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What fraction of the company does Mary own? 2007-07-18
Bridget pose la question :
Sam and Mary each owned one-half stock in a printing company. Sam sold 2/3 of his stock to Mary. What fractional part of the printing business does Mary now own?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Fractions of fractions 2007-07-18
Bridget pose la question :
Sam and Mary each owned one-half stock in a printing company. Sam sold 2/3 of his stock to Mary. What fractional part of the printing business does Mary now own?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the bearing from the port to the ship? 2007-07-18
fhay pose la question :
A ship leaves a port and sails for 4 hours on a course of 78 degrees at 18 knots. Then the ship changes its course to 168 degrees and sails for 6 hours at 16 knots. After 10 hours(a) what is the distance of the ship from a port and (b) what is the bearing from the port to the ship?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Angle of depression (declination) between sailboat observations 2007-07-18
Joyce pose la question :
From a cliff 150 ft above a lake, we see a boat sailing directly towards us. The angle of depression of the boat is seen to be 5 degrees and 7 inches and 11 degrees and 18 inches. Find the distance sailed between observations.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The cost of some groceries 2007-07-18
A student pose la question :
Two boxesof the cereal and our four cans of the pears were boutht at grocery store,the cereal cost $2.29per box and the pears cost 79cent per can.sales tax is 6% what was the total cost of the food diregerding ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Angle of inclination from the horizontal 2007-07-18
Joyce pose la question :
In flying upward for 1260 yards along a straight inclined path airplane rises 156 yards. Find the climbing angle ( the angle of inclination from the horizontal) Thank you in advance
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Calculating the area (acreage) of a four sided lot 2007-07-18
A property owner pose la question :
I have a real estate property and the lot size is something I need to find out. I know the lengths of the four sides, but it isn't a rectangle, it is an odd shape. How do I find the acreage?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Equivalence relations 2007-07-18
jim pose la question :
Determine whether the given relation is an equivalence relation on the set. Describe the partition arising from each equivalence relations.
1. x is Related to y in Real number if lxl=lyl.
2. n is Related to m in Z+ if n and m have the same number of digits in the usual base ten notation.

Let n be a particular integer in Z+. Show that congruence modulo n is an equivalence relation on Z.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The area of a triangular pyramid 2007-07-18
Jhezelle pose la question :
What is the formula of finding the surface area of a triangular pyramid?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Circle Geometry III 2007-07-17
Sean pose la question :
Two rays are drawn from the same point A outside a circle, and intersect the circle as shown in the picture. Prove that the measure of angle A is one-half the difference between the measures of arcs BD and CE.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The height of an arc at the center 2007-07-17
Bob pose la question :
I have a circle with a 26" radius and a cord whose length is 20". How can I find the height of the arc at the center point of the cord?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Pythagoras theorem in daily life 2007-07-17
sana pose la question :
i would like to what are the 5 practical uses of the Pythagoras theorem in daily life??? its for a math project thanx a lot sana
Penny Nom lui répond.
Circle Geometry II 2007-07-17
Sean pose la question :
Let M be a point outside a circle, and let a line through M be tangent to the circle at point P. Let the line through M and the center of the circle intersect the circle in points Q, R.
Prove that │PM│2 = │MQ│ x │MR│

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a property 2007-07-17
Mary pose la question :
I currently have an opportunity to sell my property to a business and they would like me to send a proposal to them with details. I need to know the square footage of my property and have tried using your formula from similar questions. The dimensions of my property are as follows
front line facing street: 19.908 m
right side : 37.338 m
back line : 29.779 m
left side : 43.983m
The front line and the right side are at right angles to each other. Can you formulate and reply? Thank you Mary

Harley Weston lui répond.
Circle Geometry - Quadrilateral circumscribing a circle 2007-07-17
Sean pose la question :
Four lines are tangent to a circle that form a quadrilateral. It appears that the quadrilateral is a trapeziod but this is not a given. Prove that the combined lengths of two opposing sides of the quadrilateral are equal to the combined lengths of the other two opposing sides of the quadrilateral.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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