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The identity property 2002-11-07
Stephanie pose la question :
I am a student teacher this semester in the third grade. I was looking at our math competencies and saw that we needed to teach the identity property. Is this the same as the distributive property? If not, what is it?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Chisanbop 2002-11-07
Paul pose la question :
I'm trying to find the book/books that explain this system? I have one small book that explains the very beginning of the system, but covers only about 10 to 20%. I'v tried several book sellers and have had no luck.
Diane Hanson lui répond.
Substitution 2002-11-06
John Paul pose la question :
I took a math test last week, and there was a problem which the teacher checked as incorrect. It was:

Solve: (a)RcTc=360;(b)RmTm=480;(c)Rm=2Rc; (d)Tm+Tc=15

I solved the problem and I got the following values for each variable.

For Rc=40 For Tc=9
For Rm=96 For Tm=5

I don't see nothing wrong, but the teacher checked it as wrong. Could it be a checking mistake?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Determining a parabola 2002-11-06
Shelley pose la question :
let (0,3) and (1,9)and (-1,1) be given points in a parablola. Determine a b and c
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is nth term? 2002-11-06
Joga pose la question :
What is nth term:

First sequence:
2, 4,7,11, 16, nth term

Second sequence:
4,10, 28, 82, nth term

Penny Nom lui répond.
18m-11+ -7 2002-11-06
Sophia pose la question :
what is 18m-11+ -7 (m = to 12)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A house's selling price 2002-11-05
Tanisha pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Compass points 2002-11-05
Mhairi pose la question :
I was asked this in maths but I am not sure if it is geography. Name all the compass points? We have been given 8 but he told us there is more and we have to name them.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
The percentage grade of that hill 2002-11-05
Cathy pose la question :
If there is an 80ft climb over a kilometer(about 3280ft) what is the percentage grade of that hill?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagon of perimeter 1,000 meters 2002-11-05
Stephen pose la question :
my son has to work out the area of a octagon with a outside perimeter of 1,000 metres,
Penny Nom lui répond.
Clown has eight steps to climb 2002-11-05
A mom pose la question :
I'm a parent of a grade two student. What is the best way to help my son figure out a math comprehension problem?

Clown has eight steps to climb, is shown in a picture with front foot on third step and behind foot on first step. Each time he climbs three steps, he falls back two. How many times did he have to climb up to reach the top.

Should I get him to do a line graph or math equations. On his own he came up with the answer seven. I think the answer is six. I did 0+3=3, 3-2=1, 1+3=4 and so on, In think my why is alittle confusing to him. Is there a simplier why to explain it to him.

Diane Hanson lui répond.
A twelve-volume set of encyclopedias 2002-11-04
Ron pose la question :
A novice librarian shelved a twelve-volume set of encyclopedias in the following order from left to right. Volumes 8, 11, 5, 4, 9, 1, 7, 6, 10, 3, 12, and 2. Using her system, where will volume 13 go?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding 27.27 2002-11-03
A parent pose la question :
If you have a problem 27.27 and you need to round to the first 7 the answer would be 27

Would 27.0 be acceptable as well or is it completely wrong.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Mathematics and Music 2002-11-01
Hannah pose la question :
I am looking for a science fair project to compare math and music and how they relate. If you have any project ideas for me, they would be greatly appreciated.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
How would you find the length of the chord? 2002-10-31
A draftsperson pose la question :
If given the length of an arc and the distance from the midpoint of the arc to the midpoint of a chord, how would you find the length of the chord and the radius of the arc. The chords endpoints are the same as the the arcs endpoints.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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