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An equation involving x to the x 2000-07-22
Joy Peter pose la question :
I am joy, a teacher teaching Maths at the secondary level and while solving a sum came to this stage when i got xx (1 + log x) = 0, by which we can conclude that xx = 0 or 1 + log x = 0. If xx = 0, than what should be the value of x? I feel that the value of x should then be 0 (zero) but then how do I explain this to the students as we also know that anything to the power of 0 is 1 but here 0 raised to 0 is 1. If this is not defined then how do I explain this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
n! = 42(n-2)! 2000-07-21
Damon Bailey pose la question :
Solve n! = 42(n-2)!
Paul Betts lui répond.
10,000! 2000-07-21
Lauren pose la question :
Hi I was just wondering if you could tell me how many zeros are in 100,000! (factorial.)
Denis Hanson lui répond.
L'Hospital's Rule 2000-07-19
Dan Krymkowski pose la question :
The limit of the following as x goes to infinity is 2*y. Y is a constant.

lim 2*x*log(x/(x-y)) = 2*y

Harley Weston lui répond.
Completing a square 2000-07-10
Lexa Michaels pose la question :
How do you complete a square? the textbook question is: x 4 + 64
Penny Nom lui répond.
Patterning and Sequencing 2000-07-05
Michael Jellis pose la question :
What would be the next two terms?


please explain!!! I am completely baffled and need all the help I can get!

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Five times a cube equals three times a fifth power 2000-07-05
Harman Chaudhry pose la question :
Which is the smallest 10-digit number to be five times the cube of one number and also three times the fifth power of another?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Word addition 2000-07-05
Harman Chaudhry pose la question :
What is the value of DISHES if SEE + THE + WAITER + WASHES = DISHES. In addition, I know there is a name for these types of problems--what are they actually called?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Exposant à la 0 2000-07-04
Sylvie pose la question :
J'aimerais savoir combien fait 0 exposant 0.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Simplify 21+2[3z+5(3z+8)] 2000-07-02
Dennis Dyer pose la question :
My daughter has a math problem that I can't help her with. The problem is 21+2[3z+5(3z+8)] I can get the answer 101 +36z but I can't show her the correct way to write it out. Would you please show the correct way to show her work...
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig question 2000-07-01
Will pose la question :
An open rectangular tank a units deep and b units wide holds water and is tilted so that the base BC makes an angle theta with the horizontal. When BC is returned to the horizontal, who that the depth of the water is

(a squared) * cot theta div 2b units

Harley Weston lui répond.
Parallel tangents 2000-06-30
Ebony Indalecio pose la question :
I need to prove the theroem: Tangents to a circle at the end points of a diameter are parallel.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Tiling a floor 2000-06-27
Carolyn Clarkston pose la question :
A square tile measures 6 inches by 6 inches. What is the least number of tiles needed to cover a rectangular floor area of 9 feet by 12 feet?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Calculator and telephones keypads phones 2000-06-27
Thomas Smith and Veronica Yates-Riley pose la question :
On a keyboard, why is the number "7" on the top of the keypad as opposed to the number "1" at the top a telephone keypad?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An Area 2000-06-26
Frank pose la question :
Can you tell me what the sq. ft. are of and area measuring:
           |                       | 
            |                      |  
             |                     |    
              |                    |    
               |                   |   
             76 |            70    |       
                 |                 |        
                  |                |        
                  |_____21________ | 

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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