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Proving a quadrilateral is a rectangle 2007-07-14
Sonja pose la question :
I was having this discussion with another teacher and we need a third opinion. When you are trying to prove a quadrilateral is a rectangle which method should you use:
  1. Prove the shape is a parallelogram by doing slope 4 times by stating that parallel lines have equal slopes. Then proving a right angle by stating that perpendicular lines have negative reciprocal slopes.
  2. Doing the slope 4 times and stating that the shape is a rectangle because opposite sides are parallel because of equal slopes and it contains a right angle because of negative reciprocal slopes.
I guess the real question is do you have to first state that the shape is a parallelogram?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Comparing flow rates of two pipes 2007-07-14
Kenneth pose la question :
If two water pipes are 3 feet long, but one of them has a 1 foot diameter and the second has a 1 1/2 foot diameter, what simple mathematical method can be used to determine how much faster one pipe can drain water than the other pipe?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Implicit Derivatives 2007-07-13
Charles pose la question :
I need help computing y' by implicit differentiation the question is: y^2 + x/y + 4x^2 - 3
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Any regular polygon inscribed in a circle 2007-07-12
DJ pose la question :
Circle with r=12" is inscribed in a regular octagon. What is the length of each octagon segment? Note: Our answer works for any regular polygon inscribed in any circle.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Length of a circle 2007-07-11
Debra pose la question :
i have a radius of 73 inches, i need to know the length of the circle please.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Discount percentage 2007-07-11
Greg pose la question :
List Price: $50.00 Discount: 33 1/3% What would the net price be?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Compound interest 2007-07-11
Michelle pose la question :
Present Value of $1500 to be paid in Year 7, with an interest rate of 12%
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Converting measurements 2007-07-11
Nicole pose la question :
if you have 8 oz of water how many cc: will there be.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Calculating sales taxes 2007-07-11
Tonya pose la question :
Hi, Im having trouble calculating GST and PST I know that in this province, GST is 6% and PST is 7%, I have a total of $275, and GST is 0.06, and PST is 0.07, so do I add those two and multiply them by the total, $275?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The probability of rolling double sixes twice in a row 2007-07-10
Matt pose la question :
what is the probability of rolling double sixes twice in a row?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Grams of vodka 2007-07-10
Andrew pose la question :
milliliters to grams..vodka 80 proof?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
How many women and men math students are there? 2007-07-09
Bing pose la question :
there are 38 math students. How many men and women strudents are there if the women exceeded one half of the men by 17?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Derivative of a Function 2007-07-09
Bob pose la question :
What is the derivative of the function a sub n = [n/(n+1)]^n ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Dried grapes and percentage of water content 2007-07-09
Jyoti pose la question :
Fresh grapes contain 90% water by weight while dried grapes contain 20 % water by weight. what will be the weight of dry graprs available from 20kg of fresh grapes?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
loga b + logb a < 0 2007-07-08
Claire pose la question :
Suppose a, b are real numbers taking all positive values except 1, determine (without the use of calculators) whether there exists values of a and b such that loga b + logb a < 0
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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