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The volume of an irregular tetrahedron 2006-12-06
Hai Van pose la question :
Could you please show me the way to calculate the volume of an irregular tetrahedron
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of each side of a regular n-gon 2006-12-06
Shannen pose la question :
The problem is: Find the length of each side of a regular n-gon when a=80ft, n=20ft, and A is approx. 20,000 square feet.
What do "a" and "n" stand for and how do I find the side length of an n-gon?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Sin 2x / 1-Cos 2x = 2 Csc 2x - Tan x 2006-12-06
Mark pose la question :
I need to prove the following:
Sin 2x / 1-Cos 2x = 2 Csc 2x - Tan x

Steve La Rocque lui répond.
Star of Bethlehem 2006-12-05
Stephen pose la question :
I need to construct a star for a Christmas play being done at our church. I want it to be a four-pointed star. The top and side points should be 12 inches long and the bottom point 24 inches. It will be flat on the back but raised on the front with lights inside for illumination. Each point will be made of two triangles with a ridge in the center. I would like the width of the rays at the center (widest point or center of star) to be about five inches and the center ridge at this same point to be raised about two inches from the flat back. I need to know the dimensions and angles of each of the 8 triangles that make up the star so that all of them meet properly at the center of the star so as to have the correct height from the flat back.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sigma notation 2006-12-05
Marie pose la question :
how do i get this in sigma notation...i only need an explanation 1^2 + (2+3)^2 + (4+5+6)^2 + (7+8+9+10)^2....
Penny Nom lui répond.
Quiz grades 2006-12-05
Patricia pose la question :
Your quiz grades are 73, 75, 89 and 91. What is the lowest grade you can obtain on the last quiz and still achieve an average at least 85?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
27 snakes in four cages 2006-12-05
Sherril pose la question :
A zookeeper has to put 27 snakes in four cages. His problem is that he must have an odd number of snakes in each cage. How can he accomplish this? You can put any number of snakes in a cage as long as the total number of snakes in each cage is an odd number.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a hexagon 2006-12-04
Scott pose la question :
can you tell me the formula to find the area of a hexagon?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
2 digit combinations 2006-12-04
Gary pose la question :
please figure out for me what are the 2 digit combinations of numbers using numbers 0 thru 9
Penny Nom lui répond.
The Metra and the Amtrack 2006-12-03
Amy pose la question :
A Metra commuter train leaves Union Station in Chicago at 12 noon. Two hours later, an Amtrak train leaves on the same track, traveling at an average speed that is 50 miles per hour faster than the Metra train. At 3PM the Amtrak train is 10 miles behind the commuter train. How fast is each going?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
40 rabbits and 74 spots 2006-12-02
Gerard pose la question :
There were 40 rabbits at the rabbit farm. Some had 1 brown spot on them; the rest had 2 brown spots on them. There were 74 brown spots in all. How many rabbits had 1 brown spot?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four two-digit numbers 2006-12-02
Mary pose la question :
I have four two-digit numbers written on my paper. The sum of these 4 numbers is less than 100.

True or False - each number is less than 25

If all the numbers on my paper are different, what is the largest (two-digit) number I could possibly have written.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a 20 sided polygon 2006-12-02
Kate pose la question :
could you please tell me the strategy of how to work out the area of a 20 sided polygon
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of a circle 2006-12-01
Lisa pose la question :
i have 24m of fence how would i find out the area of a circle using this 24m of fence?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Linear inequalities 2006-12-01
Susan pose la question :
how would I graph a linear inequality of y>3.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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