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.07 = (1 + x)/(1+.12) - 1 2007-04-17
Kathy pose la question :
How would you solve

.07 = (1 + x)/(1+.12) - 1

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Lowest terms 2007-04-17
Dawn pose la question :
For some reason, I have a hard time with Ratio and/or rate problems. My problem is as follow: Write each rate or ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. 6 days to 39 hours
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Write each rate or ratio as a fraction in lowest terms 2007-04-17
Dawn pose la question :
Write each rate or ratio as a fraction in lowest terms. $59.00 for 231 minutes
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two tangents to a circle 2007-04-17
Doug pose la question :
Two distinct, nonparallel lines are tangen to a circle. The measurement of the angle between the two lines is 54 degrees (angle QVP). Suppose the diameter of the circle is 2 cm. What is the distance VP? Suppose the distance VP is 3.93 cm. What is the diameter of the circle? Find a formula for d, the diameter of the circle, in terms of VP. Find a formula for VP in terms of d, the diameter of the circle.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Exponential form 2007-04-16
Cassia pose la question :
I was just wondering, how do you write the squared root of 7x(to the 5th) in exponential form? If you could help explain that I'd be grateful. Thanks
Brennan Yaremko lui répond.
Algebra 2007-04-16
Eugene pose la question :
X over 2, -3 =0 ?
Haley Ess lui répond.
Fractions! Fractions! Fractions! 2007-04-16
Maria pose la question :
Why are fractions important for:
1) The study of Mathematics
2) Real life

Haley Ess lui répond.
A gardener has 140 ft of fencing to fence 2007-04-16
Johann pose la question :
A gardener has 140 ft of fencing to fence in a rectangular shaped vegetable garden. To plant all his vegetables, the gardener needs more than 825 sq ft of space. What are the possibles values for the length of the rectangle that would meet the space requirements? You may assume that the variable x represents the length of the rectangle.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Factor by grouping 2007-04-16
Vincent pose la question :
How do you factor

the ( ) are exponents

4b4b(3)+ a(2)b - 4a - ab(4)

I still don't understand if there is no a in 4b4b

Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2007-04-16
kyrie pose la question :
simultaneous equation 4x + 3y = 21 2x * y = 8
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ounces and liters 2007-04-16
Simone pose la question :
I want to know how much is 80 ounces of water in liters?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rotated rectangle 2007-04-16
Graham pose la question :
There is a circle inside which from the centre to the top is a rectangle. Size is unimportant. If I the rectangle is at 0 degrees and I know the co-ordinates of the 4 corners I can do a check to see whether a given point x,y is inside the rectangle or not.

Question : If the rectangle is rotated by 50 degrees how do I check then as the lines of the rectangle are not perfectly straight with regards to x and y ie at 0 degrees x changes but y is constant and vice versa. At 50 degrees x and y change together.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rent per square foot per month 2007-04-16
julie pose la question :
my property is 60'x66' rent is $700 a month how much per inch per month does this equal how much per foot per month does this equal
Penny Nom lui répond.
the sum form r = 0 to r = m of C(n+r,n)=? 2007-04-15
Aastha pose la question :
FIND THE VALUE OF:- the sum form r = 0 to r = m of C(n+r,n)=?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rounding off 2007-04-15
deepak pose la question :
find the smallest and the greatest numbers which when rounded off to the nearest thousand, become 6000.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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