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A triangular pyramid 2007-07-22
shani pose la question :
my homework question is confusing (yr 7 beginner) "How many vertices does a triangular pyramid have." (Mum thinks all triangles are triangular& vertices are sides) I want to be sure.
Penny Nom lui répond.
f(x) = (x^4) - 4x^3 2007-07-22
Michael pose la question :
I'm a student who needs your help. I hope you'll be able to answer my question. Here it is: Given the function f(x)=(x^4)-4x^3, determine the intervals over which the function is increasing, decreasing or constant. Find all zeros of f(x) and indicate any relative minimum and maximum values of the function.
Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Why are these two questions different? 2007-07-21
Mac pose la question :
Basically i like to know the difference between two solutions. ( I taken this questions from a web link)

Questions1) From 6 boys and 4 girls, 5 are to be selected to admission for a particular house. In how many ways can this be done if there must be exactly 2 girls. sol)
C(4,2)= 6
C(6,3)= 20
solutions is : 6*20= 120.

Question2) Out of 10 consonants and 4 vowels how many words can be formed each containing 6 consonants and 3 vowels.
sol) C(10,6)
and then 9! for arranging the selected words(9 character word). solution= C(10,6) * C(4,3) * 9! = 30,48,19,200

Now my question is, why are we multiplying 9! in the second problem and why we didnt multiply 5! in the first question ?

Claude Tardif and Harley Weston lui répond.
The bearings of a ship's journey 2007-07-20
sugar pose la question :
A ship starts from point osail eastward for 6 hours. Then changes its course to N50E for 8 hours and then N62W for 10 hours until it reaches the point c. If the speed of the ship was imi/h, what is the bearing of the side oc?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Some trig problems 2007-07-20
Jocelyn pose la question :
I wasn't able to solve this equation:

only find the function using Pythagorean theorem
Please help me....

sinA = 3/4 find secB
tanA = 3/4 find cosA
sinB = 4/5 find tan A
cosA = 5 find csc A
b =5; a= 12 find sin A
c =25; a = 24 find cot A
a = 6; c =10 find b?
Find B when c = 25; a = 24
Find A when a = 5 and b = 12
csc = 1/2 find cos

Penny Nom lui répond.
Markup 2007-07-19
Andrea pose la question :
if a product cost $2.00 and it is marked up to $6.00 this would be a 200% increase. (4/2 x100) = 200%. this is easy to compute.......but when you compute 2 x 200% it is 4.

this works if you only go up to 100% like $2 to $4 is 100% either way you compute it. Why does it only work up to 100%

Penny Nom lui répond.
A football stand 2007-07-19
jean pose la question :
a football stand 150 yd. long has 20 tiers of seats; each has a rise of 2 ft. and tread of 3 ft. it constructed of reinforced concrete with a cross section of 36*54. find the amount of material used in its construction.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a cistern 2007-07-19
sharon pose la question :
We have a cistern to hold spring water that measures 12 feet in depth by 5 feet in diameter. How much in liquid gallons will it hold?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangular trough 2007-07-19
janine pose la question :
A trough is formed by nailing together, edge to edge, two boards 11 ft. in length, so that the right section is a right triangle. If a 15 gallon of water are poured into the trough and if the trough is held level so that a right section of water is an isosceles right triangle, how deep is the water? (231cu.in=1 gal.)
Penny Nom lui répond.
An oblique triangle 2007-07-19
fhay pose la question :
In an oblique triangle, If side a=95, side b=102 and side c = 150 find the missing angles solved by right angles...Thank's a lot......
Penny Nom lui répond.
Je suis le plus petit entier de 3 chiffres. Qui suis-je? 2007-07-18
Auerhaan pose la question :
De quel chiffre parle-t-on?
Je suis le plus petit entier de 3 chiffres Qui suis-je?
Le cahier de vacances donne comme solution : 120, ce qui me parrais très étrange !) Merci d'avance pour votre réponse..!

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A matrix of polynomials 2007-07-18
Mac pose la question :
can you please help me out to solve this ?

Let A be a n*n matrix, the elements of which are real (or complex) polynomial in x. If r rows of the determinant becomes identical when x=a, then the determinant
A) has a factor of order r
B) has a factor or order > r
C) has no factor
D) has a factor of order < r

Harley Weston lui répond.
How many diagonals does a polygon have? 2007-07-18
Edna pose la question :
how do you find the numbers of diagonals of a polygons?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
I need all the possible 4 digit combinations... 2007-07-18
Jo pose la question :
I have lost the code for my car stereo. I need all the possible 4 digit combinations using the numerals 1 2 3 4 5 and 6. Thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
If x = 2 then 4 + 5x / 4 + x = ? 2007-07-18
Daniel pose la question :
If x = 2 then 4 + 5x / 4 + x = ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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