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This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this article Ed introduces the middle shcool section of this issue.
AUTEUR(S): Ed Bourassa
Studying Mayan Numerals makes a good connection between Math and Social Studies. Lessons on Mayan Numerals can be designed for a wide range of ages. For the primary grades it may be fun to look at this concept using shells, pebbles, and stones. This will help the students learn about place values, and the sorting and collection of different objects. For grades 4 - 6 manipulatives may also be used and then the students can go on to try some problems on their own (suggested exercises given). A Mayan Numerals lesson would also lend nicely to teaching about time and the cycle of a year.
AUTEUR(S): Jamie Hubbard
This middle level unit contains objectives, student activities and assessment checklists on the topics of measurement, perimeter and area.
AUTEUR(S): Greg Brososky and Michael Neufeld
This Math unit is part of a "Medieval fair" where students set up a variety of booths diplaying activities such as chess, catapulting and "Medieval" foods.
AUTEUR(S): Simone Gareau
This one of the articles in the seventh edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The focuses of this issue is patterning and algebra. In this article Ed explores the questions - Is it possible to introduce algebraic concepts to the middle level student without invoking uneasiness and fear? and
- How are we able to develop an algebraic mind set which will lead to successful algebraic abstraction at the secondary level?
Included are samples of students' solutions to problems which are based on the discovery and analysis of patterns.
AUTEUR(S): Ed Bourassa
A collection of problems created by students in an Mathematics Education course in the Winter of 1999. These problems are aimed at the middle years mathematics content.
AUTEUR(S): Vi Maeers, Carlie Brentnell, Kelly Quinney, Kendra Struble, Ruth van Mos...
This note describes a situation which is familiar to students and constructs a mathematical model. A feature of this activity is that the problem described does not have a unique solution. Finding different solutions requires that the students have a good understanding of the problem, and different methods of solution provide an ideal opportunity for classroom discussion.
AUTEUR(S): Denis and Diane Hanson
In this note we consider a problem involving the ratio of two unknowns and contrast an algebraic solution with a graphic approach.
AUTEUR(S): Diane Hanson
A collection of activities which deal with operations on integers and fractions. Debbie has gathered them from various sources and used them in her middle years classroom.
AUTEUR(S): Debbie Penner
This resource, which is taken from Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, describes an assessment strategy that involves students working together in pairs.
AUTEUR(S): M. Placatka
This is the lead article in the seventh edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the sixth edition of the newsletter is petterning and algebra. In this article Vi and Rick introduce the concept of pattern through some ideas from literature and through a recent 'pattern' experience.
AUTEUR(S): Mhairi (Vi) Maeers and Rick Seaman
Liliane Gauthier has written a collection of performance stations for mathematics, grades 6, 7, 8 and 9. Many of the stations have been designed as assessment tools for the Saskatchewan curriculum but teachers may choose to use them as introductory activities, practice activities or centre activities. This document contain a description of performance stations and how they might be used for performance assessment. To go directly to the performance stations select a grade level from grade 6 , grade 7, grade 8 and grade 9.
AUTEUR(S): Liliane Gauthier
This is an article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. This article is contains the names of the winners and their solutions to the problems in a middle level problem solving contest.
AUTEUR(S): Lacey Walker, Rory Statham, D'laney Bruneau, Ryan Flegg and Blair Jasper
This is a list of resources that the authors have found usefull in teaching problem solving.
AUTEUR(S): Vi Maeers and David Bale
In the Spring of 1997 some students in grade 8 at Truro Junior High School in Truro, Nova Scotia solved the problems in the resource Experiment in Teaching and Learning Problem Solving and sent us their solutions. We suggested that they make up some problems of their own to put on the Math Central site and these are the problems that they sent us.
AUTEUR(S): Andrew Muir, Michael MacMullin, Adam Hinton, Rose, Renee, Catherine-Anne...