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The sides of a triangle 2014-04-06
Michael pose la question :
I am supposed to sove for the length of side "b" of an irregular triangle. I am given the following:
Side a: 65'
Side b: Find this length
Side c: 50'
Angle A: unknown
Angle B: unknown
Angle C: 52 degrees
I am supposed to use the law of cosines to solve for side "b" and my teacher says there is no mistake in the "givens" for the problem. I do not see how this can be done using the law of cosines and i have not figured out how to sove for angle B to use the law of cosines.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting a hexagon from a disk 2014-04-05
Paul pose la question :
I am a machinist and sometimes need to make a hex from round material.
If I know the distance of the flat sides opposite one another of my hex, how can I calculate the size of material I need to turn to give me the right diameter to finish the part with six sides?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 4 digit number 2014-04-04
LIM pose la question :
"A" is a 4 digit number formed by all the numbers from 1 to 4. When "A" is divided by 9, the remainder is the biggest possible value. What is the biggest value of A?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The locus of a point 2014-04-04
srishti pose la question :
A point P moves such that the difference between its distance from the origin and from the axis of x is always a constant c . what is the locus of the point?
Penny Nom lui répond.
3/4lbs of nails fills a container 2/3 full 2014-04-04
Tyler pose la question :
If 3/4lbs of nails fills a container 2/3 full, then how many lbs of nails will fill the container?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 8 playing 7 rounds 2014-04-03
Evan pose la question :
We are going on a golf trip to Scotland and are trying to work out the pairings. There are 8 of us playing 7 rounds. We would like to be partnered up in 2's with everyone once and have evenly split up foursomes. Thanks for the help
Victoria West lui répond.
Evaluate x-(3x+5) if x=-2 2014-04-03
Destiny pose la question :
I wanted to know the value of x-(3x+5) if x=-2
Penny Nom lui répond.
Shadows of a father and son 2014-04-02
esada pose la question :
the father and son cast a shadow of 11 feet and 8 feet,respectively if the son is 4'8'' in height,how tall is the father?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is this a right triangle? 2014-04-01
amina pose la question :
decide whether or not the following points are the vertices of right triangle (-9,2),(-1,-2),(-9,11)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for an 8 man golf team playing 4 each week 2014-04-01
Harold pose la question :
We have an 8 man golf team and wish to schedule only 4 to play each week and to have each member play with one of the other 7 at least once. What is the simplest method. Number of weeks could be up to 18 or so.
Victoria West lui répond.
A cubical tank 2014-04-01
renzo pose la question :
A cubical tank contains 2048 cubic ft of water when HALF-FULL. Find the total area of the tank and the length of its diagonal
Penny Nom lui répond.
Reducing the size of a poster by a scale factor of 1/3 2014-04-01
deeshon pose la question :
eric is making a smaller copy of a poster that measures 20.4 cm wide by 34.2 cm long.he reduces the original by a scale factor of 1/3.what are the dimensions of the copy
Penny Nom lui répond.
The parameterisation of of a curve 2014-04-01
Eunice pose la question :
Let C be the path along the curve given by y−80=−5x2 that moves from the point (5,−45) to the point (0,80). Find r(t) the parameterisation of C in that direction as t∈[0,5]. How am I suppose to find the parametric of both x and y?
can I let x=t, then y=-5t^2+80? thanks

Penny Nom lui répond.
An arithmetic progression 2014-03-31
Japheth pose la question :
The 3rd term of an A.P is 10 more than the first term while the fifth term is 15 more than the second term. Find the first term?
Penny Nom lui répond.
9,-4,6,-8,3,... 2014-03-31
Alynna pose la question :
You are given the following pattern: 9,-4,6,-8,3,...
Create a formula for the nth figure.

I have trouble finding the formula, I need help trying to find it.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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