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Graphing cube roots 2000-04-27
Heather Jones pose la question :
What do the graphs of cube roots look like?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Searching for socks 2000-04-26
Luther Jackson pose la question :
There are 10 red socks and 10 blue socks in a drawer. Aside from their color the are identical. All of the socks in the drawer are mixed up. If the room was pitch black, How many socks would you need to pull out of the drawer to be certain that you have a pair that matches? Why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Paying with silver 2000-04-26
Luther Jackson pose la question :
A silver prospector is unable to pay his March rent in advance. He owned a bar of pure silver, 31 inches long, so he made the following arrangement with his landlady. He would cut the bar, he said into smaller pieces. On the first day of March he would give her and inch of the bar, and on each succeeding day he would add another inch to her amount of silver. She would keep this silver as security. At the end of the month, when the prospector expected to be able to pay his rent in full, she would return the pieces to him.

Claude Tardif and Penny Nom lui répond.
The weight of a watermelon 2000-04-25
Lori Speir pose la question :
If I have a 100 pound watermelon and it is 99% water. If it sits out in the sun all day and is now only 98% water what does it weigh now?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An expected value 2000-04-24
Carl Pride pose la question :
Suppose that in a statistics class of size 23, each student has a probability of passing of 73 percent.


What is the expected number of students who will pass??

Harley Weston lui répond.
Conversions 2000-04-23
Tara pose la question :
750 lbs = ___ tons

How do I figure this out!? I know that 1 ton is 2000 lbs, how do I figure out this answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.

Adding fractions 2000-04-23
A grade 6 student pose la question :
In adding fractions, how do I rewrite the fractions so that the denominators are equal? The problem is 3/4 + 1/6 =
The other problem is 11/18 + 4/9 =

Penny Nom lui répond.
A colony of bacteria 2000-04-22
Nicci Demmin pose la question :
Suppose that the bacteria in a colony can grow unchecked, by the law of exponential change. The colony starts with one bacterium and doubles every half hour. How many bacteria will the colony contain at the end of 50 hours?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Side length of an octagon 2000-04-22
Unknown pose la question :
If I have an octagon that is 12 feet across (side to opposite side) how can I find the length of the sides?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Two gross minus two score 2000-04-20
Georgie pose la question :
What is two gross minus two score?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Circumference = Area 2000-04-19
Scot George pose la question :
The area and circumference of a circle has the same measurement. Find the radius.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Chisanbop 2000-04-19
Steven D. Edmonds pose la question :
I once heard about a manual counting method which when learned at an early age allowed one to be able to perform large calculations manually. I believe that name of the method (phonetically) was "chisenbok".
Harley Weston lui répond.
Question regarding Combinations and permutations 2000-04-19
Paul Stoner pose la question :
I am a programmer and I have a quick question. I have 5 criteria which will either be true or false. If a criterion is true it returns its ordinal representation, if false it returns 0. I then combine these results to determine where to go in my program. My question is: How can I figure out the number of combinations I will need?
Patrick Maidorn lui répond.
Math in various careers 2000-04-18
Jennifer Jones pose la question :
I am a Fifth grade student researching how math is used in various careers. What kind of math is used in your career? How do you use math?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Borrowing 2000-04-17
A college student pose la question :
How would you explain borrowing to an elementary school student?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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