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An equilateral triangle with vertices in 3 parallel planes 2014-05-31
prajay pose la question :
How to construct an Equilateral Triangle whose vertices lie on three parallel lines, if the distances of two lines are 'a' and 'b' units from the middle line.What is the length of the side of the Equilateral Triangle ?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A word problem with fractions 2014-05-30
shadab pose la question :
A container of milk is 4/5 full. When 10l milk is poured into it, the container becomes 9/10 full. What is the capacity of the container ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rotating schedule for 9 individuals 2014-05-29
Josh pose la question :
I need to set up a rotating schedule for 9 individuals. The individuals will be pairing each week in groups of two. Thus, every week there will be 4 groups of two individuals and one individual not paired with anyone (i.e. a "bye week"). The rotating schedule should not repeat any pairing and it will continue until each individual has been paired with every other individual once.
Thank you

Victoria West lui répond.
The combination of 6 numbers from 1 to 355 that gives us 360 2014-05-29
Ion pose la question :
My name is Ion and I am trying to find the number of combinations of 6 numbers (angles) that would sum to 360 (degrees).

Thank you!

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A word problem with fractions 2014-05-23
Tanzeela pose la question :
There are 1200 pupils in a school. 2/3 of them are girls. 1/4 of the boys are overweight. How many boys are overweight?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Overlapping sets 2014-05-23
daniel pose la question :
motors inc manufactured 325 cars with automatic transmission,216 with power steering ,and 89 with both these options. How cars were manufactured if every car has at least one option?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a wedge 2014-05-21
steve pose la question :
I need to figure the volume of a wedge / right triangle, the dimensions of the right triangle is L1(10'-5"), L2 (10'-6"), H (14'-9.5") height of L1 is 0'-0" height at intersect L2/H is 3'-3"
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of hexagonal pyramid and hexagonal prism 2014-05-18
visshwam pose la question :
how to find volume of hexagonal pyramid and hexagonal prism? my measurements are each side of pyramid's triangle is 1"x2"x2".

hexagon prism is 2"x1" each side

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the speed of the buses? 2014-05-18
musliu pose la question :
Two buses leave a bus station and travel in opposite direction from that same starting point.if the speed of one is twice the speed of the other and they are 240km apart at the end of 1h, what is the speed of the buses?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a building 2014-05-17
Jim pose la question :
If I'm 150 ft. from the base of a building and the top of the building is approx. at a 75 degree angle, how do you calculate the height?
Penny Nom lui répond.
14 golfers for 13 weeks 2014-05-17
Judi pose la question :
I want to schedule each of my 14 golfers to play each of the other girls one time during a 13 week period. We would golf in foursomes , threesomes or twosomes to make this happen. Can you send me a grid that would do this scheduling? I'm at a loss as to how to do it!!
Victoria West lui répond.
The weight of salt in a basket 2014-05-17
Sumit pose la question :
I want to determine how many kg of salt or XYZ thing can be filled in a basket
Length = 4.5"
Breadth = 5"
Height = 6"

Even its formulae

is kg quantity can be different for semi solid thing

Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a line 2014-05-16
Michael pose la question :
Find the equation of a line that passes through (2,-1); the sum of the x- and y-intercepts is 2. (There are two answers)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A hexagon with different side lengths 2014-05-16
Grace pose la question :
Sorry if this is a simple question, but I can't seem to understand how to solve it. I am Trying to find the area of a hexagon with measurements 6x7x6x6x7x6, or 2 sets of opposing sides with 6, and one set with 7. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 14 players over 12 weeks 2014-05-16
Judi pose la question :
How would I develop a playing schedule using foursomes and one twosome for 14 players who will play 12 weeks and each person would play all but one of the others?
Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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