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6 character strings using 1, 5 and 9 2014-06-15
Kevin pose la question :
How many 6 digit combinations (i.e., 159159) can be made from 3 different numbers (i.e., 1,5, and 9)? The numbers will obviously have to repeat. A link to a calculator that could list all the combinations would be helpful. I've come across these sites: http://textmechanic.com/Permutation-Generator.html, and http://textmechanic.com/Combination-Generator.html , but am not sure how to use them for my specific case. Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Profit 2014-06-14
roudha pose la question :
find the profit of one item if it was bought for AED 180 and sold for AED 275. assume that the additional costs are AED 25 .
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two regression lines 2014-06-14
catherine pose la question :
Given a set of data values ,we can get two regression lines .Explain.
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A model of the sun and the Earth 2014-06-14
Lynn pose la question :
There is a model of the sun that is 2 1/2 inches in diameter. This is the only clue we have! How far away is the earth from this model?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A small solid silver pyramid 2014-06-13
Jenesis pose la question :
For Awards Night at Baddeck High School, the math club is designing small solid silver pyramids.The base of the pyramids will be a 2 in by 2 in square. The pyramids should not weigh more than 2.5 pounds. One cubic foot of silver weighs 655 pounds. What is the maximum height of the pyramids?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a circle of circumference 32.69 meters 2014-06-11
coco pose la question :
Find the area of a circle with a circumference of 32.69 meters.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Forming a cylinder from a square 2014-06-08
kalyani pose la question :
the curved surface of a cylinder is a square of diagonal 2*square root of 2. What is the area of the base of the cylinder?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Another conditional probability problem 2014-06-08
PAVITHRA pose la question :
Two dice are thrown. What is the probability that sum of the numbers appearing on the die is eleven, if five is appear on the first die
Penny Nom lui répond.
Bags of sand 2014-06-06
Robert pose la question :
We have a section that is 20ft long by 14ft wide and 4inches deep, the bags of sand are .5 cubic ft. How many bags of sand do we need to fill this space evenly.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factorials 2014-06-06
penny pose la question :
What is factorial? For eg. Like 2!, 3! 4! Etc.
Penny Nom lui répond.
20 teams and 10 competition stations 2014-06-04
Joel pose la question :
I have 20 teams. There are 10 competition stations. Each station will accommodate exactly 2 teams to compete with each other at a time.

Each of the 20 teams needs to compete at each of the 10 stations exactly one time.

Here's the catch I cannot solve: how to schedule it so that each team plays EVERY OTHER TEAM once and only once, while never repeating a station.

Victoria West lui répond.
10 golfers, playing 7 rounds in 2 x 3balls and 1 x 4ball 2014-06-04
adrian pose la question :
Hi, We are off to Scotland on our yearly golfing trip soon. Question is we have 10 golfers, playing 7 rounds in 2 x 3balls and 1 x 4ball. I would like to ensure that each golfer plays with the other guys an equal amount of times, guess 3ish? and we share the amount of times each player plays in the 4ball. Hope you can help?
Victoria West lui répond.
How do we use logarithms in our daily life 2014-06-01
ss pose la question :
how do we use logarithms in our dailylife
Penny Nom lui répond.
6 inches of dirt in a baseball field 2014-06-01
Mary pose la question :
The baseball field is 20,000 Square feet, 6 inched deep I need to know how many cubic yards of dirt this will generate.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How do I make fractions into decimals? 2014-05-31
jay pose la question :
I wanted to know how do I make fractions into decimals example 1 3/8?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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