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Cubic yards of sand 2006-05-26
Steve pose la question :
I need to cover an area with sand that is 30 feet wide and 60 feet long and I need the depth of the sand to be 1/4 inch thick. How many cubic yards of sand will I need?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous Equations 2006-05-24
Angie pose la question :

Question: solve the equations

for x,y,z

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The sides of a hexagon 2006-05-24
Emilio pose la question :
I need to find the measure of the sides of the hexagon that the area is 58 square units.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
differentiate the volume of a cylinder with V respect to h 2006-05-24
A student pose la question :
differentiate the volume of a cylinder with V respect to h
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a 30, 60 90 triangle 2006-05-24
Willetta pose la question :
if there is a triangle with a 30, 60, and 90 degree angle and the shortest side is 6cm how do you find the area?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The nth term of a sequence 2006-05-24
A student pose la question :
please could you give me a formula for the following numbers for my teacher 3 8 15 24 35
Chris Fisher lui répond.
How do you graph 3x + 6y = -9 by axis intercepts? 2006-05-22
Crystal pose la question :
How do you graph 3x + 6y = -9 by axis intercepts?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three purses 2006-05-22
Marcee pose la question :
If you take $20 from the first and put it into the second of three purses, the second would then contain 4 times as much as remains in the first. If $60 of what is now in the second is put into the third, the third will contain twice what is in the first and second together. Now, if $40 be removed from the third and put into the first, there will be half as much as in the third. What did each purse originally hold?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a cylinder 2006-05-22
A student pose la question :
Show that a volume of a cylinder equals to v = A2 / (4πh)
where h= height of the cylinder
A = area of a original paper

Penny Nom lui répond.
A concrete driveway 2006-05-21
Diane pose la question :
I am trying to estimate how many cubic yards of concrete I will need to pave my driveway. I have an area that is 30 ft wide by 25 ft long and then goes into an area that is 10 ft wide by 219 foot long. I would like to make this 4 inches thick. How many cubic yards of concrete will it take to do this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2006-05-21
A student pose la question :
how do you find the area of a triangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The y intercept 2006-05-20
Zeel pose la question :
how do you solve for the y intercept when the equation is y=-1.5x?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
The interior angles of a right triangle 2006-05-20
Greg pose la question :
I am wondering if there is a way to figure out the interior angles of a right triangle if we know ONLY the side lengths, and the trick is, we CANNOT use arctangent!
Leeanne Boehm and Penny Nom lui répond.
The coefficient of variation 2006-05-20
Glenn pose la question :
What is the correct formula for coefficient of variation for a binomial distribution?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square feet and acres 2006-05-19
Lisa pose la question :
1.12 acre= ???? sq ft
1.043 acre= ???? sq ft

I work in the loan department and I do appraisal reviews but I use square feet to determine my values.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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