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A pole 22 5/6 feet long is broken in two 2006-05-19
Kenneth pose la question :
A pole 22 5/6 feet long is broken in two. One piece is 2 3/4 feet longer than the other. What is the length of each piece?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The distance to the moon from earth 2006-05-19
Maira pose la question :
Using trigonometric functions first, show how to find the distance to the moon from earth and then find the radius of the moon.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A box with an interior of 1.26 cu. feet 2006-05-19
Maria pose la question :
I am trying to build a box with an interior of 1.26 cu. feet with all sides equal.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of the diameter 2006-05-18
Steven pose la question :
A circle has a circumference of 312in. Find the length of its diameter to the nearest integer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Questions de Probabilités 2006-05-18
Guy pose la question :

Le directeur d'un cirque a retenu cinq numéros pour composer son spectacle : les chiens savants, l'illusioniste, les clowns, les tapézistes et les acrobates.

  1. de combien de façons peut il composer son spectacles?
  2. En supposant qu'il y ait équiprobabilité dans le choix de la composition du programme, calculer la probabilité de chacun des événements suivants:
    1. les clowns terminent le spectacle
    2. les acrobates débutent ou terminent le spectacle
    3. les trapézites suivent immédiatement les clowns
    4. les clowns sont séparés des chiens savants par les trapézistes et seulement par eux.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A bag contains 9 red, 6 white, 3 blue, and 8 green marbles 2006-05-18
Micheael pose la question :
A bag contains 9 red, 6 white, 3 blue, and 8 green marbles. Two marbles are drawn, but the first marble drawn is not replaced. Find P(white, then white). Make into one reduced fraction.
Paul Betts and Steve La Rocque lui répond.
A triangle problem 2006-05-18
Jim pose la question :
Right angle triangle with a hypotenuse of 20 units. Square inside the triangle with sides of 4 units, the square shares two sides with both legs of the triangle, and the corner touches the hypotenuse limiting the triangles size.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three questions 2006-05-17
Diane pose la question :



What is the largest real number less than 10?
1- there is no largest real number less than 10 or
2- 9
3- 9.999...


Given that not (a and b) implies c.What does
(not c) imply ?
1-a and b
2- (not a and b) or (a and not b)
3- (not a and b) or (a and not b)
4- a or b


What are the x and y intercepts of the equation
2x + 3y -6 =0 ?
1- x=3 and y=2
2- x=6 and y=-2
3- -3x + 2y =0

Paul Betts lui répond.
What is the radius of the sphere? 2006-05-17
Jimmy pose la question :
The surface area and volume of a sphere are both equal to the product of 4-digit whole numbers and pi. What is the radius of the sphere?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Ordre des opérations 2006-05-15
Chantal pose la question :
2324/4-153+619= je sais pas comment calculer merci
Claude Tardif lui répond.
integral of tan^4 x 2006-05-14
Aqil pose la question :
integral of tan4 x
Penny Nom lui répond.
What are the dimensions of the field? 2006-05-14
Angie pose la question :
The length of fence required to enclose a rectangular field is 3000 metres. What are the dimensions of the field if it is known that the difference between the length and width is 50 metres?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of water in a sphere shaped water tower 2006-05-14
Dan pose la question :
I work in the water industry, providing automatic controls for water systems. I was wondering if there was a formula for calculating the volume of water in a sphere shaped water tower? With the use of a pressure gauge we know the elevation of zero water {the bottom of sphere) and the overflow elev. (near the top of sphere) I would like to calculate how many gallons are at any elevation in between.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I want to calculate 0.00353 to the power 1.3 2006-05-14
Richard pose la question :
I want to calculate 0.00353 to the power 1.3 How do I do it?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many children were there? 2006-05-14
Geecee pose la question :
At a local village gala, the entire population turned up, 500 people. The event raised £3,000. Tickets were priced as follows: £7.48 men, £7.12 women and £0.45 children. How many children were there?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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