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Direct and inverse Variation 2007-04-03
liz pose la question :
how do you tell if an equation varies Directly or Inversely? ex.

x= 2y or


i know that if you have three numbers (x. y, z) that it varies jointly but how do you tell if it is Inverse or Direct?

Thanks for the Help!


Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a parcel of land 2007-04-03
Ricky pose la question :
I need the attached land parcel (#0436) converted to acreage. This would be of great help to me. Thanks, Ricky
Penny Nom lui répond.
Understanding fractions and their equivalents 2007-04-02
Gail pose la question :
How can I get fourth grade students to understand fractions and their equivalents?
Diane Hanson lui répond.
Interior and exterior angles 2007-04-02
Anuj pose la question :
If in a regular polygon, each exterior angle is twice the interior angle,find the number of sides?
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
A 30% alcohol solution 2007-04-02
Jessica pose la question :
How many gallons of distilled water must be mixed with 50 gallons of 30% alcohol solution to obtain a 25% solution?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A missing observation 2007-04-02
destinee pose la question :
please help me my problem is 5,11,19,3,15,17,5,n find n given the following info.range:16 mode:5 median:8 mean:10 what the heck is the answer
Penny Nom lui répond.
Using the "difference of squares" formula how do I compute 27 * 33? 2007-04-02
Sarah pose la question :
Using the "difference of squares" formula how do I compute 27 * 33?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find the expression that represents it perimeter. 2007-04-01
Amy pose la question :
A rectangle has sides of 3x-4 and 7x+10. Find the expression that represents it perimeter.
Steve La Rocque and Haley Ess lui répond.
Tina swims 4 miles upstream at 1 mph 2007-03-31
Michael pose la question :
If Tina swims 4 miles upstream at 1 mph and back downstream to the same point to the same point at 4 mph, what is her average speed?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the intensity 5m below the surface? 2007-03-31
david pose la question :
I have this question which I am supposed to set it up and solve as a differential equation. I know how to solve the diffrential equation but I am having hard time understanding this question. Here is the question: The intensity of light in the ocean decreases the deeper you dive. In fact, the rate at which the intensity decreases is proportional to the current intensity. Setup the corresponding differential equation and solve for I(Y), the intensity I as a function of current intensity Y. If the light intensity 2m below the surface is 25% of the intensity at the surface, what is the intensity 5m below the surface. Can you please explain to me what does it mean by current intensity and how do I set this equation up. Thanks for the help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagonal box 2007-03-31
eddie pose la question :
I need to make one wood box in octagon type, that has 1125.00 square feet. I want to know how many feet in one side
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much gravel do I need 2007-03-31
linda pose la question :
how much gravel do I need for 254 square feet to be 4 inches deep?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A "claw setting" for a gemstone 2007-03-30
Stephanie pose la question :
I'm trying to make a cone out of a flat sheet of metal for a "claw setting" for a gemstone. The cone must be 8mm wide at the top and 11mm long tapering to a point. But because the prongs must be cut out of the top the cone should not start to taper for a length of 3mm from that top 8mm. The 3mm prong is then bent over the 8mm stone. That probably doesn't make enough sense. But I don't know how to explain it. If it helps a claw setting is the very common prong setting for engagement rings or earrings. Please help as soon as possible as this is a commissioned piece for someone and I'm running out of time. I don't remember any math really from high school so please make the instructions really easy to follow. Thank You!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
The size of a lot 2007-03-30
Phyllis pose la question :
Could you please figure out the square footage and acreage of my lot? One side is 480ft One side is 410ft One side is 480ft The last side is 410ft Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf schedule 2007-03-30
Jim pose la question :
I am organising a golf break for 12 golfers playing in 3 fourballs over 5 days. I would like to maximise the number of different golfers each player can play with. Any help would br greatly appreciated.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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