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A coin is tossed 11 times 2002-10-31
A student pose la question :
There are 2 people that are playing a game in which a coin is tossed 11 times. The first player gets a point for a toss of heads. The 2nd player gets a point for a toss of tails. whoever gets 6 points wins. Suppose that so far the first player has 2 points and the second player has 4 points. What is the probability that the first player wins the game?
Andrei Volodin and Penny Nom lui répond.
Mrs. Klein has been losing 1 pound a week for the last year 2002-10-30
Brett pose la question :
On her diet, Mrs. Klein has been losing 1 pound a week for the last year. Her husband weighs 110 pounds more than she does now. If his weight is twice what her weight was 6 weeks ago, how much does mrs. Klein weigh now?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An isosceles triangle 2002-10-30
Stan pose la question :
What two different base lengths can an isosceles triangle have with sides on both remaining at 13 inches? How do I show this?
Paul Betts and Peny Nom lui répond.
A triangular prism 2002-10-30
Daniel pose la question :
I was wondering what a triangular prism was.
Diane Hanson lui répond.
How many empty seats are there? 2002-10-29
Ronnie pose la question :
Three new students arrived in class. Teacher says there are 210 ways you can set. How many empty seats are there in the classroom? After new student are assigned seats, how many empty seats will remain?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Variance 2002-10-29
Ade pose la question :
I am trying to solve a standard deviation question, I have 30 data points to use, should I group the data before solving for variance or should I just use the raw data.
Andrei Volodin lui répond.
Simplifying Variable Expressions 2002-10-28
Erika pose la question :
i would like to ask you a mathematical question on Simplifying Variable Expressions. The question is 2(n-4)+3.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Jimmy's hits 2002-10-27
Patty pose la question :
One seventh of Jimmy's hits were doubles
12.5% of his hits were homeruns
Jimmy had 82 singles
He did not have any triples

How many hits did Jimmy have? (Be sure to include the equation that represents the number of hits)

Penny Nom lui répond.
10 hours before 7:15 2002-10-27
Jessica pose la question :
It is evening 7:15. What time would it be 10 hours earlier?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An identity? 2002-10-27
Jenna pose la question :
I can't prove
1-sinQ     1 ---- = tanQ + --- 1+sinQ      cosQ 

Penny Nom lui répond.
The four colour theorem 2002-10-27
Rhonda pose la question :
is there an actual equation for the four colour map theorem??? i cannot find it anywhere!! if so can you give a breif description on how it works!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
x 4 + x 5 = 100 2002-10-27
Bill pose la question :
One of my students has stumped me. He asked how to solve the equation 4 x + 5 x = 100

All I can think of are graphing methods to get an approximate solution. What am I missing?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Un triangle équilatéral 2002-10-27
Un eleve pose la question :
Soit ABC un triangle équilatéral construit dans le sens direct. Le point D est symétrique de A par rapport à la droite (BC), et le point E est symétrique de B par rapport au point C. L'intersection des droites (AD) et (BC)est notée H. On pose AB=a.
  1. Je dois calculer les longueurs AD et AE en fonction de a.

  2. Je dois montrer que le triangle ADE est équilatéral. J'arrive a prouver qu'il est isocèle en E mais j'aimerai trouver que AD=DE.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
What are the digits? 2002-10-24
Ebenezer pose la question :
There are three digits. The middle digit is zero and the sum of the first and last digits are is 13. When the number is reversed it is increased by 297. What are the digits?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Averaging grades 2002-10-24
Richard pose la question :
I'm using a grading program for the first time this year. (ok, that's not a question) I require my students to record their grades in a Scorekeeper when they get them back. I'd like to know if my students can keep up with averaging their grades just as the grading programs automatically averages them when I put them in the spreadsheet.
Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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