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A standard normal probability 2005-11-19
Pat pose la question :
Find the probability of Z when it lies between -1.10 and -0.36
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gallons and cubic feet 2005-11-19
Just interested pose la question :
I have found that 1 cubic foot will hold 7.48 gallons of gasoline, but I would like to know how to come by this answer.
Penny Nom lui répond.
I = PRT 2005-11-16
Ryan pose la question :
Use the formula to find the value of the variable that is not given:
I=PRT;I=$2880, R=0.08, P=$12,000

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rational expressions 2005-11-15
Zach pose la question :
I can solve easy problems such as (x/2)+3=2+(3x/4). That is easy because the Lowest Common Denominator is 4. But what really gets me stuck is a problem like this one. (6/x-2) = ( 21/(x-2)(x+2) )+ 1.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What shape do I say a football is? 2005-11-14
Peter pose la question :
I am a 43 year old man. I am no longer in school, I have a bachelors degree. I like to tell stories about sports in ways to make people think about the amount of time they devote to the sports. For example, while attending a church in Chicago on the north side, I would pass by Wrigley field. I began to call it the church of the flying orb or sphere. Now if I want to tell a similar story about football (not soccer), what shape do I say a football is?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
111111...111 divided by 3 2005-11-14
Jesus pose la question :
If we divide the number 1111...........1( it has got 2004 digits) by 3. How many zeros will we get?. The answer that I have found in the book is 667 but I do not know how to reached it.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two word problems 2005-11-14
Jennifer pose la question :

1. Every other person on a school's parent advisory committee is surveyed to determine how many people support passage of a school bond to build a new elementary school. Is this a good sample? Why or why not?

2.What is the difference in elevation between the highest point in California,Mount Whitney,which towers 4421 meters above sea level, the lowest point in California,Death Valley, which lies 86 meters below sea level?

Harley Weston lui répond.
A picture window 2005-11-14
Marcos pose la question :
The length of a picture window is 2 feet longer than twice its width. If the diagonal of the window is 13 feet, find the dimensions of the window.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An isosceles triangle 2005-11-14
Chris pose la question :
PX and QY are attitudes of acute triangle PQR, and Z is the midpoint of PQ. Can you write a proof that triangle XYZ is isosceles?
Chri Fisher lui répond.
Add one 1 at the beginning and at the end of a number 2005-11-13
Samuel pose la question :
If we add one 1 at the beginning and at the end of a number, this number is increased by 14789. What is the sum of the digits of the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The elevation of the top of the house 2005-11-13
Chloe pose la question :
Karen is standing 23 metres away from the base of a 23 metre high house. Assume that Karen's eyes are 1.5 metres above ground. Find the elevation of the top of the house from Karen's eye line.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring quartics 2005-11-13
Kyle pose la question :
How do I factor y4 + y2 +1?? I think the answer is (y2 + y + 1)(y2 - y + 1), but I'm not sure how to get that...
Chris Fisher lui répond.
fog 2005-11-12
Janice pose la question :
I am having problem with the (fog) function

(fog) (x). Given f(x)= 2x2 ; g(x)= 3-4x

Penny Nom lui répond.
The distributive property 2005-11-12
Jennifer pose la question :
I am trying to help my daughter . How do you name the property for 6(4w - 3z)=(6 x 4w)-(6 x 3z)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cubic feet and cubic yards 2005-11-12
Mike pose la question :
I need to know how to calculate square feet into yards of material. Example: 1320 sq. ft. surface area by 1 in. depth. What does this equal in cubic feet and yards. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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