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Nous avons trouvé 14 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
L'équité des sexes
Cet article contient un grand nombre d'idées pour assurer que les filles autant que les garçons apprennent les mathématiques.
Les liens
Un aperçu des concepts et objectifs mathématiques aux trois niveaux, de même que les liens entre ces niveaux.
Aboriginal resources in mathematics education
Karen designed this website to assist teachers and pre-service teachers in the area of mathematics from Kindergarten to Grade 12 . Here you will find a multitude of teacher resources to assist you in incorporating Aboriginal content in your mathematics program.
Conditional Probabilities and False Positives
A conditional probability example where your intuition may lead to a poor estimate of the correct probability. The situation described results from false positives in a medical diagnostic procedure.
I've Got a Secret: Math Anxiety
This is the lead article in the eighth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. The topic of the eighth edition of the newsletter is "Real World Problem Solving" and in this note Rick writes about discussions with three women and their "math anxiety".
Master Teaching Award in Mathematics
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It announces a master teachin award and contains an application form.
Math and Writing
A librarian wrote to Quandaries and Queries inquiring about teaching resources for incorporating writing into mathematics. In this response Walter and Rick supply some references.
Math on the Farm
This article discusses some of the many ways in which math is used in agriculture. It considers specific agriculture processes, as well as a variety of math concepts.
Math Projects for Science Fairs
Katherine Heinrich the Canadian Math Society (CMS) President (1996-98) has put together a list of possible math projects for science fairs. This list is on the CMS site. If you wish to return to Math Central after viewing her list use the Back button on your browser.
Middle Ages (HTML ou PDF)
This Math unit is part of a "Medieval fair" where students set up a variety of booths diplaying activities such as chess, catapulting and "Medieval" foods.
The Amazing Mathematical Object Factory
AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Products include permutations, combinations, pentominoes, magic squares, subsets and more. AMOF was created in the Computer Science Department of the University of Victoria and is currently on the SchoolNet site.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It contains a list of events in the summer and fall of 2000.
Website Corner
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It contains a list of some websites recommended by SMTS members.
What are real world applications of trigonometry?
Students often ask where they will ever use trigonometry or why they need to study it. This note contains a use of trigonomerty in two areas where its use might be unexpected. One situation involves an artisan who needs the dimensions for a metal sculpture he is constructing and the second a homeowner who is disputing her property assessment.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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