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The domain and range of a quadratic function 2007-07-17
Linda pose la question :
I have been trying to solve this problem but I'm unable to figure it out. How do I find the domain and range of y=-(x+1)^2-3? Please explain...thanks!
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Sample size 2007-07-17
Nurse pose la question :
If a population has standard deviation 20, what is = the minimum sample size to be 95% confident that the error should be = accurate to within 4?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A model for a building 2007-07-17
Carl pose la question :
A model for a building is 50 centimeters long, 38 centimeters wide, and 225 centimeters tall on model 1 centimeter represents 2.5 meters. I need to find the volume of the actual building in cubic meters,and the surface area of the building including ceilings and floors. round to the nearest tenth of a square meter.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2007-07-17
linda pose la question :
IF AREA EQUALS 12radical 30 of the triangle find the height B= 3 radical 3
Penny Nom lui répond.
Radical 96 plus radical 27 divide by radical 3 2007-07-17
linda pose la question :
radical 96 plus radical 27 divide by radical 3
Penny Nom lui répond.
Divide a square into seven pieces 2007-07-17
suzette pose la question :
how can you divide a square into 7 equal sizes and shapes?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A normal to a curve 2007-07-16
Samantha pose la question :
The function f is defined by f:x --> -0.5x^2 + 2x + 2.5
Let N be the normal to the curve at the point where the graph intercepts the y-axis. Show that the equation of N may be written as y = -0.5x + 2.5.
Let g:x--> -0.5x + 2.5
(i) find the solutions of f(x) = g(x)
(ii) hence find the coordinates of the other point of intersection of the normal and the curve

Penny Nom lui répond.
The isosceles triangle of largest area with perimeter 12cm 2007-07-16
sharul pose la question :
find the dimension of isosceles triangle of largest area with perimeter 12cm
Harley Weston lui répond.
Trig functions for angles not between 0 and 90 degrees 2007-07-16
Tim pose la question :
My question: Why is the value of a trigonometric function, the same, for an angle over 90 degrees and its reference angle? How are the angle and its reference related? Do they both form a triangle that has equal sides?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Another trig limit 2007-07-16
Richter pose la question :
lim (π + x)/[cos(x/2)]

Harley Weston lui répond.
A trig limit 2007-07-16
Richter pose la question :
what is the value of lim [cos (π/x)]/(x-2) as x-->2?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Height of a tower from two observations 2007-07-16
joyce pose la question :
An observer wishes to determine the height of a tower. He takes sight @ the top of the tower from A & B w/c are 5oft. apart @ the elevation on a direct line w/ the tower. The vertical angle @ point A is 30 degrees & the point B is 40 degrees. What is the height of the tower? Find the value of x in angle tangent 40 degrees and 30 degrees? Show the solution of the value of x?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Height of an antenna (angle of elevation) 2007-07-16
Fhay pose la question :
An antenna stands on the edge of the top of a 52 story building from a point 320 ft. from the base of the building, the angle of elevation to the top of the antenna is 64 degrees in each story is 12 ft. high. Find the height of the antenna
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Finding the area of a circle from its circumference 2007-07-16
Amanda pose la question :
what is the area of a circle with a circumference of 3000 metres?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The two towers (angles of elevation trigonometry) 2007-07-14
joyce pose la question :
The angle of elevation of tower B from the top of tower A is 28 degrees and the angle of elevation of the top of tower A from the base is 46 degrees Find the height of tower A if tower B is 120 m high?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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