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8^3/2(2+2) 2017-01-13
Mary pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangle with a given perimeter and area 2017-01-11
Joe pose la question :
i have a math question for homework that i don't understand. can you draw a rectangle that has 18cm in perimeters and 20cm in areas. i tried but i can't.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An angle and its complement 2017-01-10
Ysa pose la question :
If the measure of an angle is twice the measure of its complement, what is the measure of the angle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Renting an electric cart 2017-01-07
Desiree pose la question :
Vacation Rentals rents electric carts for travel on their grounds. The economy plan rents carts for $26 per day and the premium plan rents a carts for $12 per day plus a one time fee of $126.05
For how many whole days would it be cheaper to rent from the economy plan then from the premium plan?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A tolerance limit is 0.5% 2017-01-06
Joe pose la question :
Dear Sir/Madam,

How can I describe the following.

My volume tolerance limit is 0.5%,regardless of quantity.

Say , My total volume output is 344,714 Litres and benchmark volume is 348,194 Difference of 3480Litres, this would give me a percentage of 0.999.

Which is above my tolerance.
How can I explain this high tolerance limit even though volume difference is minimal.



Penny Nom lui répond.
A parabolic arch 2017-01-05
Rand pose la question :
It is most likely already been answered but I can not seem to find the right key words for the search engine?.

What I am looking for is, if you have an have arch/arc and you know the degree of slope and the height of the arch/arc from ground lvl; how do you factor the decreasing angle/#’s to get the distance tween the two feet on the assumption that the arch/arc is curved all the way to ground lvl?

a. where the legs widen continuously (till they hit ground) so yes parabolic &
b. where the legs come down straight after a ½ circumference run.

What I am focusing is the parabolic.

Many Thanks

Harley Weston lui répond.
Plans for dog kennels 2017-01-04
Pat pose la question :
So... I'm trying to draw up a plan for my new kennel buildings. They are going to built out of grain bins. I know, cool,... right. Anyway the kennels will be along the outside of the circle and be shaped like wedges. the center will be a play area. All of the kennel sides are 6 ft in length so the size of the gate will determine how many kennels I can fit in each bin. If I want to put an odd number of kennels in and I cant draw a straight line across to make all of the wedges the same size... how do I figure out the angles...degrees ? maybe i'm making it too hard but i'd like to give the dogs as much space as i can. I did up some ... attached.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A rational number between -4 and -5 2017-01-03
Anshika pose la question :
Write rational number between -4 and -5
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting a wire into 18 cm lengths 2016-12-29
Shambhavi pose la question :
A long wire of some length is cut into small pieces of 216 cm leaves a small piece of length of 89 cm of this part were cut into equal pieces each of 18 cm the length of the left over wire would be
Penny Nom lui répond.
Water leaking from a trough 2016-12-28
Kathryn pose la question :
A trough is 6 m long, and has uniform cross-section of an equilateral triangle with sides 1 m. Water leaks from the bottom of the trough, at a constant rate of 0.1 m3/min. Find the rate at which the water level is falling when the water is 0.2m deep.
Penny Nom lui répond.
An octagon from a square 2016-12-26
Chris pose la question :
We have a square piece of wood (30 inches x 30 inches) that we need to cut into an octagon. Is there a simple way to figure out where to make the marks/points to cut? I mean like really simple?


Penny Nom lui répond.
20+30*0+1=? 2016-12-26
Mr pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Write these numbers from greatest to least 2016-12-22
lsaiah pose la question :
write the following numbers from greatest to least

3 1/2, 7/3, 80%, 2.5, 0.94

Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations with fractions 2016-12-21
Kimi pose la question :
I am stuck on this,can someone please help me????

Can someone please explain how to solve questions like these?? Or else I will never learn...
Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Two concentric circles 2016-12-21
shrestha pose la question :
Two concentric circles have radii of 14 cm and 7 cm respectively. Find the area of space between them.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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