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A six digit number 2014-06-30
anupam pose la question :
my daughter asking a solution for the below question, kindly help.

Write the smallest 6 digit number wit digits ( 2,4,3,0,5,7).

plz this is an urgent requirement.


Penny Nom lui répond.
Buying shoes on sale 2014-06-30
Willa pose la question :
So, I have this question from my summer packet: "Gwen buys 3 identical pairs of shoes at store a. She pays $110.25 after the discount what is the regular price of each pair? ( 40% off)"
Penny Nom lui répond.
Angular speed 2014-06-29
andrea pose la question :
a wheel having a radius of 10cm rotates such that the linear speed at its rim is 30mls. what is the angular speed of the wheel in rpm?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Differentiate ln[x(2x-4)^1/2] 2014-06-28
Igwe pose la question :
If y=In[x(2x-4)^1/2],find dy/dx at x=3
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle on the surface of the Earth 2014-06-26
Christine pose la question :
A, B and C are three towns, the bearing of B and C from A being 310 degrees and 220 degrees, and their distances from A are 510km and 700km respectively. Find the bearing of B from C to the nearest minute.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
50+9-13 multiplied by 2= 2014-06-25
Adrian pose la question :
50+9-13 multiplied by 2=
Penny Nom lui répond.
The largest odd number using the digits 08672 2014-06-24
audrey pose la question :
what is a 5 digit greatest odd number out of this given digits? 08672
Robert Dawson lui répond.
12 golfers 2014-06-23
Derek pose la question :
I have a golf group that is set up as follows.12 players broken into 2 teams of 6.We play as a 4 ball ie 2 from each group.I am looking for a formular to have the 2 players from each group not play with each other again & also both of the 2 in each group not play with others in the other group more than once.I don't believe it is possible,so will accept as little duplication as possible-many thanks-Derek
Victoria West lui répond.
An oval pool 2014-06-21
steve pose la question :
I have a 16' x 28' oval pool that is buried 24" deep inground. The dig site is dug 2' wider all the way around the pool. I need to back fill this area with stone. I want to fill this area with 6 to 8" of stone. How many tons of stone will this take?

Thanks you

Penny Nom lui répond.
How can eight eights be 1000? 2014-06-20
Aamir pose la question :
The digit 8 if we add it 8 time in it the answer should be equal to 1000.it may possible.i.e., 8+8+8+8+8+8+8+8=1000
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2014-06-20
rana pose la question :
solve the simultaneous equations

Penny Nom lui répond.
The ratio of 1:1:2 2014-06-20
FREDERICK pose la question :
3 girls shared some hair ribbons in the ratio of 1:1:2 what is the total number of hair ribbons if the third girl got 14 ribbons.
prnny lui répond.
How many kilometers to a longitudinal degree? 2014-06-19
cherrielyn pose la question :
Assuming that earth is a sphere of radius 6380 km, what is the difference in the latitudes of two cities 270 miles apart positioned on the same meridian?

Thank you in advanced po! :)

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A reversed curved on a railroad track 2014-06-19
cherrielyn pose la question :
Assuming that earth is a sphere of radius 6380 km, what is the difference in the latitudes of two cities 270 miles apart positioned on the same meridian?

Thank you in advanced po! :)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The number of standard deviations 2014-06-15
Dawn pose la question :
Suppose that, at a certain college, the average weight of all male students is 160 pounds with a standard deviation of 30 pounds. A certain male student weighs 145 pounds. Determine how many SD's his weight is above or below average.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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