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Three digit numbers 2014-05-15
Mudassir pose la question :
how many 3 digits numbers which at least one digit is 2 ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem with numbers 2014-05-14
Justina pose la question :
Okay so I don't understand how to equal this equation to 10 using bedmas. I've been stuck on it for a few days now. Is there different ways you can show me Using these same numbers?

5 2 4 3 1 = 10

Help! Thanks.

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
18 golfers for 5 rounds with a teaching Pro 2014-05-14
Maree pose la question :
We are taking 18 golfers on Tour with a teaching Pro. There are 5 rounds of golf and we want everyone to play with the Pro once, but everyone else to play with as many different people as possible
Victoria West lui répond.
Eleven guys on a fishing trip 2014-05-13
Mark pose la question :
Eleven guys are going on a fishing trip and want to rotate so everyone fishes with the other guys with the fewest number of repeats. They want to fish in groups of two with one fishing alone for three and a half days so will rotate seven times. Is there a combination that works and what is it?
Victoria West lui répond.
A circle a square and a rectngle 2014-05-12
mazhar pose la question :
suppose the length and breadth of the rectangle are 5 cm and 10 cm respectively and M is a point along the corner of the circle. what is the radius of the circle?(diagram is given..but i didn't mention it..actually the diagram looks like a circle inscribed in a square and the right bottom corner one rectangle will be given ,it is touches to circle at a point M that I've already mentioned and the dimensions of that rectangle also I've mentioned) please help me out..
Penny Nom lui répond.
Travelling upstream and downstream 2014-05-12
Mohanad pose la question :
Howie Sorkin can travel 8 miles upstream in the same time it takes him to go 12 miles downstream. His boat goes 15 mph in still water. What is the rate of the current?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 12 week poker tournament 2014-05-12
Jamie pose la question :
Looking to schedule a 12 week poker tournament with 18 players ...playing 2 separate 9 person tables...I'm looking to have a balanced schedule where everyone player with each other an equal amount of time
Victoria West lui répond.
Mary's height as a percentage of Michael's height 2014-05-11
Lauren pose la question :
Mary is 1.4m tall and her brother Michael is 1.2m tall.
Express Mary's height as a percentage of her brother's.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A piecewise graph 2014-05-10
Zoe pose la question :
Lightning Energy charges residential users for each unit of electrical energy bought from them each quarter, according to the scale below:
0-500 units cost 17 cents per unit
500-1500 units cost $85 plus 10 cents for each unit in the excess of 500
1500 or more units cost $185 plus 9 cents for each unit in excess of 1500
Sketch a graph showing the charge C as a function of U for up to 2000 electricity units

Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of a shadow 2014-05-09
vijay pose la question :
A girl of height 80 cm is running away from the base of a lamp-post at a speed of 2 m/s. If the lamp is 4 m above the ground, find the length of her shadow after 5 seconds.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage change 2014-05-09
hi pose la question :
the hw club had 46 members in sept. in april, the club had 24 members. what was the percent of change in the hw club's membership from sept. to apan increase or decrease in membership? ril? what is
Penny Nom lui répond.
A question concerning two lines 2014-05-09
Hela pose la question :
The equation of the line L is 6x+5y=3, and the equation of line Q is 5x-6y=0, which statement below about the line is true?
A) same y intercept
C) Same x intercept

Penny Nom lui répond.
x - 2 Sin[x] = 0 2014-05-08
chanmy pose la question :
please help me to sole this equation x - 2 Sin[x] = 0,thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many boards did the carpenter start with? 2014-05-08
Yanly pose la question :
A carpenter has several boards of equal length. he cuts 3/5 of each board. After cutting the boards, the carpenter notices that he has enough pieces left over to make up the same length as 4 of the original boards. How many boards did the carpenter start with?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for 2 teams of 10 2014-05-07
John pose la question :
How can I set up a schedule for 2 teams of 10 on a team to play each individually against each other over a 10 day span at 10 different course with 10 different start times each day. I was looking to not repeat any competition. As an example, Team A would consist of players 1-10, Team B would consist of players 11-20. I would want to have 10 start times a day for 10 days where a member of team A plays a member of team B each day without repeating any matches and any of the same courses and not repeating any of the same start times. Any help in this would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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