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Find the next term 2000-08-12
Ashley pose la question :
I need the next three numbers & I can't figure it out. I have worked on this all day.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Some trigonometry 2000-08-11
Angela pose la question :
I have some PreCal questions. I am a student at the secondary level. I would be very grateful for your help.

Solve the equation for theta (0 <= theta < 2pi).

tan2(theta) = 3 I know sec2(theta) -1 = tan2(theta)

Harley Weston lui répond.

isomorphisme 2000-08-10
Romain Kroes pose la question :
Pour les beoins d'un ouvrage d'économie que je suis en train de terminer, pouvez-vous me dire qui est (sont) l'inventeur de l' "isomorphisme" en mathématiques (calcul tensoriel)?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A problem with a quadratic 2000-08-09
David Xiao pose la question :
Find the value of a such that 4x2 + 4(a-2)x - 8a2 + 14a + 31 = 0 has real roots whose sum of squares is minimum.
Harley Weston lui répond.
PreCalculus 2000-08-09
Angela pose la question :
Use absolute values to define the interval or pair of intervals on the real line.

<--|--- |--- ]--- |--- |--- |--- [---| ---|-->    
   18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26    

A car is moving at the rate of 50 miles per hour, and the diameter of its wheels is 2.5 feet.
a) Find the number of revolutions per minute that the wheels are rotating.
b) Find the angular speed of the wheels in radians per minute.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The angle of rotation 2000-08-03
Jay pose la question :
I have the following information Given.

(X1, Y1) Origional Point
(X2, Y2) Origional Point After a Rotation
(Xa, Xb) Center of Rotation

What formula would I use to figure out the angle the point was rotated?

Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
Area of a circle 2000-08-03
Larry pose la question :
I know the formula is-- pi r squared--. For a circle 4 inches in diameter, do I multiply pi (3.1416) by the radius (2") then square the answer to that ie: 3.1416 X 2 squared or do I square the radius (2 X 2") then multiply by pi (3.1416) ??
Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphing an inequality 2000-08-02
Lori pose la question :
How do I find x and y and graph this problem

3x + y < 5

Penny Nom lui répond.
Un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles 2000-08-02
Sonia pose la question :
J'aimerai savoir comment s'appelle un polyedre ayant comme face 20 triangles équilatéraux égaux.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Two linear systems 2000-08-01
A student pose la question :
please help me with this homework question. 5/x + 6/y= 19/6 3/x + 4/y =2
hint: let a = 1/x and b = 1/y substitute these expressions into the system to find a and b. Then find x and y.

This is a question I answered wrong on a test: solve the given system for x, y, and z. Express your solutions in terms of a, b, and c.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Making a paper cone 2000-07-30
John pose la question :
The question of how to lay out & cut out of paper, cones came up. I would like the cone have :
A base of 4 inches
and height of
4 inches,
6 inches,
8 inches.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The circumference of a circle 2000-07-30
Not a student pose la question :
An equalateral triangle is enclosed in a circle. The three corners touch the edges of the circle. One side of the triangle is 12. What is the circumference of the circle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A semi-circle and a triangle 2000-07-28
Ben pose la question :
A semi-circle and an isosceles triangle ABC have the same base AB and the same area. The equal angles in the triangle are BAC and CAB. I have to find the value of each of these angles.
Harley Weston lui répond.
LOG(LN(x)) = 1 2000-07-28
An algebra student pose la question :
LET F(x)=LOG X AND G(x)= LN X. SOLVE (f *G)(x)= 1

Harley Weston lui répond.
(mn + m + n)/(m^2 + n^2) = 1 2000-07-24
William pose la question :
Find all pair of positive integers m and n such that mn + m + n divides m2 + n2 = 1.
Peny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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