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A scale factor 2007-04-18
QueenB pose la question :
Lindy is Planning To Build a Model Train Using A Scale Where 2 inches represents 25 feet. If the train is 60 feet long, what is the length in inches that lindy should Build The Model Of the train?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I am looking for a triangle joke 2007-04-18
deborah pose la question :
Hi there, I just found your website. Wow!
I am presenting a triangle presentation on Friday at school and I am looking for a triangle joke to open up the presentation.
Do you have one to share with me? I'm discussing types of triangles if that helps.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Undecagon 2007-04-18
Kiara pose la question :
What is the origin of the word undecagon?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Fahrenheit and centigrade 2007-04-18
kyrie pose la question :
help ? temperature formula: f and c represent degree's of temperature.
exact formula:
f = 9c / 5 + 32
approx formula:
f = 2c + 30

at what temp in c do these formulae give an equal value for f ?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many different ways can she purchase candy? 2007-04-18
fathia pose la question :
Stephanie can buy lemon candies for 3 cents each and chocolate candies for 5 cents each. Stephanie has 64 cents to spend. How many different ways can she purchase candy if she wants to spend all her money?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
-12/(7 - i) 2007-04-18
Diana pose la question :
Perform the operation. Write all answers in a + bi form.

7 - radical -1

Penny Nom lui répond.
Ax + By = C 2007-04-18
Diana pose la question :
find an equation in general form Ax + By = C with the following properties passing through points (a,b) and (2a, 2b)
Penny Nom lui répond.
How can I convert milliliters to grams? 2007-04-18
April pose la question :
What if I'm using cow's milk, how can I convert milliliters to grams?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
By how many feet was each dimension increased? 2007-04-18
Becca pose la question :
A rectangle is 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. If each dimension is increased by the same number of feet, the area off the new rectangle formed is 32 square feet more than the area of the original rectangle. By how many feet was each dimension increased? I need a diagram and 5 or more sentences for an explanation. Thanks!
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Radical form 2007-04-18
Cassia pose la question :
Hi Um, I had a question for algebra, I'm just curious of how to put x^3/8y^1/4 in radical form. Can you help me?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A box-and-whisker plot with no whiskers 2007-04-18
Paula pose la question :
Is it possible for a box-and-whisker plot to have no whiskers? 3 whiskers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Minimum cost for a fixed volume 2007-04-18
James pose la question :
My question goes: A silo is to be constructed and surmounted by a hemisphere. The material of the hemisphere cost twice as much as the walls of the silo. Determine the dimensions to be used of cost is to be kept to a minimum and the volume is fixed.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The speed at which the conveyor moves 2007-04-17
Sheila pose la question :
I am trying to figure out the speed (ft/min) of a conveyor. It has a 1HP, 1200 RPM motor with a reducer that has a ratio of 60:1. My reducer sprocket pitch diameter is 7.027 and my drive sprocket pitch diameter is 11.474. How do I use this information to find the speed at which the conveyor moves?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a regular octagon 2007-04-17
Adam pose la question :
I need to find the area of a regular octagon with side length of 12.5m
Penny Nom lui répond.
Scientific notation 2007-04-17
Cynthia pose la question :
Hi I was wondering if their was a shorter way to figure out this problem... The answer has to be in scientific notation.

A machine in a soft drink bottling factory caps 3 bottles per second.
How many bottles can it cap in 15 hours?
3,600 (forgot how I got that) multiplied by 15= 54,000
54,000 multiplied by 3 = 16,2000
answer 1.6times 10^5

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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