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Shapes 2005-11-12
Tonya and Hailey pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
The diagonals of a trapezoid 2005-11-11
Chris pose la question :
Is there ever a case where the diagonals of a trapezoid bisect each other?
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Quadratic Equations & Given Roots 2005-11-11
Lindsey pose la question :

I need to find the quadratic equation in the form:
f(x)=a(x2 - (-b/a)x + (c/a))

The vertex is (1, -7), the roots are (4, ?)

I need to find the other root but I don't know where to begin. My answer key says the other root is (-2). How is this possible?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Solving a pair of equations 2005-11-10
Steven pose la question :
what is answer to
2 x + y = 1
y = -1/3 x - 4

Penny Nom lui répond.
-120 divided by -15 2005-11-09
Joshua pose la question :
how do you evaluate -120 divided by (-15)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve for g 2005-11-09
Cassandra pose la question :
solve each equation or formula for the variable specified

5g+h=g, for g

Penny Nom lui répond.
Notation for the second derivative 2005-11-08
Mussawar pose la question :
my question is d/dx( dy/dx) = d2y/dx2. why it is not equal to d2y/d2x.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A variable rectangle 2005-11-08
Mussawar pose la question :
find the lengths of the sides of a variable rectangle having area 36 cm2 when its perimeter is minimum i do not want solution of this question. i would like to know what is mean by variable rectangle.and what is difference between rectangle and variable rectangle.also what is mean by when its perimeter is minimum.
Penny Nom lui répond.
When will x^2+xy+(y-x) be even? 2005-11-08
Lana pose la question :
If x and y are integers, when will x squared+xy+(y-x) be even?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a tower 2005-11-08
Vinita pose la question :
Observers at point A and B, who Stand on level ground on opposite sides of a tower, measure the angle of elevation to the top of the tower to be 33 degrees and 49 degrees respectively. Another point C is 120 m from point B, Triangle ABC =67 degrees and BAC = 31 degrees. Find the height of the tower to the nearest metre.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mario is 16 years older than his youngest sister, Mercedes. 2005-11-08
Jennifer pose la question :
Mario is 16 years older than his youngest sister, Mercedes. Together, their ages total 36 years . How old is each person?
Paenny Nom lui répond.
Why is zero even? 2005-11-08
Lauren pose la question :
A child in my class if having trouble with the concept of zero being an even number, I have talked with her about its zero because it is a multiple of 2, any other suggestions?
Paul Betts lui répond.
Une énigme échelle/échafaudage(ou boite) 2005-11-08
Christian pose la question :
J'ai un problème & souhaite demander votre aide pour résoudre une énigme échelle/échafaudage(ou boite)
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Real Pay 2005-11-07
Judy pose la question :
Is there a formula for computing "real pay"? Example - you are offered a position in your home town for $A, and another position in another town for $B. To work at $B job there would be so many hours in commute time involved (z), and a real daily commute cost (either train, bus, or auto mileage-wear, etc.) (x). How would you calculate the real pay of job $B in relation to job $A?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The number is increased by the sum of its digits 2005-11-07
Ernesto pose la question :
The number 1 is written on a blackboard. After each second the number on the blackboard is increased by the sum of its digits. is it possible that at some moment the number 123456 will be written on the blackboard?
Claude Tardif lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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