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Multiplying fractions 2000-05-14
A student pose la question :
75/2 x 1/100 = 3/8

Please show how to came up with the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.

A matrix equation 2000-05-14
A student pose la question :
Right now, we are dealing with matrices and we are supposed to solve the following problem on our graphing-calculators: 2a+3b-4c+d=20

Penny Nom lui répond.
Subtracting polynomials 2000-05-13
Teresa pose la question :
I am suppose to subtract the lower polynomial from the one above it.
-3a- 6b+8f

Penny Nom lui répond.
4x - [2x -(3x - 2)] = 13 2000-05-13
Teresa pose la question :
I need to find the following equation.
4x - [2x -(3x - 2)] = 13

Penny Nom lui répond.
Reflection off a sphere 2000-05-12
Mark Adami pose la question :
Given two points P,E and a sphere. Find a point on the sphere, T, so that a line from P that bounces off the sphere at T goes through point E.
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
Solve 2sin 3x-1=0 2000-05-11
Cynthia pose la question :
How would you solve 2sin 3x-1=0? I don't know what to do with the 3.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The units digit of 3 to the 58th power 2000-05-10
Kylie Mcalpine pose la question :
the questions we have been asked are what is the units digit of the following:

a) 358
b) 2358
c) 1731

and the harder question of:

what is the units digit of the following sum: 13841 + 17508 + 24617 = ???????

Paul Betts and Penny Nom lui répond.
Odds and combinations 2000-05-10
Lucy pose la question :
If the odds are 1/15 of winning, what is the probability?

if c 5! 3! How does it equal 10?

Harley Weston lui répond.
The Village of Truth 2000-05-10
Sean Pearson pose la question :
Our teacher gave us a logic problem involving two villages: the village of truth, and the village of lies. The problem is in asking two guards the right question to gain entrance to the fenced compound the villages are in without being shot. Have you heard of this problem ?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Trig functions 2000-05-09
Melissa pose la question :
Find all solutions in the interval (0,2pi)

Paul Betts and Harley Weston lui répond.
Supplementary angles 2000-05-09
Suzanne pose la question :
We know that: Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum equals 180 degrees and complementary angles are two angles whose sum equals 90 degrees. Are supplementary and complementary angles necessarily adjacent? or can they be non-adjacent?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Looking for a pattern 2000-05-08
Laura pose la question :
Yesterday, me teacher stumped me with a question. He talked to us about square units. He told us an area of 1 square unit produces 1 shape, an area of 2 sq.units produces 1 shape, an area of 3 sq.units produces 2 different shapes, an area of four square units produces 5 different shapes, and an area od five sq.units produces 12 different shapes. He left us there. He said we had to find how many different shapes an area of 1 sq. unit produces through how many different shapes an area of 15 sq.units produces. He said we could complete this "chart" by finding an equation. But, I can't find the equation. I think it may be a quadratic of some sort. My teacher told us to use the area(in sq.units) as X and the # of different shapes produced as Y. Now, what really is stumping me is I would have to have an equation so when X is Y, Y is 1 and when X is 2, Y is 1. I have also tried to see if I can complete a patter or something. The pattern I saw was 1,1,2,5,12. I can't make much sense of that pattern.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Parallel and perpendicular lines 2000-05-08
Jimmy Lumpkins pose la question :
Need a method for solving the following problem: Find the equation of a line through point P that is parallel or perpendicular to another line.
Paul Betts lui répond.
Related Rates 2000-05-07
Derek pose la question :
How can you show that if the volume of a balloon is decreasing at a rate proportional to its surface area, the radius of the balloon is shrinking at a constant rate.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Probability and odds 2000-05-05
Leah pose la question :
The chances of rain on friday, saturday, and sunday are 20%, 30%, and 50% respectively. what are the odds it will rain all three days?
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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