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Covering the ceiling of a garage 2017-02-20
DeAnna pose la question :
I am trying to drape a 15 x 30 garage with yards of fabric. If the yard of fabric is 60 inches wide, would 10 1/4 yards be enough for my space?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A total amount of $27,500 invested at 5% and 7% 2017-02-19
Brad pose la question :
Kristina invests a total of $27,500 in two accounts paying 5% and 7% simple interest, respectively. How much was invested in each account if, after one year, the total interest was $1,645.00.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A block base for a plywood rectangle 2017-02-18
Joe pose la question :
How many cinder blocks 16x8 would i need to build a solid base for a plywood base 54inches wide and 30 inches deep Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
Addition and subtraction base 5 2017-01-29
BABAWALE pose la question :
Simplify 342five +132five-223five
Penny Nom lui répond.
Vinculum 2017-01-27
Dick pose la question :
What is the line or bar over a Roman Numeral called?

Eg. V with the bar over it representing 5,000 .

Penny Nom lui répond.
Feet per second to miles per hour 2017-01-27
ron pose la question :
if a vehicle travels 50 feet in 2.5 seconds what is the speed in mph. 3600 sec in hour /5280 feet in a mile i get .68181818. how do i figure the 2.5 seconds. all the calculators I've used show 34 mph is that correct or am i forgetting the 2.5 second. please help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a slab 2017-01-21
Russell pose la question :
Working with a segment of a circle. The O.D. is 3.440" the length of the chord is 3.130 I need information on the volume of the largest area. I would like to know (in thousands of an inch) how tall would the largest area need to be to equal .1143 cubic inches If you need more info I can send it Thanks in advance
p lui répond.
Angular speed 2017-01-21
Kenzi pose la question :
A wheel of radius 14 inches is rotating 45°/sec. What is the linear speed in in/sec and the angular speed in RPM? (Round your answers to three decimal places)

I already found the linear speed. I got 10.996 in/sec. I don't know how to find the angular speed.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The ratio of students to teachers 2017-01-20
Dylan pose la question :
The ratio of students to teachers at a school is 19:1. How many students are there in each total number of people?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The average rate of change of cot(t) 2017-01-18
Brianna pose la question :
Hello! It's been a while since I've taken a math course, and I'm stuck on a problem in my calculus course.
The question is this:

Find the average rate of change of the function over the given interval.
h(t)=cot(t) a) [5pi/4, 7pi/4]

Penny Nom lui répond.
Five equations 2017-01-16
Muhammed pose la question :
A x 4 = E
B ÷ 4 = E
C + 4 = E
D - 4 = E
& A + B + C + D = 100
what is the value of E

Penny Nom lui répond.
Form the quadratic equation which has given roots 2017-01-16
Tharshini pose la question :
Given a and B are the roots of the quadratic equation x^2+4x+7=0. Form the quadratic equation which has the roots 3a-1 and 3B-1
Penny Nom lui répond.
One millionth of one percent of 90,000,000,000 2017-01-16
Gene pose la question :
What absolute number is one millionth of one percent of 90,000,000,000
Penny Nom lui répond.
How do I establish the original List Price? 2017-01-15
Bob pose la question :
(1) I have a net price item at $4,664.66 but do not have the discount percentage. I have been told I received 40%? How do I establish the original List Price and to confirm what discount I received?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in an isosceles triangle 2017-01-14
Sal pose la question :
There is a right isosceles triangle. Inscribed inside of it, is the largest possible circle. Ho do you find the value of the radius?

I want to find out a way of only using the rules/laws of geometry, or is that not possible.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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