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The height of a triangle 2006-12-01
Jeni pose la question :
I need to know how to figure out the height of a triangle when all I know are the sides and base. The sides are 5 and the base is 8 What do I do?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the height of the arc of the earth over a certain distance? 2006-12-01
Thomas pose la question :
what is the height of the arc of the earth over a certain distance?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Origine du signe racine carré 2006-11-30
Kévin pose la question :
Je suis simplement un élève de 3eme très curieux et j'aimerais savoir d'où vien le signe de la racine carré (l'espece de V) c'est une question toute bete mais ma prof de math ne peu me répondre le pouvez vous?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
$1250 at 6% for three years 2006-11-30
Nina pose la question :
Find the amount in an account if 1250 is invested at 6% compounded annually for 3 years
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
A scale model 2006-11-30
Adrianna pose la question :
1) A model of a storage compartment is to a scale of 1:40. If the surface area of the model is 25 square centimeters, what is the surface area of the actual storage compartment?

a) The storage compartment in the last question has an actual volume of 8 cubic metres. What is the volume of the model?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sectors of a circle 2006-11-30
Maithreyi pose la question :
A circle of diameter 21m is divided into three sectors with central angles 60degree,120degree and 180degree. Find the area of each sector?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A trip on the Grand River 2006-11-30
Kristy pose la question :
Romo decided to make a 28km trip up and 28km trip down the Grand River. the speed of the current is 3km. one way Romo travelled with the current and the other way against the current. During his trip, Romo stopped for half an hour for lunch. if Romo's total trip lasted 6hours, how fast did he travel?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A Norman window 2006-11-30
Joe pose la question :
a norman window is a rectangle with a semicircle on top. If a norman window has a perimeter of 28, what must the dimensions be to find the maximum possible area the window can have?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I have to design a lettering on corrugated plate 2006-11-29
Tim pose la question :
For a client of mine I have to design a lettering on corrugated plate. The lettering has to appear "normal" when viewed from the front (100%) I am so far now to consider the shape of the plate to be two halves of an oval/ellipse. What I would like to know is a way to calculate the percentage in which I have to "stretch" my design in order to let it appear "normal".
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
volume d'un cône 2006-11-29
Emmanuel pose la question :
On peut diviser un cube en 3 pyramides et ainsi en déduire le volume d'une pyramide. Mais comment peut-on déduire le volume d'un cône de celui d'un cylindre? Comment visualise-t-on la division d'un cylindre en trois?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The radius of a hemisphere 2006-11-29
Emma pose la question :
how do you calculate the radius of a hemisphere when you are given the volume?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
BEDMAS? 2006-11-29
john pose la question :
I won a contest and they have a confusing format for the STQ. here it is:
11 (+) 44 (x) 2 (-) 10 (%) 25
I've never seen brackets around the operands and wondering how to treat it. I fear they want me to answer the question left to right as the answer is 4 if I use BEDMAS I get 98.6 (which clearly sounds wrong for what they want)
any thoughts?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A triangle problem 2006-11-29
Ann pose la question :
Triangle FUN has A) 72.8
B) 65.2
C) 72.7
D) 65.3

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Percentage increase 2006-11-29
Toya pose la question :
I have some statistics from year to year based on drug seizures.(units= lbs) e.g. in 2005 123lbs seized in 2006 1518lbs seized. now i worked out the percentage increase as to be in the thousands which from looking at the figures is correct however i don't want to say 1000% increase.

using another formula current- previous *100 I got 92%. what exactly does this 92% represent and how can i use this number when presenting my answers instead of using 1000 + %

Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the expected number of ripe and ready to eat watermelons 2006-11-29
James pose la question :
An agricultural cooperative claims 95 percent of the watermelons shipped out are ripe and ready to eat. If 20 watermelons are shipped out , what is the probability that the number of watermelon that are ripe and ready to is (i) exactly 14 (ii) more than 18 (iii) of the 20 watermelons that are shipped what is the expected number of ripe and ready to eat watermelons
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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