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Faster than as a percentage 2017-03-18
Maximilian pose la question :
Hi, i have a strange issue with the phrase "faster than" in percentage, ie. if i have a 10MB/s connection, and somebody has a 7MB/s connection, is it 30% faster or 50% faster.- which ( affirmation, phrase, sentence ) is the right one:

a:) My 10MB/S connection is 50% faster than the 7MB/s ?
b:) My 10MB/S connection is 30% faster than the 7MB/s ?

Thanks in Advance, and please if you can teach me why !

Penny Nom lui répond.
2^a, 2^b, 1^1 and 1^0 2017-03-17
Émile pose la question :
If you had 2^a = 4 and 2^b = 4 you could assume that a = b right? Yet we can observe that 1^1 and 1^0 both equal 1, yet 1 = 0 isn't true. So if given a log base 1 number 1 the would the answer be 1 AND 0?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage change in productivity 2017-03-15
Sunni pose la question :
I'm working on a graph and I need to find the percentage of increase from one figure to another. How do I do that? For instance our department started with a workload of 1773 in Jan and ended with 341 in Dec. In addition to that we received 2088 new items from Jan - Dec with an average of 5 workers. How do I find the percentage of increased productivity if any?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve 3x^2-19x-14=0 for x 2017-03-15
nick pose la question :
I'm an 8th grader and am quite confused with this equation: 3x^2-19x-14=0

The answer is:
-2/3 , 7

But I'm not sure how to solve for it.

Penny Nom lui répond.
The ratio of two ages 2017-03-15
Angel pose la question :
The sum of Keith's age and Alan's age is 36. Four years ago, the ratio of Keith's age to Alan's age was 4:3. Find the ratio of their present age
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the grade of the incline? 2017-03-12
Jon pose la question :
If I am climbing 16 feet in elevation over 80 feet horizontal. What is the grade of the incline
Penny Nom lui répond.
A regular tetrahedron 2017-03-12
Jeramie pose la question :
When we have a regular tetrahedron, is it always true that all the angles of the triangles measure 60 degrees?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much does the fish weigh? 2017-03-08
Jeri pose la question :
Fish is caught that weighs 5 pounds plus half its weight. How much does the fish weigh?
Penny Nom lui répond.
More on calculating the area (acreage) of a four-sided lot 2017-03-06
Kerri pose la question :

Can you please show the formula used to calculate areas as provided on this page:

Calculating the area (acreage) of a four-sided lot

Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2017-03-04
michael pose la question :
I was teaching my student about exponent when we stumbled across this problem.

"write (-125)^-3 in exponent form"

The problem is with the number "-125". I think -125 = (-5)^3. But one of my student thought that it is -125= -5^3.
Both of them is equal to -125 but they totally different in structure. I wonder which one is correct and why it is. I am worried if they get this wrong, it might spell problem in the future when we start substituting the numbers with variable.
Thank you very much for reading my question and answering it.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Tons of sand 2017-03-01
Elizabeth pose la question :
Hello my arena is 132.23 feet width by 132.23 feet length. I need to put 4 inches of sand. How many tons of sand do I need ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The inside diameter of a silo 2017-02-28
JOHN pose la question :
I need to find the inside diameter of a cement silo with an outside circumference 118 ft and a wall thickness of 7 inches. thank you John Kerr.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Building a hexagon enclosure 2017-02-26
Kenneth pose la question :
Hello, I have a question for you. I have a special needs daughter and I want to install a ceiling fan into her room. The fan is 42 inches in diameter. I would like to build a wooden hexagon enclosure to protect the fan. I would like the enclosure to be at least 2 inches wider than the fan on each side measuring from flat surface across to flat surface. How do I figure out the length of each panel so that I can miter them and assemble it? Thank you for your time.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Covering a ceiling with tablecloths 2017-02-24
DEANNA pose la question :
I am trying to cover a 16 x 31 foot ceiling with tablecloths. For sale, are 90 x 132 inch tablecloths for $4.97 a piece and 60 x 102 inch tablecloths for $3.85 a piece. Which would be my cheapest option to cover the entire space?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Filling a pool with two hoses 2017-02-20
Charlene pose la question :
A large hose will fill a pool in 40 minutes while it takes a smaller hose 60 minutes to fill the same pool. The same pool takes 80 minutes to drain if the drain is open. Suppose one day both the hoses are turned on, but by accident the drain was left open. How long would it take to fill the pool that day?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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