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Sharing in the ratio of of 2:3:5 2014-07-11
Muzdalfah pose la question :
Amount of Tsh 12,000 is to be shared among John,Hidaya and sabrina in the ratio of of 2:3:5 respectivly.How will each get?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 14 team golf league 2014-07-11
Pat pose la question :
We have a 14 team golf league that plays a 16 week schedule. Playing once per week, I need a schedule where each team plays every other team at least one time.
Victoria West lui répond.
Fencing around a 6 sided property 2014-07-10
Annette pose la question :
Hi, I've tried every way to figure this out and looked at your other acreage questions and still don't have an answer. It's my Birthday today and it would make me so happy to figure this out. I have this area I want fenced on my property and need to figure out how many acres it is to know if this guy is charging fare price for fencing.
It has 6 sides to it and measured in feet the sizes are: 1400 ft long
807 ft long
1060 ft long
300 ft long
310 ft long
400 ft long

Hope you can help me.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 5 sided lot 2014-07-10
mia pose la question :
have the feet numbers of three sides, but the forth side is in a "V" so it has two figures. Question: can i add the two figures of the "v" together to get one figure, so then I would have the figures for all four sides.
Harley Weston lui répond.
4/9 of a set of story books cost Rs 630. 2014-07-09
YASIN pose la question :
If 4/9 of a set of story books cost Rs 630. What will the rest of the set cost?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A ladder against a wall 2014-07-09
thabo pose la question :
A ladder 6.5m long,leans against a wall so that the top of the ladder is 4.8m from the ground.what is the angle of elevation of the ladder to the top of the wall
Penny Nom lui répond.
67 cubic yards in cubic metres 2014-07-09
gavin pose la question :
Convert 67 cu yards into cu metres
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rotation schedule for 14 teams 2014-07-08
Daniel pose la question :
I am organizing team activities for a summer camp. We have 14 teams and 7 rotations and 7 different games. every team will play a different game each rotation. Where I am having trouble is I would like each team to play a different team each rotation without a repeat. Is that possible? if so what is the formula?
Victoria West lui répond.
14 golfers, 7 men and 7 women 2014-07-06
John pose la question :
I have to schedule 14 golfers, 7 men and 7 women, into 4 teams each day, playing for 3 days. So each player plays with as many different players as possible for 3 games.
Victoria West lui répond.
An antenna is atop a building 2014-07-05
Andrew pose la question :
If an antenna is atop a building 70 feet tall and the antenna has a beamwidth of 30 degrees how far from the building does the beam first touch the ground?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The method of elimination 2014-07-05
leo pose la question :
please explain how can i solve this problem


using elimination and simultaneous method thank you :)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Quarters 2014-07-04
kamal pose la question :
how many quarters in the sum of 8 and 12 ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sum of 22, product of 125 2014-07-03
marj pose la question :
find two real numbers whose sum is 22 and whose product is 125.
Paul Betts, Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
The width of a rectangle 2014-07-02
john pose la question :
if the area of a rectangular field is 90 sq. m and its length its is 19 m find its width
Penny Nom lui répond.
Covering a 12 inch by 12 inch square hole 2014-07-02
Patricia pose la question :
I am putting in a new bathroom fan. I am wondering if a new light with a 15 inch diameter will cover the existing square hole which is 12 by 12 inches? If the existing hole is 11 1/2 by 11 1/2 inches?

Also, if the 15 inch diameter does not cover the 12 by 12 hole, what size diameter would?

Thank you.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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