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Vertices 2007-09-18
Richard pose la question :
Please help. Do not understand vertices, as in how many in a cone, hemisphere, etc.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Filling a planting bed 2007-09-18
Luke pose la question :
How many 40lbs bags will it take to fill area 21feet long 45inchs wide 9 inch deep?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a regular polygon 2007-09-18
Ashwynn pose la question :
why does the area of regular polygons with a perimeter of 1000m increase as the number of sides increase?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The range of a projectile 2007-09-18
Claudette pose la question :
This is a maximum minimum problem that my textbook didn't even try to give an example of how to do it in the text itself. It just suddenly appears in the exercises. Problem: The range of a projectile is R = v^2 Sin 2x/g, where v is its initial velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity and is a constant, and x is the firing angle. Find the angle that maximizes the projectile's range. The author gives no information other than the formula. I thought to find the derivative of the formula setting that to zero, but once I had done that, I still had nothing that addressed the author's question. Any help would be sincerely appreciated. Claudette
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Find my number using the following clues: 2007-09-18
T pose la question :
Find my number using the following clues: my number will make an array 2 rows wide my number is greater than 5 my number is less than 30 my number will make a square array my number is________? I was not sure where to begin with this word problem - can you help?? Thank you, T
Penny Nom lui répond.
How do I determine how many tons, 15 yards of top soil is? 2007-09-18
Terry pose la question :
One company is selling topsoil by the yard and another by the ton, how do I determine how many tons, 15 yards of top soil is?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Prove that any two consecutive integers are relativley prime. 2007-09-18
Michael pose la question :
Im not very good at proofs and I was wandering if you would be able to help me with the following question: Prove that any two consecutive integers is relativley prime. Thanks a million.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem 2007-09-17
Martin pose la question :
One more than the difference between 18 and seven times a number is -9
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A fraction that cannot be simplified 2007-09-17
Kevin pose la question :
Make a fraction that cannot be simplified and has 24 as its denominator?
Stephen La Rocque and Chris Langdon lui répond.
The ratio of arm span to height 2007-09-17
Chandler pose la question :
I am doing ratios and I was wondering if... well let me explain first. I have data on the arm span and heights of 10 students including myself now i have my measurements of me are 66inches arm span. and 66 inches height. my second piece of data is 71 inches arm span and 67 inches height now my ratio is 71:67 right? i thought i would need to simplify. but i cant really simplify this ratio and these numbers. what do I do?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two cars 2007-09-17
Lanie pose la question :
Two cars enter the Florida Turnpike at Commercial Boulevard at 8:00am, each heading for Wildwood. One car's average speed is 10 miles per hour more than the other's. The faster car arrives at Wildwood at 11:00 am, 1/2 hour before the other car. What is the average speed of each car? How far did each travel?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Taping the gym floor 2007-09-17
Marina pose la question :
You are helping the coach tape lines on the gym floor to divide the length of the gym into 8 lanes of the same size. If it takes one minute to tape a line,how long will it take to do the job. State the strategy /strategies you used and why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is 10 to the power of 1 the same as 10? 2007-09-17
Mac pose la question :
Is 10 to the power of 1 the same as 10?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A 5 by 5 checkerboard 2007-09-17
Darren pose la question :
Hi, I'm Darren and i have some questions to ask you about this problem: In a 5 by 5 checkerboard : how many 2 by 2 squares are there, what other sizes of squares do you need to count and how many of of each size of squares can you find; how many squares did you find in all
Victoria West lui répond.
The complement of an angle 2007-09-16
tom pose la question :
The measure of the complement is 12 more than twice the original angle. Find the measure of the angles.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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