la question :
How sand is needed to back fill a trench around a 24ft dia. pool that is 26" deep by 2ft wide. Making the outside dia. 26ft.

Thank You

Penny Nom lui répond.
Manipulating an equation 2014-04-12
Paul pose la question :
S=4wl+2wh and solve for h
Penny Nom lui répond.
A slab of wet clay 2014-04-12
Karen pose la question :
How many square feet ( at 1/4 inch thickness) are in 100 lbs. of wet clay?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A golf league with 20 players over 17 weeks 2014-04-12
Chris pose la question :
I have a golf league 20 players and 17 weeks. We don't have teams so I just want to have everyone to play with each other the about same number of time and, hopefully, randomly distributed throughout the season. We have had situations in the past where two people play together for three weeks in a row and then not anymore for the rest of the season. From other posts, I see how to schedule the first 5 weeks without repeats but I can’t figure out an algorithm to for the rest of the season. Thanks!
Victoria West lui répond.
Decimals,fractions and percentages 2014-04-11
Frances pose la question :
Ask an expert to find out their real life usage of your topic... that is the question. meaning what is your real life usage of using decimals,fractions and percentages. This is all part of my math assignment to ask an expert real life usage... so please reply back as soon as possible
Penny Nom lui répond.
A golf league consisting of 14 two man teams 2014-04-10
Kevin pose la question :
Hello, I need to make a schedule for a golf league consisting of 14 two man teams playing over the course of 20 weeks. I understand that each team will play at least once and I believe 7 teams will play each other twice over the course of the season. How would I generate this schedule. Thank you, Kevin Perry
Victoria West lui répond.
Converting to base 5 2014-04-10
Usama pose la question :
Convert the numbers used in the following expressions into those of base-five and solve :
Convert the result so obtained into decimal system and thus check your answer?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The cosine of 2 theta 2014-04-10
Kayla pose la question :
Find \cos 2 \theta if \sin \theta = \frac{11}{61}.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
How fast did Jessica grow? 2014-04-10
jasmine pose la question :
when she was 14 jessica was 5 feet, 4inches tall . at 18 she is now 6 feet, 2inches tall .how fast did jessica grow during this time
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The surface area of a circular dome 2014-04-10
Shafiqah pose la question :
Is this a dome's surface area formula??
{{2 × π r × h square units}}
Is the surface area of the floor for the dome is calculate too in this formula?

Thanks for answering. =)

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Two rectangular prisms 2014-04-10
hannah pose la question :
two rectangular prisms have a combined volume of 432 cubic feet Prism A has half the volume prism b has what are the volumes of prism a and prism
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two cones 2014-04-09
c.j pose la question :
what is the length of the radius of the LARGER cone(the LARGER cone has a slant height of 15) when the SMALLER cone has a radius of 8 and a slant height of 12ft ,please help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two circles that touch each other externally 2014-04-08
Ameya pose la question :
Two circles of radii a and b (a > b) touch each other externally. ST is a common tangent touching the circles at S and T respectively, then ST^2 is equal to
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The surface area of a rectangular prism 2014-04-08
Manraj pose la question :
Find the surface area of a rectangular prism with dimensions 4, 5, and 7 units.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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