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Finding a formula 2000-05-05
Erica Hildebrandt pose la question :
If a farmer has a field and his plots are laid out in the following grid where each # represents a plot:
4 5 12 13 20
3 6 11 14 19
2 7 10 15 18
1 8 9 16 17

Of course the plot numbers aren't meaningful as I have described above. In fact they may not be numbers at all. The only constants I have are the total number of rows and columns. Using the total number of rows and columns and my current position row and column, how can I write a formula that tells me column 3 row 3 = 10, column 4 row 2 = 14, etc. I can see the pattern but can't quite get the formula. I believe I will need 2 different formulas one for even and one for odd rows.
Paul Betts and Penny Nom lui répond.

An improper integral 2000-05-04
A high school senior pose la question :
Hi, I am a high school senior and I need help stugying for a final. I am stuck on one of the questions on my review sheet. Does the improper integral from 5 to infinity of (38/97)x converge or diverge? If it converges I also need to know how to find the approximate value accurate to .01 of its actual value.
Harley Weston lui répond.
sin(7pi/12) 2000-05-04
Kristel pose la question :
What is the exact value of sin 7pi/12?
Chris Fisher and Paul Betts lui répond.
Thearcius Functionius 2000-05-03
Kevin Palmer pose la question :
With the Olympics fast approaching the networks are focusing in ona new and exciting runner from Greece. Thearcius Functionius has astounded the world with his speed. He has already established new world records in the 100 meter dash and looks to improve on those times at the 2000 Summer Olympics.

Thearcius Functionius stands a full 2 meters tall and the networks plan on placing a camera on the ground at some location after the finish line(in his lane) to film the history making run. The camera is set to film him from his knees(0.5 meters up from the ground) to 0.5 meters above his head at the instant he finishes the race. This is a total distance of two meters(the distance shown by the camera's lens).
Harley Weston lui répond.

An indefinite integral 2000-05-03
Bonnie Null pose la question :
I am to find the indefinite integral of: (ex - e-x)2 dx
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Mary Fairfax Greig Somerville 2000-05-03
Joshua Garrett pose la question :
I'm giving a report in class on her life. Could i recieve some sort of information about her. thank you
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Why is 1/4 larger than 1/5? 2000-05-02
Sherry pose la question :
I have to do a math project for my teacher education class. The question that I am working on is why is 1/4 bigger than 1/5.
Paul Betts, Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
Minimizing the metal in a can 2000-05-02
May Thin Zar Han pose la question :
A can is to be made to hold 1 L of oil. Find the dimensions that will minimize the cost of the metal to manufacture the can.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Matrices Information 2000-05-02
William Avery pose la question :
I am an OAC student at Governor Simcoe Secondary School in St. Catharines Ontario. Today at school we were handed an independent study project by our Finite teacher. This assignment is based on Matrices, it involves performing some simple matrix calculations, but also involves a written section. This written section asks for the following:

Marley Weston lui répond.
Area of an ellipse 2000-05-02
Kaushal Shah pose la question :
How do I Calculate the area of a ellipse known the length of any related thing. Example, suppose if I know the length of latus rectum, major&minor axis etc.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
la dimension fractale 2000-05-01
François RIVOIRE, Julien CHOLLET et Alexandre DECOSTER pose la question :
nous sommes étudiants en première année MPSI en école d'ingénieur ISEN ( Institut supérieur d'électronique du Nord ). Nous avons choisi les FRACTALES ( ou plus précisément sur la dimension fractale et topologique ainsi que sur les suites logistiques) comme sujet de TIPE; serait-il possible que vous nous envoyez des démonstrations mathématiques ou des conseils car jusqu'ici nous avons eût beaucoup de mal à trouver des démonstrations se rapportant à ce sujet,
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Two calculus problems 2000-05-01
Kaushal Shah pose la question :
How Do WE Integrate the following Functions,
  1. Integral xtanx dx
  2. How was natural base "e" discovered and why e=2.7.......

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Fractals 2000-04-29
Rachel Maginn pose la question :
What are Fractals? I am doing a research project. Any information would be great. I need to know the history behind fractals, and how they are used. I would like some examples like the snowflake and a fractal tree. Any other examples would be appriciated greatly.
Harley Weston lui répond.
What percent is one fraction of another fraction? 2000-04-29
A student in grade 4 pose la question :
What is the method for finding out what percent one fraction is of another fraction. For instance 4/5 is what percent of 1/9?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Monica's geometry problem 2000-04-27
Monica pose la question :
Given: ABCD is a square; AX is perpendicular to BY
Prove: Angle 1 is congruent to Angle 3

Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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