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Fuzzy sets 2007-04-04
Vasile pose la question :
What is the theory fuzzy and what example and/or applications can give me? Thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simplify (1/3 + 1/3x) / (1/x + x/3x) 2007-04-04
Farina pose la question :
how do i simplify (1/3 + 1/3x) / (1/x + x/3x)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A delivery driver travels from Belfast to an address in Dublin 2007-04-04
Gerry pose la question :
A delivery driver travels from Belfast to an address in Dublin.The total distance fro the round trip was x%.The time required for the forward trip was xx hours.Due to heavy traffic during the return trip an extra xx was required How much slower was the delivery drivers speed on the return trip?.

I was wondering what equation would you use to solve this question.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Illusion géométrique 2007-04-04
Dominique pose la question :
Je n'arrive pas expliquer la modofocation de surface.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
A set of points in space 2007-04-04
Lenny pose la question :
What is a set of points in space the same given distance from its center point called?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Boat trigonometry 2007-04-04
Kimi pose la question :
Hi, I have been working on the attached math problem for my college trig class for over a week. Every avenue I've tried seems to lead either to a dead end, an unreasonable answer, or extremely complicated computations. I was able to calculate the speed of the boat to 3.51 mph, but cannot figure out the measure of angle beta. Once I can figure that out, I can do the rest of the problem. Thanks, Kimi
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The Pythagorean theorem 2007-04-04
Cassandra pose la question :
how do u find a and/or b using the Pythagorean theorem of a right triangle?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
Algebra 2007-04-03
Emily pose la question :
9,365 and 2,242 added to the difference between 255 and half of a number is 11,784. What is the number?
Haley Ess lui répond.
In what base does 25+25=51? 2007-04-03
Jenna pose la question :
In what base does 25+25=51?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
An equation with fractions 2007-04-03
deanna pose la question :
x      x
-- + -- =8
9       3
need help with showing work and answer

Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometric series 2007-04-03
jessica pose la question :
If a geometric series includes 54-18+6-2 as its fifteenth through eighteenth terms, find the sum of the second through the fifth term, inclusive.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How old will they both be when ... 2007-04-03
JOHN pose la question :
Lisa is 15 years old. Marcus is 49 years old. How old will they both be when Marcus is three times as old as Lisa?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A pipe with 8 inch inside diameter and ten feet long 2007-04-03
Frank pose la question :
How many cubit feet are there in a pipe with 8 inch inside diameter and ten feet long. Thank you
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
-4x=1/5 2007-04-03
deanna pose la question :
-4x=1/5 need help with showing work and answer
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The equation of a parabola 2007-04-03
Suez pose la question :
Find a parabola that passes through the point (1,4) and whose tangent lines at x= -1 and x= -5 have slopes 6 and -2 respectively.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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