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Calculating interest 2007-04-15
Gerry pose la question :
Calculate the amount of interest received on £120.00 desposited in an account paying 3% simple interest for three years.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
y = cos(2x) and y = -0.5 2007-04-15
kassandra pose la question :
Sketch the graphs of y= cos 2x and y= -0.5 over the domain -pi < x
I was wondering if someone could check it for me thanks!

Penny Nom lui répond.
The second derivative 2007-04-14
Gerry pose la question :
In mathematical context,what do you understand by the term "Second Derivative"
Penny Nom lui répond.
How do i form a paper cone 2007-04-14
Sash pose la question :
How do i form a paper cone with the height of 25 cm, the slant height of 25.8 cm, and the radius of 6.2 cm?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a regular hexagon 2007-04-14
Chantel pose la question :
Could you please explain to me why the formula for a regular hexagon is 3√3/2 multiplied by side²? Thank you very much.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a heptagon 2007-04-14
Chantel pose la question :
Would you be able to tell me the formula to work out the area of a heptagon? thank you.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Radio waves 2007-04-14
john pose la question :
length of a 2.4 gig. radio wave
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of an irregular pentagon 2007-04-14
Steven pose la question :
I have been given a coursework in which i have to investigate various shapes to find the one that would give the largest area with 1000m perimeter. I'm stuck in a part where i have to calculate the area of a irregular pentagon. i don't know where to start from. I can make up the length of all the sides (5 sides), so long they add up to 1000, but i'm not quite sure what to do after that.
Penny Nom lui répond.
One number is 12 more than another. 2007-04-14
Devon pose la question :
One number is 12 more than another. The sum of the smaller number and twice the larger number is 39. Find the larger number.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Division of polynomials 2007-04-14
Rajendra pose la question :
Find the remainder when x3+3x+1 is divided by x+pi
Penny Nom lui répond.
A sketch of a quadratic equation 2007-04-14
Fee pose la question :
A ball is thrown upward from the roof of a 25m building. The ball reaches a height of 45m above the ground after 2s and hits the ground 5s after being thrown. Use the fact that the realtion between the height of the projectile and time is quadratic to draw an accurate graph of the relation on graph paper.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angle of depression 2007-04-14
Mary-Beth pose la question :
Two towers are 30 m apart. From the 15th floor, 40 m up, find the angle of depression to the base of the taller tower? I think the answer is 53, but the answer book says 37.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring by grouping 2007-04-13
vincent pose la question :
How would you factor the number in ( ) are exponents 2b(3)+3a(3)+3ab(2)+2a(2)b = and 4b4b(3)+a(2)b - 4a - ab(4) =
Haley Ess lui répond.
Word problems 2007-04-13
Perla pose la question :
1.A school district is proposing a 5% increase in the numbber of days in a school year. How long would a school year be with the proposed increase?

2. Keikio spent the day bird watching and counted 34 more birds in the morning than in the afternoon. If she counted a total of 76 birds, how many birds did she count in the afternoon?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Graphs of trig functions 2007-04-13
taylor pose la question :
The following graph represents a sine function in the form y=A sin B(x+C) +D or a cosine function in the form y=A cos B(x + C) +D. Write an equation of the graph in both forms
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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